view gnv-artifacts/src/main/resources/lang/ @ 364:2413273f1c13

Workarround: Store lower and upper bounds of data while iterating over all data and set the max range of axes with these information. JFreeCharts method NumberAxis.setAutoRange(true) doesn't seem to work properly. gnv-artifacts/trunk@439 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Ingo Weinzierl <>
date Wed, 16 Dec 2009 11:58:44 +0000 (2009-12-16)
parents 00d2dd4b2a7f
children 9c2767fcb388
line wrap: on
line source
fis_marnet = Marnet
fis_imis = IMIS
fis_staun = STAUN
fis_modeldata = Modeldata
fis_delphin = Delphin
fis_thermosalinograph = Thermosalinograph
fis_chemusurvey = Chemusurvey
fis_gts = GTS
fis_bsh_ctd = CTD
fis_bsh_xbt = XBT
fis_eisklimatologie = Iceclimatology
fis_sst = SST
fis_seastate = Sea State
fis_seacat = SeaCat
fis_currentmeter = Current Meter
fis_icestations = Ice Station Report

meshid= Mesh
product= Product
timeSeries= Timeseries
verticalProfile = Verticalprofile
horizontalProfile = Horizontalprofile
horizontalProfileCross = Horizontales Schnittprofil
horizontalCrossSection = Horizontal cross-section
verticalcrosssection = Vertical cross-section
featureid = Station
mesh_coordinate = Geographic position (e.g. 56n30 6e20)
mesh_linestring = Line (WKT)
mesh_point = Mesh Point
measurementid = Measurement depth/height [m]
depthrange = Measurementarea depth/height [m]
mindepthid = Deepest Layer
maxdepthid = Highest Layer
parameterid = Parameter
timeinterval = Time period
minvalue = from
maxvalue = to
dateid = Measurement date
vehicleid = Ship
cruiseid = Cruise
trackid = Track
seriesid = Series
surveyid = Survey Info
axisid = Axis
depthid = Layer and Depth range [m]
iposition = I-Axis
jposition = J-Axis
instantaneouspoint_point = Instantaneouspoint
chart.timeseries.title.xaxis=Time [UTC]
chart.verticalprofile.title.xaxis=Depth [m]
chart.verticalcrosssection.title.xaxis=Depth [m]
chart.horizontalprofile.title.xaxis=Distance [km]
chart.horizontalcrosssection.title.xaxis=Latitude [m]