2009-12-08 |
Tim Englich |
Last Step of the Refactoring Work on the Transition Model.
2009-12-08 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added marker for different data sources in sql queries.
2009-12-08 |
Tim Englich |
Some Refactoring work done.
2009-12-07 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Changed the way of adding data to charts. Same parameters have one axis - not each parameter its own one.
2009-12-07 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Sourced ChartFactory call out to an own method, which is overriden by TimeSeriesChart.
2009-12-04 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
ChangeLog entry and ressource bundles for last commit.
2009-12-04 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Cleaned up ChangeLog a bit.
2009-12-02 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added time gap detection to time series charts.
2009-12-02 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added JBoss repository for JFreeChart 1.0.13.
2009-12-02 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
New options in chart template: visibility of lines and points in charts and point's size.
2009-12-01 |
Tim Englich |
Added one more Transitionstep to each Testcase according to the refactored Transitionmodel.
2009-12-01 |
Tim Englich |
Refactoring of the Transitionmodel.
2009-11-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Removed needless imports.
2009-11-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Updated Batik library to 1.7
2009-11-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Completed last commit.
2009-11-30 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Implemented pdf export of charts.
2009-11-27 |
Tim Englich |
Added RegionFilter-Support to HorizontalProfile InstantaneousPoint
2009-11-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Implemented a helper class for exporting charts. Adapted code.
2009-11-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added pdf as export format to xml configuration of products.
2009-11-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added point in TODO regarding tick-unit distance of timeseries charts.
2009-11-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Localization of chart axis with locale which fits best to server and browser settings.
2009-11-26 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added ChangeLog entry from last commit.
2009-11-25 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Generate timeseries chart in TimeSeriesChart class instead of AbstractXYChart to instantiate special timeseries charts.
2009-11-25 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Corrected committer from the last revision in ChangeLog.
2009-11-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added timegap definitions to charts. Adapted constructors and constructor calls.
2009-11-24 |
Tim Englich |
Added new Timevalues because the Data in the DWH has changed.
2009-11-24 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added dependencies for esri and ibm libraries required for unit tests.
2009-11-24 |
Tim Englich |
Fixed some broken Method-Extentions.
2009-11-24 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfix for issue91, wrong depth will be drawn in TimeseriesCharts in Meshes
2009-11-23 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Remove chart from cache when data which is displayed in chart has changed.
2009-11-23 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
The style of charts can be configured with ChartThemes using XML configuration files.
2009-11-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Export format of charts is related to mime-type.
2009-11-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Removed mistake from xml structure of the artifact protocol.
2009-11-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Removed duplicated and needless imports.
2009-11-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Refactored process of chart generation. Charts will be generated via Chart-Interface from rev351 and no more via factory classes.
2009-11-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Implementation of classes for creating timeseries, verticalprofile and horizontalprofile charts.
2009-11-19 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Interface and abstract classes for chart creation implemented.
2009-11-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Updated JFreeChart to 1.0.13 and added dependency of JCommon 1.0.15
2009-11-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Updated JFreeChart library from 1.0.7 to 1.0.12
2009-11-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added start-script to version control.
2009-11-13 |
Hans Plum |
RELEASE 0.2: Summarized activities in NEWS, Changes
2009-11-13 |
Hans Plum |
Unified style of ChangeLog descriptions refering to issues
2009-11-13 |
Tim Englich |
Moved Comment according to Instantiationerrors loading Artifact.
2009-11-13 |
Tim Englich |
Added Documentation of Configuration-Files
2009-11-13 |
Tim Englich |
Removed Statisticsupport for VerticalCrossSection and HorizontalCrossSection according to Requirement TG_0030.061
2009-11-12 |
Tim Englich |
Added proper values for calculating the Statistics of VerticalProfiles and HorizontalProfiles issue86
2009-11-12 |
Tim Englich |
Translated "Keine Auswahl" to "No Selection" according to the Specification that
2009-11-12 |
Tim Englich |
Put a name to each Statistic group which is similar to the name of the
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
Added Validation if a given maxvalue is greater than a given minvalue issue19
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
BugFix: The Value of SingleInputFields will now also be shown in the static ui. issue81
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
BugFix: Storage of "feeded" MinMaxValues will now work. issue79
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
Removed unnecessary characters 'v' from the Documents. issue76
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added Ressources for the AreaFilter Ids areaid and subareid
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Sort Columns to the given order of the ODV-Specification
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to VerticalCrossSection on Meshes
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to HorizontalCrossSection on Meshes
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to HorizontalProfiles on InstantaneousPoint
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to VerticalProfiles in InstantaneousPoint
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to HorizontalProfiles in Meshes
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to VerticalProfiles