hans@901: \subsection{GNV-WebClient} hans@901: - Aim/Task hans@901: hans@901: The last step of the Installationprcess ist to install the Webfrontent called hans@901: GNV-Client. hans@901: the GNV-Client is a Web application ARchive (WAR) which have to be published hans@901: using the Tomcat Applicationserver whe was installed in Section ??? FIXME. hans@901: hans@901: \subsubsection*{Installation} hans@901: Copy the File gnv.war into /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps/ hans@901: * cp gnv.war /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps/ hans@901: hans@901: If the Server does not publish the new Archive automatically you have to restart hans@901: the Server. hans@901: hans@901: * /etc/init.d/tomcat5.5 restart hans@901: hans@901: \subsubsection*{Configuration} hans@901: hans@901: FIXME: How to adapt the address/port of connection to REST-server. hans@901: hans@901: There is nothing to customize consider the execution Environment. hans@901: hans@901: \subsubsection*{Test of the Installation} hans@901: hans@901: You are able to test the Installation by executing the following URl hans@901: hans@901: * curl http://localhost/gnv/version.do | grep Version hans@901: hans@901: The Response should include the Version of the GNV-Client. hans@901: hans@901: \subsubsection*{Uninstall the GNV-Client} hans@901: To uninstall teh GNV-Client you only have to remove the war-Archive. hans@901: hans@901: * rm /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps/gnv.war hans@901: hans@901: The Tomcat Application Server should undeploy /remove the Application automatically. hans@901: hans@901: If not you can execute the following command aditional hans@901: hans@901: * rm -rf /usr/share/tomcat5.5/webapps/gnv