view gnv-artifacts/src/main/resources/lang/ @ 196:60c61f323f16

Bugfix for TIMESERIESPOINT the first and the last value weren't used in the Query which was integrated from the Prototyp to the Project ussue54 gnv-artifacts/trunk@249 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Tim Englich <>
date Tue, 20 Oct 2009 10:07:22 +0000
parents baaa1618fa27
children 3dac84194db4
line wrap: on
line source
fis_marnet = Marnet
fis_imis = IMIS
fis_staun = STAUN
fis_modeldata = Modeldaten
fis_delphin = Delphin
fis_thermosalinograph = Thermosalinograph
fis_chemusurvey = Chemusurvey
fis_gts = GTS
fis_bsh_ctd = CTD
fis_bsh_cbt = CBT
fis_eisklimatologie = Eisklimatologie
fis_sst = SST

product= Produkt
timeSeries= Zeitserie
verticalProfile = Vertikalprofil
horizontalProfile = Horizontalprofil
featureid = Station
meshid= Netz
mesh_coordinate = Position (z.B. 56n30 6e20)
mesh_point = Messpunkt
measurementid = Messung Tiefe/H�he [m]
parameterid = Parameter
timeinterval = Zeitfenster
minvalue = von
maxvalue = bis
dateid = Messdatum
vehicleid = Schiff
cruiseid = Reise
trackid = Track
seriesid = Serie
surveyid = Messinformation
axisid = Achse
depthid = Ebene und Tiefenbereich [m]
iposition = I-Achse
jposition = J-Achse
instantaneouspoint_point = Momentanmesspunkt