- dummy merge for repo head2012-09-28, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- dummy merge for repo head2012-09-28, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- dummy merge for repo head2012-09-28, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- merged doc2012-09-28, by Thomas Arendsen Hein
- Include README about how to actually build the documentation.2012-07-05, by Felix Wolfsteller
- Added corrections and wishes of the training on the installation which was given to the BSH.2010-08-13, by Tim Englich
- Some refactoring of the proxy installation.2010-06-30, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Some refactoring of 'Adding new Languages' section.2010-06-30, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Issue309: Documentation of the installation of the prxy-script2010-06-29, by Tim Englich
- ISSUE23: Documentation how to add a language2010-06-29, by Tim Englich
- Added licenses overview.2010-06-25, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Forget to commit from root dir ... appending2010-05-12, by Hans Plum