log gnv/ChangeLog @ 1119:7c4f81f74c47

age author description
2011-02-01 Ingo Weinzierl Upgraded Restlet to the current stable release 2.0.4
2010-11-30 Ingo Weinzierl Bugfix: improved the code to write incoming data of the MapViewerCallAction - if debug is disabled, no nullpointer exception will occur anymore.
2010-11-29 Ingo Weinzierl Improved the logging of incoming mapviewer call data.
2010-11-26 Ingo Weinzierl Addition to the last revision: MapViewer calls via HTTP Post are also logged (#323).
2010-11-26 Ingo Weinzierl Enabled debug logging of the xml document that is used in the MapViewer call (#323).
2010-11-02 Ingo Weinzierl Added license file and license header.
2010-07-05 Hans Plum Made name more precise
2010-07-01 Ingo Weinzierl Added info pages for german and english (not translated yet).
2010-06-30 Ingo Weinzierl Summarized changes for RELEASE 1.1
2010-06-30 Ingo Weinzierl Changed OpenLayers MouseDefault control with an OpenLayers Navigation control. Before panning the map, the user needs to activate this control (issue311).
2010-06-30 Ingo Weinzierl After resizing the window, the map panel is resized as well (currently just the width changes) (issue307).
2010-06-29 Tim Englich Issue317: Provide a Comboboy with given WMS instead of an Textfield
2010-06-29 Tim Englich Added missing Image for the PopupWindow of GetFeatureInforRequests.
2010-06-28 Tim Englich Removed unused css and unreferenced images
2010-06-28 Tim Englich Syncronized size of the headline of fullscreen-mode of the map-client to the size of the headline of the web-client.
2010-06-28 Tim Englich Do some GUI-Improvements in the Map-Client
2010-06-28 Tim Englich Removed ScaleLine from Viewport
2010-06-28 Tim Englich Removed store.load()
2010-06-28 Tim Englich Removed duplicate information about layernames / layertitle from GUI.
2010-06-25 Ingo Weinzierl Removed the changes of rev1206 and 1214.
2010-06-15 Tim Englich Fixed some more XHTML-Mistakes
2010-06-15 Tim Englich Removed file which was commited in r1202 by mistake
2010-06-15 Tim Englich Prevent NPE if the Mapviewer has delivered no Geometry.
2010-06-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Render direct links as list.
2010-06-14 Ingo Weinzierl Write svn revision to MANIFEST file while creating war archive.
2010-06-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Second attempt to apply redirect link patch.
2010-06-11 Tim Englich Prevent NPE if the Mapviewer has delivered no Geometry.
2010-06-11 Tim Englich Customize Look and Feel to styleguide of the bsh.
2010-06-11 Tim Englich gnv/trunk@1200 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
2010-06-11 Ingo Weinzierl Reverted the changes of rev1194.
2010-06-11 Tim Englich Modified output of the GetfeatureInfo-request.
2010-06-11 Tim Englich Added localized message if no layer were created.
2010-06-11 Tim Englich Bugfix: All Layer will only use one single Tile for displaying it.
2010-06-11 Tim Englich Added the informations about how the WMS which was published during the
2010-06-10 Sascha L. Teichmann gnv/issue219: Added rendering of direct links.
2010-06-10 Ingo Weinzierl Removed some test code that have been commited by mistaken.
2010-06-10 Ingo Weinzierl Improved session handling in the gui. If a session has timed out, the user gets to the start point - the fis selection.
2010-06-10 Ingo Weinzierl Added error messages for Java heap size errors (issue177).
2010-06-08 Tim Englich Improved the workflow for inserting new layer into the client.
2010-06-08 Tim Englich Switch to tiled layers with one tile to prevent problems in the layertree and the legendgraphicpanel
2010-06-08 Tim Englich Rename olutils.js to olutils.jsp to enable possibility of i18n in this file.
2010-06-08 Tim Englich Customize Look and Feel of the Mapclient to the css of this project.
2010-06-08 Tim Englich Switch color of coordinate display of mousposition and scalebar from
2010-06-07 Tim Englich Set the map to the extent which was sent by the rest-server
2010-06-07 Tim Englich Make GetFeatureInforRequest-Url configurable. Change responsetype of GetFeatureInfo-request to gml
2010-06-07 Tim Englich Added possibility to switch to FullScreen-Mode of the MapClient.
2010-06-04 Tim Englich Replaced incompatible Umlauts
2010-06-04 Tim Englich Added i18n support to the mapclient.
2010-06-04 Tim Englich Fixed bug that the 'Add Layer'-Button was not correctly displayed if a new WMS-Capabilities-Document was loaded.
2010-06-04 Ingo Weinzierl Removed (X)HTML errors and warnings (issue275).
2010-06-04 Ingo Weinzierl Changed and added some tooltips in the chart option panel (issue293).
2010-06-01 Tim Englich Checkin of changes which are necessary for the checkin of Revision 1139.
2010-06-01 Tim Englich Added functionality to read WMS-Capabilities-Documents
2010-06-01 Ingo Weinzierl Enhanced the 1-step back history to a N-step back history.
2010-06-01 Tim Englich Added more resources which are required to use the ol-client properly
2010-06-01 Tim Englich Added subfolders of third party libraries to svn-ignore.
2010-06-01 Tim Englich Integrated Openlayers using ext and geoext into the GNV-WebClient
2010-05-27 Ingo Weinzierl Some small xpath changes for wms output regarding rev1134 (issue198).
2010-05-27 Ingo Weinzierl The jsp page to render the wms output makes use of the new method of DiagrammOptions introduced in rev1129 now.
2010-05-27 Ingo Weinzierl Restarting the application creates a new session id for the user.
