log gnv-artifacts/doc/conf/conf.xml @ 802:4abe172be970

age author description
2010-03-19 Tim Englich Integrated FIS Marine Features with Product Layer into the System.
2010-03-05 Ingo Weinzierl Set ttl of artifacts to a better value in config.
2010-03-05 Tim Englich Added Support for writing Shapefiles and Export them as an Zipfile for the Product Layer.
2010-03-04 Ingo Weinzierl Added a configuration section for mapserver relevant stuff. Moved source to write meta files out to an own helper class named MetaWriter.
2010-02-22 Ingo Weinzierl Restructured configuration, removed duplicated entry and store config information in MapfileGenerator to avoid reading config file every time while updating mapfile.
2010-02-22 Ingo Weinzierl Improved velocity configuration.
2010-02-19 Ingo Weinzierl Implemented method stubs of MapfileGenerator. Mapfiles are successfully created corresponding meta.xml files.
2010-02-17 Ingo Weinzierl Added MapfileGenerator stub and MapfileGenerator calls after writing and removing shapefiles.
2010-02-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Reverted accidental patch.
2010-02-16 Sascha L. Teichmann Created documentation module (language: german)
2010-02-12 Tim Englich Added the Configuration and the Classes for the new Product Layer.
2010-02-09 Tim Englich Integrated Database-Support for the Mapviewer-Interface
2010-02-01 Tim Englich Added the Implementation of the MetaDataService which will deliver FIS and Parameters that match to Mapservices, Region and Layers that were sent to the Service.
2010-01-31 Sascha L. Teichmann Added experimental support for extrapolation in "Horizontalschnitte"
2010-01-24 Sascha L. Teichmann Generate seabed polygon to "Profilschnitte".
2010-01-20 Sascha L. Teichmann Speed up the "Horizontalschnitte"
2010-01-18 Sascha L. Teichmann Added explicit index scheme to palette classes to allow external references.
2010-01-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed some bugs with calculating "Horizontalschnitte".
2010-01-15 Ingo Weinzierl Added support to step back to the point for choosing a product.
2010-01-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Added configuration of directory of "Horizontalschnitt" shape files.
2010-01-12 Tim Englich Added ij-Index determination for horizontal-cross-sections.
2010-01-09 Ingo Weinzierl Next step of changing the concept how to use the user interface. Adapted namespaces and replaced FISArtifact with a ProxyArtifact.
2010-01-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Make ground interpolation for vertical cross section configurable.
2010-01-01 Sascha L. Teichmann Connected vertical cross section with chart generation.
2009-12-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed some bugs and create "Profilschnitt" polygons via configuration.
2009-12-30 Sascha L. Teichmann Added configuration for vertical cross sections ("Profilschnitte")
2009-12-29 Sascha L. Teichmann "horizontale Schnittprofile" are now configured via conf.xml
2009-12-29 Sascha L. Teichmann Create a new 'gnv' section in config file.
2009-12-28 Sascha L. Teichmann Added manager to handle several levels of palette subdivsions.
2009-12-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Load salinity palette correctly.
2009-12-22 Sascha L. Teichmann Load palettes from configuration.
2009-12-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Bind REST server to localhost.
2009-12-15 Ingo Weinzierl Fetch ChartTheme from CallContext instead of creating it each time before creating a chart.
2009-12-15 Tim Englich Added Support for "horizontale Schnittprofile"
2009-12-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Dead artifacts are removed only every 15mins from
2009-11-13 Tim Englich Added Documentation of Configuration-Files
2009-10-28 Tim Englich Added Workflow for determining the Query-Parameters for Horizontal cross-sections.
2009-10-28 Tim Englich Added Configuration and Ressources for two new FIS. Current Meter and Ice Station Reports
2009-10-27 Tim Englich Added two new FIS according to GT_0020.002
2009-10-22 Tim Englich Split the Configuration File in several small Documents to speed up the Artifactinstantiation and also make the administration of the Artifactdatabase easier. issue40 and issue59
2009-10-21 Tim Englich Added relative locations for further required Configurationfiles . issue59
2009-10-21 Tim Englich Added separat ConnectionPoolPrperties to this Project.
2009-10-21 Tim Englich Moved Configurationfiles
