comparison gnv-artifacts/contrib/palette2qgis.xsl @ 657:af3f56758f59

merged gnv-artifacts/0.5
author Thomas Arendsen Hein <>
date Fri, 28 Sep 2012 12:13:53 +0200
parents a8f6ca59b26e
children f953c9a559d8
equal deleted inserted replaced
590:5f5f273c8566 657:af3f56758f59
1 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
2 <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
3 <!--
4 palette2qgis.xsl
5 ================
6 Transforms palette XML files into QGIS style files. Useful
7 to display "Horizontalschnitte" with the right colors.
9 Tested with Quantum GIS 1.4.0-Enceladus.
11 usage: xsltproc palette2qgis.xsl palette.xml > style.qml
13 Author: Sascha L. Teichmann (
14 -->
15 <xsl:output
16 method="xml"
17 doctype-system="PUBLIC '' 'SYSTEM'"/>
19 <xsl:template name="hex2number">
20 <xsl:param name="hex"/>
21 <xsl:choose>
22 <xsl:when test="string-length($hex) &lt; 1">
23 <xsl:value-of select="0"/>
24 </xsl:when>
25 <xsl:otherwise>
26 <xsl:variable
27 name="x"
28 select="translate(substring($hex, string-length($hex), 1), 'ABCDEF', 'abcdef')"/>
29 <xsl:variable name="last">
30 <xsl:choose>
31 <xsl:when test="$x = 'a'">10</xsl:when>
32 <xsl:when test="$x = 'b'">11</xsl:when>
33 <xsl:when test="$x = 'c'">12</xsl:when>
34 <xsl:when test="$x = 'd'">13</xsl:when>
35 <xsl:when test="$x = 'e'">14</xsl:when>
36 <xsl:when test="$x = 'f'">15</xsl:when>
37 <xsl:otherwise>
38 <xsl:value-of select="$x"/>
39 </xsl:otherwise>
40 </xsl:choose>
41 </xsl:variable>
42 <xsl:variable name="rest">
43 <xsl:call-template name="hex2number">
44 <xsl:with-param
45 name="hex"
46 select="substring($hex, 1, string-length($hex)-1)"/>
47 </xsl:call-template>
48 </xsl:variable>
49 <xsl:value-of select="number($last) + 16*$rest"/>
50 </xsl:otherwise>
51 </xsl:choose>
52 </xsl:template>
54 <xsl:template match="/ranges/range">
55 <symbol>
56 <lowervalue><xsl:value-of select="@index"/></lowervalue>
57 <uppervalue><xsl:value-of select="@index"/></uppervalue>
58 <label><xsl:value-of select="@description"/></label>
59 <pointsymbol>hard:circle</pointsymbol>
60 <pointsize>2</pointsize>
61 <pointsizeunits>pixels</pointsizeunits>
62 <rotationclassificationfieldname/>
63 <scaleclassificationfieldname/>
64 <symbolfieldname/>
65 <outlinecolor red="0" blue="0" green="0"/>
66 <outlinestyle>NoPen</outlinestyle>
67 <outlinewidth>0.26</outlinewidth>
68 <xsl:variable name="rgb">
69 <xsl:call-template name="hex2number">
70 <xsl:with-param name="hex" select="substring(@rgb, 2)"/>
71 </xsl:call-template>
72 </xsl:variable>
73 <xsl:variable name="red" select="floor(($rgb div (256*256)) mod 256)"/>
74 <xsl:variable name="green" select="floor(($rgb div 256) mod 256)"/>
75 <xsl:variable name="blue" select="floor($rgb mod 256)"/>
76 <fillcolor red="{$red}" blue="{$blue}" green="{$green}"/>
77 <fillpattern>SolidPattern</fillpattern>
78 <texturepath null="1"/>
79 </symbol>
80 </xsl:template>
81 <xsl:template match="/">
82 <qgis version="1.4.0-Enceladus" minimumScale="1" maximumScale="1e+08" minLabelScale="1" maxLabelScale="1e+08" hasScaleBasedVisibilityFlag="0" scaleBasedLabelVisibilityFlag="0">
83 <transparencyLevelInt>255</transparencyLevelInt>
84 <classificationattribute>CLASS</classificationattribute>
85 <symbol>
86 <lowervalue null="1"/>
87 <uppervalue null="1"/>
88 <label>Andere</label>
89 <pointsymbol>hard:circle</pointsymbol>
90 <pointsize>2</pointsize>
91 <pointsizeunits>pixels</pointsizeunits>
92 <rotationclassificationfieldname/>
93 <scaleclassificationfieldname/>
94 <symbolfieldname/>
95 <outlinecolor red="0" blue="0" green="0"/>
96 <outlinestyle>DashDotDotLine</outlinestyle>
97 <outlinewidth>0.26</outlinewidth>
98 <fillcolor red="59" blue="81" green="179"/>
99 <fillpattern>SolidPattern</fillpattern>
100 <texturepath null="1"/>
101 </symbol>
102 <uniquevalue>
103 <classificationfield>CLASS</classificationfield>
104 <xsl:apply-templates/>
105 </uniquevalue>
106 <edittypes>
107 <edittype type="0" name="CLASS"/>
108 <edittype type="0" name="DATE"/>
109 <edittype type="0" name="LAYER"/>
110 <edittype type="0" name="PARAMETER"/>
111 </edittypes>
112 <editform/>
113 <editforminit/>
114 <displayfield>PARAMETER</displayfield>
115 <label>0</label>
116 <attributeactions/>
117 <labelattributes>
118 <label fieldname="" text="Beschriftung"/>
119 <family fieldname="" name="Sans Serif"/>
120 <size fieldname="" units="pt" value="12"/>
121 <bold fieldname="" on="0"/>
122 <italic fieldname="" on="0"/>
123 <underline fieldname="" on="0"/>
124 <color fieldname="" red="0" blue="0" green="0"/>
125 <x fieldname=""/>
126 <y fieldname=""/>
127 <offset x="0" y="0" units="pt" yfieldname="" xfieldname=""/>
128 <angle fieldname="" value="0" auto="0"/>
129 <alignment fieldname="" value="center"/>
130 <buffercolor fieldname="" red="255" blue="255" green="255"/>
131 <buffersize fieldname="" units="pt" value="1"/>
132 <bufferenabled fieldname="" on=""/>
133 <multilineenabled fieldname="" on=""/>
134 </labelattributes>
135 </qgis>
136 </xsl:template>
137 <xsl:template match="text()"/>
138 </xsl:stylesheet>