view gnv-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/gnv/chart/ @ 810:991e13c3d504

Added Javadoc in timeseries package. gnv-artifacts/trunk@894 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Ingo Weinzierl <>
date Fri, 09 Apr 2010 10:22:38 +0000
parents feae2f9d6c6f
children 22c18083225e
line wrap: on
line source
package de.intevation.gnv.chart;

import de.intevation.gnv.geobackend.base.Result;

import de.intevation.gnv.state.describedata.KeyValueDescibeData;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.jfree.chart.ChartTheme;

import org.jfree.chart.axis.Axis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;

import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;




 * This class is used to create xy charts of vertical profiles.
 * @author <a href="">Ingo Weinzierl</a>
public class VerticalProfileChart
extends      AbstractXYLineChart
     * Default axis identifier which is used if @see #getDependendAxisName does
     * not return a value. The value of this field is {@value}.
    public static final String DEFAULT_AXIS = "KPOSITION";

     * Logger used for logging with log4j.
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(VerticalProfileChart.class);

     * Constant used for gap detection. Its value is {@value}.
    protected final double PERCENTAGE     = 5.0;

     * Constnat used for gap detection in @see #gridDetection. Its value is
     * {@value}.
    protected final double GAP_MAX_LEVEL  = Math.sqrt(2.0);

     * Constant used for gap detection in @see #addGaps. Its value is {@value}.
    protected final int    GAP_MAX_VALUES = 60;

     * Map to store max ranges of each parameter
     * (org.jfree.chart.axis.Axis.setAutoRange(true) doesn't seem to work
     * properly.
    protected Map values;

     * Constructor used to create xy-charts.
     * @param labels Labels used to be displayed in title, subtitle and so on.
     * @param theme ChartTheme used to adjust the rendering of this chart.
     * @param parameters Collection containing a bunch of parameters.
     * @param measurements Collection containing a bunch of measurements.
     * @param dates Collection containing a bunch of date objects.
     * @param result Collection containing a bunch of <code>Result</code>
     * objects which contain the actual data items to be displayed.
     * @param timeGaps Collection with timegap definitions.
     * @param locale Locale used to specify the format of labels, numbers, ...
     * @param linesVisible Render lines between data points if true, otherwise
     * not.
     * @param shapesVisible Render vertices as points if true, otherwise not.
    public VerticalProfileChart(
        ChartLabels labels,
        ChartTheme  theme,
        Collection  parameters,
        Collection  measurements,
        Collection  dates,
        Collection  result,
        Collection  timeGaps,
        Locale      locale,
        boolean     linesVisible,
        boolean     shapesVisible
    ) {
        this.labels           = labels;
        this.theme            = theme;
        this.parameters       = parameters;
        this.measurements     = measurements;
        this.dates            = dates;
        this.resultSet        = result;
        this.timeGaps         = timeGaps;
        this.locale           = locale;
        this.PLOT_ORIENTATION = PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL;
        this.linesVisible     = linesVisible;
        this.shapesVisible    = shapesVisible;
        this.datasets         = new HashMap();
        this.ranges           = new HashMap();
        this.values           = new HashMap();

     * @see de.intevation.gnv.chart.AbstractXYLineChart#initData()
    protected void initData() {
        log.debug("init data for VerticalProfileChart");

        String  breakPoint1       = null;
        String  breakPoint2       = null;
        String  breakPoint3       = null;

        Iterator iter       = resultSet.iterator();
        Result   row        = null;
        String   seriesName = null;
        String   parameter  = null;
        XYSeries series     = null;

        int idx           = 0;
        int startPos      = 0;
        int endPos        = 0;
        double startValue = 0;
        double endValue   = 0;

        Result[] results =
            (Result[]) resultSet.toArray(new Result[resultSet.size()]);

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            row = (Result);

            // add current data to plot and prepare for next one
            if (!row.getString("GROUP1").equals(breakPoint1) ||
                !row.getString("GROUP2").equals(breakPoint2) ||
            ) {
                log.debug("prepare data/plot for next dataset");

                if(series != null) {
                    gapDetection(results, series, startPos, endPos);
                    addSeries(series, parameter, idx);

                    startPos = endPos +1;

                // prepare variables for next plot
                breakPoint1 = row.getString("GROUP1");
                breakPoint2 = row.getString("GROUP2");
                breakPoint3 = row.getString("GROUP3");

                seriesName  = createSeriesName(
                parameter = findParameter(seriesName);

                log.debug("next dataset is '" + seriesName + "'");
                series = new XYSeries(seriesName);

            addValue(row, series);
            Object x = getValue(row);
            Double y = row.getDouble("YORDINATE");
            if (x != null && y != null) {
                storeMaxRange(ranges, y, parameter);
                storeMaxValue(values, x, parameter);

        if (results.length == 0)

        gapDetection(results, series, startPos, endPos);
        addSeries(series, parameter, idx);


     * Extract the important value from <code>Result</code> object.
     * @param row <code>Result</code> object which contains a required value.
     * @return X-ordinate
    protected Object getValue(Result row) {
        return row.getDouble("XORDINATE");

     * General method to start a gap detection. The switch between standard gap
     * detection method <code>addGaps</code> and a specialized method
     * <code>addGapsOnGrid</code> is done by a parameter <code>DATEID</code>
     * which is stored a each <code>Result</code> object. Specialized method is
     * used if <code>DATEID</code> equals 2, otherwise the standard method is
     * used.
     * @param results Array of <code>Result</code> objects storing data of
     * this chart.
     * @param series Series used to add gaps.
     * @param startPos Index of first element of series in results.
     * @param endPos Index of last element of series in results.
    protected void gapDetection(
        Result[] results,
        Series   series,
        int      startPos,
        int      endPos
    ) {
        double startValue = results[startPos].getDouble("XORDINATE");
        double endValue   = results[endPos-1].getDouble("XORDINATE");
        if (results[0].getInteger("DATAID") == 2)
            addGapsOnGrid(results, series, startPos, endPos);
            addGaps(results, series, startValue, endValue, startPos, endPos);

     * Method to expand max range of a range axis identified by seriesKey.
     * <code>LOWER_MARGIN</code> and <code>UPPER_MARGIN</code> are used to
     * expand the range.
     * @param seriesKey Key to identify the series stored at the current
     * Dataset.
     * @param idx Currently not used.
    protected void prepareRangeAxis(String seriesKey, int idx) {
        XYPlot plot      = chart.getXYPlot();
        NumberAxis xAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getDomainAxis();

        Range xRange     = (Range) values.get(seriesKey);
        xAxis.setRange(Range.expand(xRange, LOWER_MARGIN, UPPER_MARGIN));
        log.debug("Max X-Range of dataset is: " + xRange.toString());

     * @see de.intevation.gnv.chart.AbstractXYLineChart#addValue(Result, Series)
    protected void addValue(Result row, Series series) {
        ((XYSeries) series).add(

     * @param parameter
     * @see de.intevation.gnv.chart.AbstractXYLineChart#addSeries(Series, String,
     * int)
    protected void addSeries(Series series, String parameter, int idx) {
        log.debug("add series (" + parameter + ")to chart");

        if (series == null) {
            log.warn("no data to add");

        XYSeriesCollection xysc = null;

        if (datasets.containsKey(parameter))
            xysc = (XYSeriesCollection) datasets.get(parameter);
            xysc = new XYSeriesCollection();

        xysc.addSeries((XYSeries) series);
        datasets.put(parameter, xysc);

     * Method to add processed datasets to plot. Each dataset is adjusted using
     * <code>prepareAxis</code> and <code>adjustRenderer</code> methods.
    protected void addDatasets() {
        Iterator   iter = parameters.iterator();
        XYPlot     plot = chart.getXYPlot();
        int        idx  = 0;

        XYSeriesCollection   xysc = null;
        KeyValueDescibeData  data = null;
        String               key  = null;
        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            data = (KeyValueDescibeData);
            key  = data.getValue();

            if (datasets.containsKey(key)) {
                xysc  = (XYSeriesCollection)datasets.get(key);
                plot.setDataset(idx, xysc );
                log.debug("Added " + key + " parameter to plot.");
                prepareAxis(key, idx);
                prepareRangeAxis(key, idx);

     * Method used to store the max y-range of each parameter in this chart.
     * @param values Map to store max values for each parameter.
     * @param val Value used to be a Double.
     * @param parameter Title used to identify a range object stored in values.
    protected void storeMaxValue(Map values, Object val, String parameter) {
        double value = ((Double) val).doubleValue();
        Range  range = null;

        range = values.containsKey(parameter)
            ? (Range) values.get(parameter)
            : new Range(value, value);

        double lower = range.getLowerBound();
        double upper = range.getUpperBound();

        lower = value < lower ? value : lower;
        upper = value > upper ? value : upper;

        values.put(parameter, new Range(lower, upper));

     * @param locale
     * @see de.intevation.gnv.chart.AbstractXYLineChart#localizeDomainAxis(Axis,
     * Locale)
    protected void localizeDomainAxis(Axis axis, Locale locale) {
        // call localizeRangeAxis from superclass which formats NumberAxis
        super.localizeRangeAxis(axis, locale);

     * @see de.intevation.gnv.chart.AbstractXYLineChart#createSeriesName(String,
     * String, String)
    protected String createSeriesName(
        String breakPoint1,
        String breakPoint2,
        String breakPoint3
    ) {
        log.debug("create seriesname of verticalprofile chart");
        return findValueTitle(parameters, breakPoint1) +
            " " +
            findValueTitle(measurements, breakPoint2) +

     * Method used to add gaps between data points on grids. The real detection
     * is done in <code>gridDetection</code>.
     * @param results Array of <code>Result</code> objects storing the relevant
     * values.
     * @param series Series object where the gaps are added to.
     * @param startPos Index of first element which should be used in gap
     * detection. Other series are stored in results as well.
     * @param endPos Index of last element which should be used in gap
     * detection.
    protected void addGapsOnGrid(
        Result[] results,
        Series   series,
        int      startPos,
        int      endPos
    ) {
        String axis = null;

        if (results.length > (startPos+1)) {
            axis = getDependendAxisName(
        else {
            axis = DEFAULT_AXIS;

        double range        = 0;
        int    last         = 0;
        int    current      = 0;

        for (int i = startPos+1; i < endPos; i++) {
            last    = results[i-1].getInteger(axis);
            current = results[i].getInteger(axis);

            boolean detected = gridDetection(last, current);

            if (detected) {
                double xOld = results[i-1].getDouble("XORDINATE");
                double xNow = results[i].getDouble("XORDINATE");
                log.debug("Gap detected on grid between "+ xOld +" and "+ xNow);
                ((XYSeries) series).add(xOld+0.0001, null);

     * Standarad method to add gaps. There are two different methods to detect
     * gaps. <code>simpleDetection</code> is used if the number of data points
     * in this chart is lower than <code>GAP_MAX_VALUES</code>. Otherwise
     * <code>specialDetection</code> is used. A data point with
     * <code>null</code> value is added where a gap should be. This lets
     * JFreeChart break the current graph.
     * @param results Array of <code>Result</code> objects storing the relevant
     * values.
     * @param series Series object where the gaps are added to.
     * @param startValue First data point value in series.
     * @param endValue Last data point value in series.
     * @param startPos Index of first data point in results which contains all
     * data points of all series.
     * @param endPos Index of last data point in results which contains all data
     * points of all series.
    protected void addGaps(
        Result[] results,
        Series   series,
        double   startValue,
        double   endValue,
        int      startPos,
        int      endPos
    ) {

        double last    = 0;
        double current = 0;
        int    num     = results.length;

        for (int i = startPos+1; i < endPos; i++) {
            boolean detected = false;

            last    = results[i-1].getDouble("YORDINATE");
            current = results[i].getDouble("YORDINATE");

            // gap detection for more than GAP_MAX_VALUES values
            if (num > GAP_MAX_VALUES)
                detected = simpleDetection(startValue, endValue, last, current);
            // gap detection for less than GAP_MAX_VALUES values
                detected = specialDetection(

            if (detected) {
      "Gap between " + last + " and " + current);
                ((XYSeries) series).add((last+current)/2, null);

     * Simple method to detect gaps. A gap is detected if the delta between two
     * data points (current, last) is bigger than <code>PERCENTAGE</code> percent
     * of delta of start and end.
     * <br>
     * (smallDelta &gt; delta / 100 * PERCENTAGE)
     * @param start First data point value in a series.
     * @param end Last data point value in a series.
     * @param last Left value
     * @param current Right value
     * @return true, if a gap is detected between last and current - otherwise
     * false.
    protected boolean simpleDetection(
        double start,
        double end,
        double last,
        double current
    ) {
        double delta      = Math.abs(end - start);
        double smallDelta = Math.abs(current - last);

        return (smallDelta > delta / 100 * PERCENTAGE);

     * Method to detect gaps between two data points. Following formula is used
     * for detection:<br>
     * smallDelta &gt; (3.0 / (count - 1) * delta)<br>
     * smallDelta = current - last<br>
     * delta      = end - start
     * @param start First data point value in a series.
     * @param end Last data point value in a series.
     * @param last Left value
     * @param current Right value
     * @param count
     * @return true, if a gap is detected between last and current - otherwise
     * false.
    protected boolean specialDetection(
        double start,
        double end,
        double last,
        double current,
        int    count
    ) {
        double delta      = Math.abs(end - start);
        double smallDelta = Math.abs(current - last);

        return (smallDelta > (3.0 / (count - 1) * delta));

     * Method used to detect gaps between two data points grids. If the delta
     * between current and last is bigger than <code>GAP_MAX_LEVEL</code>, a gap
     * is detected.
     * @param last Left value
     * @param current Right value
     * @return True, if a gap was detected - otherwise false.
    protected boolean gridDetection(double last, double current) {
        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
            log.debug("Parameters for gap detection");
            log.debug("Defined gap size for grids: " + GAP_MAX_LEVEL);
            log.debug("1st value to compare: " + last);
            log.debug("2nd value to compare: " + current);
            log.debug("Difference: " + Math.abs(current - last));
        return (Math.abs(current - last) > GAP_MAX_LEVEL);

     * This method returns the key which is used to retrieve the y-value served
     * by a <code>Result</code> object.
     * @param first <code>Result</code> object - not used in this class.
     * @param second <code>Result</code> object - not used in this class.
     * @return the string "KPOSITION"
    protected String getDependendAxisName(Result first, Result second) {
        return "KPOSITION";
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