felix@440: run.sh:
felix@440: From ChangeLog, 
felix@440: 2009-09-09	Sascha L. Teichmann	<sascha.teichmann@intevation.de>
felix@440: 	* artifact-database/doc/artifactdb-example-conf.xml: removed
felix@440: 	* artifact-database/doc/example-conf/conf.xml: Re-added here.
felix@440: 	The configuration is now found in a subdirectory set by the
felix@440: 	system property 'artifact.database.dir'. If this property is
felix@440: 	not set '~/.artitactdb' is used. This directory should contain
felix@440: 	a file 'conf.xml' with the configuration details.
felix@440: 	  If the artifact database is started as a standalone the config
felix@440: 	directory is searched for 'log4j.properties' to configure the
felix@440: 	logging.
felix@440: 	  The H2 database is also search in this directory with the
felix@440: 	name 'artifacts.db' if the connection url in config.xml is
felix@440: 	not overwritten.
felix@440:         [...]
felix@440: 	* contrib/run.sh: Little start script to launch artifact database for test
felix@440: 	purpose from classes without the need to build packages. 
felix@440: 	Background: The maven exec:exec goal does not work consistently for me (slt). 
felix@440: 	At home it does, at work it doe not. Anyway. Usage:
felix@440: 	$ ./contrib/run.sh \
felix@440: 	      -Dartifact.database.dir=artifact-database/doc/example-conf/ \
felix@440: 	      de.intevation.artifactdatabase.App