diff gnv-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/gnv/state/profile/horizontal/HorizontalProfileMeshCrossOutputState.java @ 420:c6a287398379

Outsourcing of some methods for preparing results for chart creation. gnv-artifacts/trunk@468 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Ingo Weinzierl <ingo.weinzierl@intevation.de>
date Mon, 21 Dec 2009 15:57:04 +0000
parents 6eae1efb5fc3
children 2402173a1490
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/gnv-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/gnv/state/profile/horizontal/HorizontalProfileMeshCrossOutputState.java	Mon Dec 21 15:28:33 2009 +0000
+++ b/gnv-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/gnv/state/profile/horizontal/HorizontalProfileMeshCrossOutputState.java	Mon Dec 21 15:57:04 2009 +0000
@@ -3,21 +3,13 @@
 package de.intevation.gnv.state.profile.horizontal;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
 import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Locale;
 import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
 import org.w3c.dom.Node;
-import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate;
-import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Point;
-import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString;
 import com.vividsolutions.jts.io.ParseException;
-import com.vividsolutions.jts.io.WKTReader;
 import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.Config;
@@ -27,32 +19,11 @@
 import de.intevation.gnv.chart.ChartLabels;
 import de.intevation.gnv.chart.HorizontalCrossProfileChart;
-import de.intevation.gnv.geobackend.base.DefaultResultDescriptor;
-import de.intevation.gnv.geobackend.base.ResultDescriptor;
-import de.intevation.gnv.geobackend.base.DefaultResult;
 import de.intevation.gnv.geobackend.base.Result;
-import de.intevation.gnv.math.Point2d;
-import de.intevation.gnv.math.Interpolation2D;
-import de.intevation.gnv.geobackend.base.query.QueryExecutor;
-import de.intevation.gnv.geobackend.base.query.QueryExecutorFactory;
 import de.intevation.gnv.geobackend.base.query.exception.QueryException;
-import de.intevation.gnv.geobackend.sde.datasources.ResultSet;
-import de.intevation.gnv.utils.IndexBuffer;
-import de.intevation.gnv.utils.DistanceCalculator;
-import de.intevation.gnv.math.LinearFunction;
-import de.intevation.gnv.math.LinearMetrics;
-import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.fitting.CurveFitter;
-import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.general.GaussNewtonOptimizer;
-import org.apache.commons.math.optimization.OptimizationException;
-import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException;
+import de.intevation.gnv.utils.WKTUtils;
 import org.jfree.chart.ChartTheme;
@@ -155,115 +126,13 @@
                 if (this.inputData.containsKey("mesh_linestring")){
                     try {
-                        // 1. IJK Anfragen für Stuetzpunkte im Netz ausführen.
-                        LineString ls = (LineString)new WKTReader().read(this.inputData
-                                                                         .get("mesh_linestring")
-                                                                         .getValue());
-                        Coordinate[] coords = ls.getCoordinates();
-                        List<java.awt.Point> points = new ArrayList<java.awt.Point>(coords.length);
-                        String meshid = this.inputData.get("meshid").getValue();
-                        QueryExecutor queryExecutor = QueryExecutorFactory
-                                                        .getInstance()
-                                                        .getQueryExecutor();
-                        ArrayList missingPoints = new ArrayList();
-                        String additionWhere = "FEATUREID=FEATUREID";
-                        for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) {
-                            String wkt = toWKT(coords[i]);
-                            result = queryExecutor.executeQuery(this.ijkQueryID,
-                                                               new String[]{meshid,wkt});
-                            if (!result.isEmpty()){
-                                Result resultValue = result.iterator().next();
-                                int iPos = resultValue.getInteger(1);
-                                int jPos = resultValue.getInteger(0);
-                                log.debug("Found Pos "+iPos+"/"+jPos +" for "+wkt);
-                                points.add(i, new java.awt.Point(iPos,jPos));
-                            }else{
-                                log.debug("No i/j Pos found for "+wkt);
-                                missingPoints.add(new Object [] { Integer.valueOf(i), coords[i] });
-                                points.add(i, null);
-                                // Special Case no i,j found for Coordinate
-                            }
-                        }
-                        if (missingPoints.size() == coords.length) {
-                            log.debug("cannot create index buffer");
-                        }
-                        else { // generate index filter
-                            boolean remainsMissingPoints = !missingPoints.isEmpty();
-                            if (remainsMissingPoints) {
-                                // try to guess the missing (i, j)
-                                CurveFitter iFitter = new CurveFitter(new GaussNewtonOptimizer(true));
-                                CurveFitter jFitter = new CurveFitter(new GaussNewtonOptimizer(true));
-                                for (int i = 0, N = points.size(); i < N; ++i) {
-                                    java.awt.Point p = (java.awt.Point)points.get(i);
-                                    if (p != null) {
-                                        Coordinate coord = coords[i];
-                                        iFitter.addObservedPoint(coord.x, p.x);
-                                        jFitter.addObservedPoint(coord.y, p.y);
-                                    }
-                                }
-                                try {
-                                    // XXX: Assumption: (i, j) are created by componentwise linear function.
-                                    // This is surely not correct because (x, y) are in a ellipsoid projection.
-                                    // TODO: use ellipsoid functions and fit with Levenberg Marquardt.
-                                    double [] iParams = iFitter.fit(
-                                        LinearFunction.INSTANCE, new double [] { 1d, 1d });
-                                    double [] jParams = jFitter.fit(
-                                        LinearFunction.INSTANCE, new double [] { 1d, 1d });
-                                    for (int i = missingPoints.size()-1; i >= 0; --i) {
-                                        Object [] a = (Object [])missingPoints.get(i);
-                                        Coordinate coord = (Coordinate)a[1];
-                                        int pi = (int)Math.round(iParams[0]*coord.x + iParams[1]);
-                                        int pj = (int)Math.round(jParams[0]*coord.y + jParams[1]);
-                                        points.set(
-                                            ((Integer)a[0]).intValue(),
-                                            new java.awt.Point(pi, pj));
-                                    }
-                                    remainsMissingPoints = false; // we filled the gaps
-                                }
-                                catch (FunctionEvaluationException fee) {
-                                    log.error(fee);
-                                }
-                                catch (OptimizationException oe) {
-                                    log.error(oe);
-                                }
-                            }
-                            if (!remainsMissingPoints) {
-                                // TODO: Make Tablenames and Columns Configurable
-                                IndexBuffer ib = new IndexBuffer(
-                                    points, 
-                                    "MEDIAN.MESHPOINT.IPOSITION", 
-                                    "MEDIAN.MESHPOINT.JPOSITION" );
-                                additionWhere = ib.toWhereClause();
-                                log.debug("Additional Where Clause = "+additionWhere);
-                                // 2. Aus diesen Stuetzpunkten den Resultset generieren.
-                            }
-                        } // if generate index filter
-                        String[] filterValues = this.generateFilterValuesFromInputData();
-                        String[] addedFilterValues = new String[filterValues.length+1];
-                        System.arraycopy(filterValues, 0, addedFilterValues, 0, filterValues.length);
-                        addedFilterValues[filterValues.length] = additionWhere;
-                        result = process(
-                            Arrays.asList(coords),
-                            queryExecutor.executeQuery(
-                                this.queryID,
-                                addedFilterValues));
+                        result = WKTUtils.worldCoordinatesToIndex(
+                            result,
+                            inputData,
+                            ijkQueryID,
+                            queryID,
+                            generateFilterValuesFromInputData()
+                        );
                     } catch (ParseException e) {
                     }catch (QueryException e) {
@@ -290,238 +159,4 @@
         return subtitle;
-    private static final String [] COLUMN_BLACKLIST = {
-    };
-    private static final boolean blacklisted(String column) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < COLUMN_BLACKLIST.length; ++i) {
-            if (COLUMN_BLACKLIST.equals(column)) {
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    private static boolean different(Result a, Result b, int [] indices) {
-        for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; ++i) {
-            String oa = a.getString(indices[i]);
-            String ob = b.getString(indices[i]);
-            if (oa == null && ob == null)  {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if (oa == null || ob == null) {
-                return true;
-            }
-            if (!oa.equals(ob)) {
-                if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-                    log.debug("+++++++++++++++ differs ++++++++++++++");
-                    log.debug("   " + oa + " != " + ob);
-                }
-                return true;
-            }
-        }
-        return false;
-    }
-    private static final String [] DIFF_COLUMS = {
-        "GROUP1",
-        "GROUP2",
-        "GROUP3"
-    };
-    public static final class SectionHandler
-    implements                Interpolation2D.Consumer
-    {
-        private ArrayList<Point2d> points;
-        private List<Coordinate>   path;
-        private Collection<Result> output;
-        private Result             prototyp;
-        private ResultDescriptor   descriptor;
-        private boolean            lastWasSuccess;
-        public SectionHandler() {
-        }
-        public SectionHandler(
-            List<Coordinate>   path,
-            Collection<Result> output,
-            ResultDescriptor   descriptor
-        ) {
-            this.path       = path;
-            this.output     = output;
-            this.descriptor = descriptor;
-            points          = new ArrayList<Point2d>();
-            lastWasSuccess  = true;
-        }
-        public void finish() {
-            if (!points.isEmpty()) {
-                double distance = toKM(
-                    DistanceCalculator.calculateDistance(path));
-                if (distance > EPSILON) {
-                    Interpolation2D.interpolate(
-                        path,
-                        points,
-                        0d,
-                        distance,
-                        INTERPOLATION_STEPS,
-                        LinearMetrics.INSTANCE,
-                        this);
-                }
-                points.clear();
-            }
-            lastWasSuccess = true;
-        }
-        public void setPrototyp(Result prototyp) {
-            this.prototyp = prototyp;
-        }
-        public void handle(Result result) {
-            Coordinate coordinate = 
-                toCoordinate(result.getString("SHAPE"));
-            double value = result.getDouble("YORDINATE");
-            int iPos     = result.getInteger("MEDIAN.MESHPOINT.JPOSITION");
-            int jPos     = result.getInteger("MEDIAN.MESHPOINT.JPOSITION");
-            Point2d p = new Point2d(
-                coordinate.x,
-                coordinate.y,
-                value,
-                iPos, jPos);
-            points.add(p);
-        }
-        public void interpolated(Coordinate coordinate, boolean success) {
-            DefaultResult result = new DefaultResult(descriptor);
-            ResultDescriptor pd = prototyp.getResultDescriptor();
-            int pcolums = pd.getColumnCount();
-            for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < pcolums; ++i) {
-                String colname = pd.getColumnName(i);
-                if (blacklisted(colname)) {
-                    continue;
-                }
-                if (colname.equals("SHAPE")) {
-                    result.addColumnValue(j, toWKT(coordinate));
-                }
-                else if (colname.equals("YORDINATE")) {
-                    if (success) {
-                        result.addColumnValue(j, Double.valueOf(coordinate.z));
-                    }
-                    else if (lastWasSuccess) {
-                        // only insert null if last was valid.
-                        // This prevents flooding the result set with nulls
-                        // if interpolating over a large gap.
-                        result.addColumnValue(j, null);
-                    }
-                }
-                else {
-                    result.addColumnValue(j, prototyp.getObject(i));
-                }
-                ++j;
-            }
-            output.add(result);
-            lastWasSuccess = success;
-        }
-    } // class SectionHandler
-    public static final double NAUTICAL_MILE = 1852.216d;
-    public static final double KILOMETER     = 1000d;
-    public static final double toKM(double distance) {
-        return (distance * NAUTICAL_MILE) / KILOMETER;
-    }
-    public static final double EPSILON = 1e-5d;
-    public static final int    INTERPOLATION_STEPS =
-        Integer.getInteger("interpolation.steps", 500).intValue();
-    public static Coordinate toCoordinate(String shape) {
-        try {
-            return ((Point)(new WKTReader().read(shape))).getCoordinate();
-        }
-        catch (ParseException pe) {
-            log.error(pe);
-        }
-        return null;
-    }
-    public static String toWKT(Coordinate coordinate) {
-        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("POINT(");
-        sb.append(coordinate.x)
-          .append(' ')
-          .append(coordinate.y)
-          .append(')');
-        return sb.toString();
-    }
-    protected Collection<Result> process(
-        List<Coordinate>   path,
-        Collection<Result> input
-    ) {
-        log.debug("------  number of points before processing: " + input.size());
-        ArrayList<Result> output = new ArrayList<Result>();
-        Result last = null;
-        int [] diffColums = null;
-        SectionHandler sectionHandler = null;
-        for (Result result: input) {
-            if (sectionHandler == null) {
-                ResultDescriptor rd = result.getResultDescriptor();
-                diffColums = rd.getColumnIndices(DIFF_COLUMS);
-                int columns = rd.getColumnCount();
-                DefaultResultDescriptor resultDescriptor =
-                    new DefaultResultDescriptor();
-                for (int j = 0; j < columns; ++j) {
-                    String columnName = rd.getColumnName(j);
-                    if (!blacklisted(columnName)) {
-                        resultDescriptor.addColumn(
-                            columnName,
-                            rd.getColumnClassName(j));
-                    }
-                }
-                sectionHandler = new SectionHandler(
-                    path,
-                    output,
-                    resultDescriptor);
-                sectionHandler.setPrototyp(result);
-            }
-            if (last != null && different(last, result, diffColums)) {
-                sectionHandler.finish();
-                sectionHandler.setPrototyp(result);
-            }
-            sectionHandler.handle(result);
-            last = result;
-        }
-        if (sectionHandler != null) {
-            sectionHandler.finish();
-        }
-        log.debug("------  number of points after processing: " + output.size());
-        return output;
-    }
