log gnv/ChangeLog @ 400:a8b1875dcd93

age author description
2010-01-18 Ingo Weinzierl Just include a select box for choosing the fis if there is no static part in the describe document.
2010-01-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Using a simpler demo WKT polygon in "Horizontalschnitt".
2010-01-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Only display chart addons if we really display a chart.
2010-01-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Added download links for ZIP files and WMS layers.
2010-01-15 Sascha L. Teichmann Cleanup imports
2010-01-14 Ingo Weinzierl Fixed a bug which prevented the user to draw charts.
2010-01-13 Ingo Weinzierl Render links to step back to previous states into gui. Added controller to advance back to these states.
2010-01-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixes fake wkt polygon input.
2010-01-13 Sascha L. Teichmann Added wkt polygon to test the "Horizontalschnitt"
2010-01-09 Ingo Weinzierl Use XMLUtils.ElementCreator to create new nodes in xml documents.
2010-01-08 Tim Englich Removed Encodingerrors from listed Files. All Files are now UTF-8 compliant.
2010-01-06 Ingo Weinzierl Removed local-name() method from xsl stylesheet and adjusted xpathes while reading xml documents.
2010-01-05 Ingo Weinzierl Removed for-each statements and replaced them with templates.
2010-01-04 Ingo Weinzierl First step of changing the operation concept. Static nodes will be rendered as text instead of disabled xforms.
2009-12-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Release 0.3
2009-12-17 Sascha L. Teichmann s/Modeldaten/Modelldaten/
2009-12-17 Sascha L. Teichmann Added demo wkt linestrings via xslt and javascript.
2009-12-16 Hans Plum Issue 129: Fixed i18n strings for german language
2009-12-14 Tim Englich Added Support for Boolean-Output-Parameters in Diagramm-Options
2009-12-14 Hans Plum issue 109: Obsolete attributes in Tomcat removed
2009-12-09 Sascha L. Teichmann Fixed some spelling problems in german i18n file
2009-12-01 Tim Englich Removed feed Call before Chart- and Statisticsgeneration is called, because
2009-12-01 Ingo Weinzierl Reverted changes in config from last revision.
2009-11-30 Ingo Weinzierl Added link in gui to export charts to svg.
2009-11-30 Ingo Weinzierl Added link in gui to export charts to pdf.
2009-11-23 Tim Englich Added the Possibility to get Version-Infomation and Release Date/Time from the GNV-Project using a Browser issue87
2009-11-20 Ingo Weinzierl Removed mistake in xml structure of the artifact protocol.
2009-11-13 Hans Plum RELEASE 0.2: Summarized activities in NEWS, Changes
2009-11-13 Hans Plum Unified changelog entries with references to issues
2009-11-13 Tim Englich Added Documentation of Configuration-Entries.
2009-11-12 Tim Englich Added localized Exception Messages.
2009-11-12 Tim Englich Made all Interfaces Serailizable and add UID to all Objects issue71
2009-11-12 Tim Englich Implemented a better GUI-Structure for displaying the Statisticdata. issue83
2009-11-11 Tim Englich Catch NPE and tell the user that the Session has expired. issue80
2009-11-11 Tim Englich The Submitbutton now is placed properly after single
2009-11-11 Tim Englich BugFix: Text-Inputfields will now be diabaled in static-ui issue81
2009-11-06 Ingo Weinzierl Replaced german umlaut with ascii character in language resource file.
2009-11-06 Ingo Weinzierl Changed restlet repository from M3 to SNAPSHOT in maven pom file.
2009-11-06 Ingo Weinzierl Added link to export data as odv.
2009-11-05 Tim Englich Switched the Communication for Describe-Calls to the artifact-database from get to post.
2009-10-28 Tim Englich Added Ressources for two new FIS. Current Meter and Ice Station Reports
2009-10-27 Tim Englich Added two new FIS according to GT_0020.002
2009-10-22 Tim Englich Bugfix NPE was thrown when an Exception occured in the Called ArtifactDatabase-Server issue58.
2009-10-21 Tim Englich Added context.xml to permitt cookies to provide
2009-10-19 Tim Englich Added uniform Visualization of Single Input-Elements in GUI. issue55
2009-10-19 Tim Englich Catch Exception that the Calling Program could not put no InputData
2009-10-19 Tim Englich Now the UI will compelte be shown if the User has done an Mistake entering
2009-10-19 Tim Englich Changed Lablevalues according to issue47
2009-10-16 Tim Englich Conformation to the tanslation of the Statisticsdescriptors issue48
2009-10-16 Tim Englich Adding the Names of the two new FIS to the Propertiesfiles issue49
2009-10-07 Sascha L. Teichmann RELEASE 0.1
2009-10-06 Tim Englich English-Language-Support added
2009-10-06 Tim Englich Read the Status-Code from the Response and throw an Exception which Message will be visualized in the GUI. gnv/issue18
2009-10-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved Changelog to ChangeLog to make eclipse happier.
