hans@938: \section{Configuring the GNV-Server} hans@938: hans@938: The configuration of the artifact- and mapserver is been done in the hans@938: central configuration directory at {\tt artifact-server/conf/}. The hans@938: central entry point is the file {\tt conf.xml}. All components of the hans@938: configuration are linked from this document. hans@938: hans@938: {\bf Within the configuration the key hans@938: {\verb+${artifacts.config.dir}+} can be used to reference the central hans@938: configuration directory of the artifact-server instance, e.g. hans@948: \texttt{/opt/artifact-server/conf}.} hans@938: hans@938: The following structure gives an overview of the entire structure hans@938: starting from {\tt conf/}: hans@938: hans@938: %% tree /opt/artifact-server/ hans@938: \begin{lstlisting} hans@938: conf/ hans@938: |-- arcsdeconnectionpool.properties # database connection hans@938: |-- charttemplate.xml # general properties for chart generation hans@938: |-- conf.xml # central configuration hans@938: |-- ehcache.xml # configuration of caching system hans@938: |-- log4j.properties # logging of server hans@938: |-- maptemplates # style defintions for rendering maps hans@938: | `-- *.vm hans@938: |-- meshwidth.xml # buffer-size for querying different FIS on hans@938: # meshes hans@938: |-- palette # styling for 2D charts hans@938: | `-- *.xml hans@938: |-- products # configuration of steps in workflows hans@938: | |-- horizontalcrosssection hans@938: | | `-- *.xml hans@938: | |-- horizontalprofile hans@938: | | `-- *.xml hans@938: | |-- layer hans@938: | | `-- *.xml hans@938: | |-- timeseries hans@938: | | |-- *.xml hans@945: | | `-- timegap_definition.xml # definition of a gaps as defines in MEDIAN Coded Value Domains section TSIntervalTypes. The meaning of the defined gaps are detailed explained in the file itself. hans@938: | |-- verticalcrosssection hans@938: | | `-- *.xml hans@938: | `-- verticalprofile hans@938: | `-- *.xml hans@938: `-- queries.properties # SQL configuration according to products hans@938: \end{lstlisting} hans@938: hans@938: hans@938: The central config-file {\tt conf/conf.xml} is XML-based and contains the hans@938: following main elements: hans@938: hans@938: \begin{lstlisting} hans@938: artifact-database hans@938: |-- geo-backend # pointing to database connection, SQL configuration hans@938: |-- rest-server # port, listen addresses hans@938: |-- database # internal database storing artifacts hans@938: |-- ehcache # pointing to cache configuration hans@938: |-- cleaner # time of cleanups FIXME hans@938: |-- export-secret # signing project files hans@938: |-- factories # list of expert information systems hans@938: |-- artifacts # list of products hans@938: |-- gnv # charts, palettes, interpolation parameters hans@938: |-- mapserver # integration of mapserver hans@938: `-- velocity # templating language used in maptemplates hans@938: \end{lstlisting} hans@938: hans@938: The documentation of the configuration will be split up in 4 sections hans@938: addressing different tasks: hans@938: \begin{enumerate} hans@947: \item "Configuring and Running Artifact-Server" covering the main elements hans@947: \texttt{ hans@938: geo-backend, rest-server, database, ehcache, cleaner, export-secret} hans@938: \item "Generating Charts -- Background and Configuration" covering hans@938: the main element {\tt gnv} hans@938: \item "Generating Maps -- Background and Configuration" covering the hans@938: main elements {\tt mapserver, velocity} hans@938: \item "Configuring FIS, Products, States, Transitions and hans@938: SQL-Statements" covering the main elements {\tt factories, hans@938: artifacts} hans@938: \end{enumerate} tim@1132: tim@1132: \subsection{Adding new Languages} tim@1132: The GNV-Server has the possibility to handle different languages. tim@1132: It is necessary to configure those languages. tim@1132: tim@1132: The configuration is divided into three steps tim@1132: tim@1132: \begin{enumerate} tim@1132: \item Adding the required resource-file to the GNV-Server tim@1132: {\tt /gnv-artifacts/src/main/resources/lang } tim@1132: \item Adding the required resource-file to the GNV-Web-Client tim@1132: {\tt /gnv/src/main/resources} tim@1132: \item Publishing the new language to the GNV-Server by adding the tim@1132: language-code to the file {\tt /gnv-artifacts/src/main/resources/lang/lang.conf} tim@1132: \end{enumerate} tim@1132: tim@1132: To generate the resource-files it might be helpful to copy an existing one and tim@1132: translate the content into the desired language. tim@1132: tim@1132: Please not that you have to do an new packaging of the modules gnv and gnv-artifacts tim@1132: to publish the new languages to the system. tim@1132: tim@1132: Also note, that the Web-Client currently only provide German an English as languages. tim@1132: If you want to provide further languages you have to change the toggle-mechanism for tim@1132: switching the language in the web-client. tim@1132: