2009-12-22 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Adjusted sql queries and configuration for verticalcrosssection products. Some code refactoring and improved error handling.
2009-12-17 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Changed depending value for gap detection in verticalprofile charts on meshes.
2009-12-15 |
Tim Englich |
Added the Unit of the Parameter to the Query for Parameters in
2009-12-15 |
Tim Englich |
Added Support for "horizontale Schnittprofile"
2009-12-11 |
Tim Englich |
Added Z-Value to verticalcrosssection_mesh_chart_data.
2009-12-08 |
Tim Englich |
Added the Unit of the Parameter to the Query for Parameters in
2009-12-08 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added marker for different data sources in sql queries.
2009-12-01 |
Tim Englich |
Refactoring of the Transitionmodel.
2009-11-27 |
Tim Englich |
Added RegionFilter-Support to HorizontalProfile InstantaneousPoint
2009-11-24 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfix for issue91, wrong depth will be drawn in TimeseriesCharts in Meshes
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Sort Columns to the given order of the ODV-Specification
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to VerticalCrossSection on Meshes
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to HorizontalCrossSection on Meshes
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to HorizontalProfiles on InstantaneousPoint
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to VerticalProfiles in InstantaneousPoint
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to HorizontalProfiles in Meshes
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to VerticalProfiles
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export-Support to TimeSeries Mesh
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added SQL-Statement for ODV-Exports on Verticalprofiles TimeSeriesPoints
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added special Data-Selection to the ODV-Exports of TimeSeries on TimeSeriesPoints. issue68
2009-11-05 |
Tim Englich |
Added the RegionFilters into the configuration of the Products for TimeSeriesPoints.
2009-11-05 |
Tim Englich |
Added the RegionFilters into the configuration of the Products for Meshes.
2009-10-30 |
Tim Englich |
Integrated the OutputTransition for Horizontal Cross-Sections
2009-10-29 |
Tim Englich |
Added configurable TimeGap Support to the TimeSeries-Chart-Generation. issu45
2009-10-28 |
Tim Englich |
Added Workflow for determining the Query-Parameters for Horizontal cross-sections.
2009-10-27 |
Tim Englich |
Integration of the selection of the min and max Layer used in Verticalprofiles of Meshes. issue61
2009-10-26 |
Tim Englich |
Minimum and Maximum Depth should be entered by the User issue31
2009-10-23 |
Tim Englich |
gnv-artifacts/trunk@265 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
2009-10-23 |
Tim Englich |
Optimized Query horizontalprofile_instantaneouspoint_cruise because it is not warranted
2009-10-22 |
Tim Englich |
Added the support to Display the Time and the position of an Measurement in an VerticalProfile of Type Instantaneous Point
2009-10-21 |
Tim Englich |
Moved Configurationfiles