# HG changeset patch
# User Gernot Schulz <gernot@intevation.de>
# Date 1454847992 -3600
# Node ID 190a81a60e7edfd1d517be0c718bcc431a2266a9
# Parent  ba41c0fbd6e7abe2c82f5fba0da5e61c50ddb72f

G: changed README.txt

diff -r ba41c0fbd6e7 -r 190a81a60e7e README.txt
--- a/README.txt	Sun Jan 31 15:39:27 2016 +0100
+++ b/README.txt	Sun Feb 07 13:26:32 2016 +0100
@@ -2,19 +2,31 @@
 author: sean engelhardt > sean.engelhardt@intevation.de
 license: GNU >= V2. See LICENSE for details
-dependencies: python3 standard library
-usage: python3 dash.py
-the configuration is provided in the "dash.conf" file.
+    - Python3 standard library
+    - Optional: Roundup Issue Collector (roundup-cc) for web_view module
+      (https://wald.intevation.org/projects/roundup-cc/)
-If there is no "dash.conf" file, the programm will create a new one.
-For further details see the insctructions inside the dash.conf.
+To be able to enable the web_view tile the roundup_cc program needs to be
+present in modules/web_view/:
+    hg clone https://wald.intevation.org/hg/roundup-cc/ modules/web_view/roundup_cc
+python3 dash.py
+The configuration is provided in the "dash.conf" file.  If there is no
+"dash.conf" file, the program will create a new one.
+For further details see the instructions inside dash.conf.
+To do:
 POST-Request to update the tiles:
-curl -d service= -d status=up localhost:8080/updown
-curl -d service= -d status=down localhost:8080/updown
\ No newline at end of file
+    curl -d service= -d status=up localhost:8080/updown
+    curl -d service= -d status=down localhost:8080/updown