view doc/admin-manual/operating-the-system.tex @ 909:fcde68463722

Added description for Configuration of OutputStates and OutputModes doc/trunk@1043 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Tim Englich <>
date Mon, 03 May 2010 14:11:33 +0000
parents 1ebde13e620f
children fb1e051713cc
line wrap: on
line source
\section{Management of operational processes}

Availability of the components
  1. Database server 
  2. Artefact-server
  3. Apache Tomcat running the WebClient
  4. Apache WebServer

During a server startup the installed components get started

\subsection{Managing the Artefact Server}

\subsubsection*{Start Stop Restart}

The artefact server can be restarted without stopping the WebClient.
During the restart-process client accessing the server get an approriate
message. Their session data will not be lost if the artefact database
will remain untouched.

  Stopping artefact server
  \verb+ /etc/init.d/artefact-server stop+

  Starting artefact server
  \verb+ /etc/init.d/artefact-server start+

  Restarting artefact server
  \verb+ /etc/init.d/artefact-server restart+

\subsubsection*{Monitoring the System}

C.f. Testing the installation for the levels: operating system,
network and service availability


Database problems
For checking problems for problems with the connection to the database
server, check the logfile of the artefact-server (c.f. FIXME
installation) look for entries like FIXME.

In most cases, a restart of the artefact-server will help to solve
problems in the artefact-server. If you still encounter problems, check
for the network connection to the database server and the maturity of
the database server.

Inconsistencies between original data and cached data
The artefact-server stores result sets of the database in a cache and
provides maps via configuration files for MapServer based on shapefiles.
In case of inconsistencies showing up for longer than twice the
maximum of the update cycle of internal ETL processes, do the following
as user \verb+root+:

  /etc/init.d/artefact-server stop
  rm -ri \$ARTEFACT-SERVER-HOME/cache/*
  /etc/init.d/artefact-server start

\subsection{Managing the GNV-Client}
\subsubsection*{Start Stop Restart}

The GNV-WebClient can be managed by controlling Apache Tomcat instance:

 Status GNV-WebClient
 \verb+ /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 status+

 Stopping GNV-WebClient
 \verb+ /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 stop+

 Starting GNV-WebClient
 \verb+ /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start+

 Restarting GNV-WebClient
 \verb+ /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart+

\subsubsection*{Monitoring the System}

For different possibilities c.f. Testing the installation


The GNV-WebClient can not accessed through the Apache WebServer, do the
1. \verb+ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart+
2. Check in your browser at \verb+ http://\$SERVERNAME/gnv+

If you still encounter problems, follow the next these steps:
{\bf Caution: The entire application will be down until the WebServer is
back up}
  /etc/init.d/apache2 stop
  /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 stop
  rm -r /usr/share/tomcat5.5/work/Catalina/localhost/gnv/*
  /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start # wait until tomcat is up
  /etc/init.d/apache2 start

For further information, you look into the Logging during the use of the
GNV WebClient
\verb+ tail -f -n 50 /usr/share/tomcat5.5/logs/gnv.log+

To get even more logging, do the following:

{\bf Caution: The entire application will be down until the Apache Tomcat
has started properly; the higher log-level can affect the
runtime-behaviour of the client}
  /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 stop
  Set logging to DEBUG (FIXME)
  vim /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps/gnv/WEB-INF/classes/
  /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 start # wait until tomcat is up
  tail -f -n 50 /usr/share/tomcat5.5/logs/gnv.log

It is recommended to undo the logging configuration, after the relevant
part has been found.

\section{Lists of References}

FIXME: How to adapt the address/port of connection to REST-server.E