view doc/admin-manual/installation-base.tex @ 907:29a675796e76

Added the first descriptions of the Configuration of Artifact-Factories, Artifacts representing a FIS and the Products which can be configured to the different FIS. doc/trunk@1041 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Tim Englich <>
date Fri, 30 Apr 2010 12:18:47 +0000
parents 1ebde13e620f
children fb1e051713cc
line wrap: on
line source

This section describes preconditions for the entire system and an
installation on a Debian 5.0.x (Lenny) for the GNV-System without an
running X-Environment.

For installing and operating the GNV-system access with {\bf root
rights} is needed.  If other permissions are needed, there will be a
hint in this manual.

% FIXME: Schreibweise bei Zeilen + und -



  \item Storage for the delivered software: 100 MB
  \item Current processor on a 32-bit Architecture (Beginning
    2010)\footnote{Running on a 64-bit system should work out of the box
    and improve scalibility issues.}
  \item RAM: 1 GB for production as minimum.\footnote{This value depends
    mainly on the amount of connected users.}
  \item Network access to Database Backend
  \item RW-Access to the filesystem for logging, shapefile-export,

\subsubsection{Database: Software and Data}

The software has been developed for the following system:

  \item ESRI ArcSDE 9.3.1 on Oracle 10.2\footnote{The development
    started in ESRI ArcSDE 9.2. There are known
    problems with this version.}
  \item ArcMarineBSH, model package "Time Series and Measurements"
  \item ArcMarineBSH, model package " MeshFeature"
  \item ArcMarineBSH, model package "Marine Feature"
  \item ArcS57 -- International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) S-57 for
    ENC Data Model. - ESRI Data Models.
  \item CONTIS -- Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (BSH). Continental 
    Shelf Information System --\_uses/Industry/CONTIS\_maps/index.jsp
  \item GNV specific schema MapViewer interface -- Schema for integrating with MapViewer and
    their WMS services
  \item GNV specific schema for managing the cache -- The central
    dataware house is updated regulary. To keep the cache up-to-date,
    needs to cleaned after database updates.

\subsection{Operating System}

{\em Hint}: Configuring of partitions, firewalls, etc. for the system is out of
the scope of this project.

\subsection{Java Environment}

\subsubsection*{Installation Sun Java 6}

This GNV-system is developed for Sun Java 6. 

Add non-free packages of the Debian distribution to the system in

  deb lenny main non-free
  deb-src lenny main

  deb lenny/updates main
  deb-src lenny/updates main

Install Sun Java 6 and its dependencies by executing the following:

\verb+ apt-get install sun-java6-jdk+

\subsubsection*{Install Native Components for Java6 (optional)}

This step is optional but recommended.

For a better support of the native server technologies, the package
\verb+libtcnative+ can be installed.

\verb+ apt-get install libtcnative-1+

% FIXME: Setzen des softlink


To ensure that the Apache Tomcat and the GNV Artefact Server will use
Sun Java 6 exclusively, switch to the default Java version
globally\footnote{This manual assumes that there are no other packages
depending to another Java version.}.

Use  \verb+update-alternatives+ mechanism of the Debian system, execute:

\verb+ update-alternatives --list java+

Lists all installed Java-Environments. E.g.:
  Auswahl      Alternative
            1    /usr/bin/gij-4.3
   +        2    /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/jre/bin/java
            3    /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun/jre/bin/java
   *        4    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java

\verb+update-alternatives --config java+

Opens a dialog to reconfigure the java version which should be used as default.
Type the Number of the the java which should be used.
For the example above, type "4".

\subsubsection*{Test of the Installation}

Execute \verb+ java -version+

Check if a version of 1.6.0* has been set. Check:

  java version  "1.6.0_12"
  Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_12-b04)
  Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 11.2-b01, mixed mode)


For removing Sun Java from the operating system, use:

\verb+apt-get --purge remove sun-java6-jdk+

\subsection{Tomcat Application Server}
To run the GNV-System a Apache Tomcat Server Version 5.5 is required.
This section describes the steps for installing and configuring
Apache Tomcat.


To install the Tomcat Application-Server and its dependencies, execute:

\verb+ apt-get install tomcat5.5+
% FIXME: check for depencenies


Adapt some run-time specific properties in

   - #JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx128M"
   + JAVA_OPTS="-Djava.awt.headless=true -Xmx1024m -server"


{\bf Hint: As there is no Java security policy for the GNV WebClient,
Java Security Management is switched off.}

The Apache Tomcat is integrate with Apache WebServer just via the Apache
JServ Protocoll (AJP). To secure the connection, just local connections
are allowed for AJP on Tomcat.

Modify the \verb+ /etc/tomcat5.5/server.xml+:

    # Deactivate Standard HTTP Connector:

     <Connector port="8180" maxHttpHeaderSize="8192" address=""
                maxThreads="150" minSpareThreads="25" maxSpareThreads="75"
                enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" acceptCount="100"
                connectionTimeout="20000" disableUploadTimeout="true" />
     - <Connector port="8009" 
     -           enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" />
     + <Connector port="8009" 
     +           enableLookups="false" redirectPort="8443" protocol="AJP/1.3" address=""/>
To activate these changes, restart  Apache Tomcat:
\verb+ /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart+

 \subsubsection*{Test of the Installation}

Check if the port 8009 is opened via:
\verb+ netstat -nltp | grep 8009+

A possible listing looks like this:
  tcp        0      0*  LISTEN      19252/jsvc
So fare, there is no commandline client for AJP to test the connection.
If there are problems, setup \verb+ mod_jk+ module in Apache WebServer
and check its according log files.

\subsubsection*{Uninstalling Apache Tomcat}

To uninstall the Apache Tomcat, use the following:
\verb+ apt-get --purge remove tomcat5.5+

\subsection{Apache Webserver}
This section describes the required steps for the installation and configuration 
of the Apache Webserver Version 2.2.


To install the Apache Webserver you have to execute the following command:

* apt-get install apache2

- Additional Modules
To establish the Connection between the Tomcat Application Server and the 
Apache Webserver we have to install an additional Module named Mod-JK

* apt-get install libapache2-mod-jk

- Configuration

-- Edit the Settings for mod-jk

Edit the Settings for mod-jk in File /etc/libapache2-mod-jk/workers.propertie
as follows:

  - workers.java_home= /usr/lib/jvm/java-gcj/
  + workers.java_home=/usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun

-- Enable mod-jk in Apache Webserver

For this add the follwing Lines to File /etc/apache2/httpd.conf:

  + JkWorkersFile "/etc/libapache2-mod-jk/"
  + JkLogFile "/var/log/mod_jk.log"

--Disable default Site of Apache Webserver

* a2dissite default

--Enable the specific Site of GNV

* Copy File FIXME/gnv to /etc/apache2/sites-available

%FIXME: Configure contact address for Webserver

* a2ensite gnv

--Reload the Configuration of Apache Webserver

* /etc/init.d/apache2 reload

\subsubsection*{Test of the Installation}

You can test the Installation by executing the follwing url

* http://localhost/gnv/

\subsubsection*{Uninstalling the Apache Webserver}

To uninstall the Apache Webserver you can use the following Command:
* apt-get --purge remove apache2

\subsection{Installation of UMN MapServer}

-- Remove the installed old mapserver-Version from the System

* apt-get remove cgi-mapserve

-- Installing required Libraries

* apt-get install ttf-freefont
* apt-get install libming0 libfribidi0

-- Installing mapserver-gp

At first you have to configure the source for the Gispatcher-server where
the Mapserverpackes are hosted by the Intevation.
For this we have to add the followin line to File /etc/apt/sources.list

  deb lenny gispatcher

Then it is necessary to import the Key which is used to sign the Packages:

  TODO: gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys EC70B1B8
  TODO: gpg --export EC70B1B8 | apt-key add -

Then install the mapserver-gp executing the follwong command

* apt-get install cgi-mapserv-gp

-- Installing mapserv-gp withou access to the Internet

If there is no access to the Internet it is possible to install the Mapserver
For this do the following steps:

* Copy the Packages of mapserver-gp via scp onto the Server
* dpkg -i cgi-mapserver-gp_5.6.3-1~gp+1_i386.deb

-- Make the Wrapper-Script available

To use the UMN-Mapserver without putting the Mapfile-Path into each URL it is
possible to use a Script which will do that.

For this you have to copy TODO FIXME to /usr/lib/cgi-bin

You also have to edit the Script and set the PATH where the Mapfile is stored
by the Artifact-Server into the Script.
- export MS_MAPFILE=/opt/artifacts/mapfiles/
+ export MS_MAPFILE=/opt/artefact-server/mapfiles/ // TODO FIXME


% FIXME: Adapting contact data

\subsubsection*{Test of installation}
You can chack if the Installation was sucsessful executing the following URl:

* curl http://localhost/cgi-bin/mapserv-gp

The response should look like this:

No query information to decode. \verb+QUERY_STRING+ is set, but empty.

\subsubsection*{Uninstall UMN- Mapserver}

To uninstall the UMN-mapserver you have to execute the following commands.

* rm TODO FIXME wrapperscript
*  apt-get --purge remove cgi-mapserv-gp