- Added area interpolation needed for "Horizontalschnitt"2010-01-14, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added support to step back to previous states. Add state names to xform nodes in describe document and append old targets to list of reachable targets.2010-01-13, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added configuration of directory of "Horizontalschnitt" shape files.2010-01-13, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Some minor code cleanup2010-01-12, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added mechanism for advancing to previous states.2010-01-12, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added a new State in Product Verticalprofile in Timeseriespoints.2010-01-12, by Tim Englich
- Added ij-Index determination for horizontal-cross-sections.2010-01-12, by Tim Englich
- Use XMLUtils to evaluate xpath expressions instead of using Config class. Adapted xpath (namespace and prefix).2010-01-12, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Set NameSpaceAware to true to get the Unittests work again.2010-01-11, by Tim Englich
- Added support to trace rasters to JTS multi polygons and multi line strings.2010-01-11, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Next step of changing the concept how to use the user interface. Adapted namespaces and replaced FISArtifact with a ProxyArtifact.2010-01-09, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Make ground interpolation for vertical cross section configurable.2010-01-09, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Use new raster access.2010-01-09, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed Encodingerrors from listed Files. All Files are now UTF-8 compliant.2010-01-08, by Tim Englich
- Modified Testcases that they work using the ARCSDE 9.22010-01-08, by Tim Englich
- Added the possibility to enter a Polygon represented by an WKT into the Workflow of the HorizontalCrossSections2010-01-08, by Tim Englich
- Improved raster tile based height evaluation.2010-01-06, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added RasterObject for caching the Rastertiles to get a better performance.2010-01-05, by Tim Englich
- Splitted code pathes of dynamic and static nodes. Static nodes contain the selected value only instead of transfering the whole stack of options again.2010-01-04, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added Rasterdatasupport to VerticalCrossSections2010-01-04, by Tim Englich
- Refactored statistics classes a bit. Added class for vertical cross sections.2010-01-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- vertical cross section: Fixed problem with running to max depth on every column in interpolation.2010-01-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Enable PDF export of vertical cross section charts.2010-01-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Use JFreeCharts ValueAxis.valueToJava2D() to transform data values2010-01-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Render labels in vertical cross section charts.2010-01-04, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Add only color to scale of vertical cross section which are in the chart.2010-01-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Generate iso line classes according gnv-issues/issue1082010-01-03, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Improved generation of iso lines in vertical cross section.2010-01-01, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Connected vertical cross section with chart generation.2010-01-01, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Fixed some bugs and create "Profilschnitt" polygons via configuration.2009-12-30, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added configuration for vertical cross sections ("Profilschnitte")2009-12-30, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- "horizontale Schnittprofile" are now configured via conf.xml2009-12-29, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Create a new 'gnv' section in config file.2009-12-29, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added raster filter framework for "Profilschnitte"2009-12-29, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Cleaned up messy code a bit in "Horizontales Schnittprofil" and "Profilschnitt".2009-12-28, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Loop through configuration to chart generation.2009-12-28, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added manager to handle several levels of palette subdivsions.2009-12-28, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added vectorizer rings callback to generate iso lines.2009-12-27, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added vectorizer rings callback which generates polygon datasets suitable2009-12-26, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added code to split palette interval into equal sized parts.2009-12-25, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Implemented the raster interpolation for the 'Profilschnitt'.2009-12-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added interpolation capabilities along z axis to XYColumns.2009-12-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added some type safety. Fixed z value bug in reading database preprocessing. Only dissemble WKT points if really needed.2009-12-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Refactored the XYColumn and Point2d code a bit to be more reusable in 3D.2009-12-23, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Load salinity palette correctly.2009-12-22, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Finished preprocessing data for interpolation in verticalcrosssection charts.ß2009-12-22, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Adjusted sql queries and configuration for verticalcrosssection products. Some code refactoring and improved error handling.2009-12-22, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added data model classes to store information for interpolation.2009-12-22, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Load palettes from configuration.2009-12-22, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Horizontale Schnittprofile. Ignore invalid interpolation correctly.2009-12-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Added support for converting 2D rasters into polygons.2009-12-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Moved some methods back to old place.2009-12-21, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added Ingo Weinzierl's special JFreeChart classes.2009-12-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Prepared state and transitions of verticalcrosssection.2009-12-21, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Outsourcing of some methods for preparing results for chart creation.2009-12-21, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added color palettes for several parameters.2009-12-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Horizontales Schnittprofil:2009-12-21, by Sascha L. Teichmann
- Removed warning, which told the user that no gap detection is implemented for horizontalcrossprofile charts.2009-12-21, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Added support of gap detection in horizontalcrossprofile charts.2009-12-21, by Ingo Weinzierl
- Summarized Changes and NEWS for Release 0.42010-01-27, by Hans Plum