ingo@1113: 2010-06-30  RELEASE 1.1
ingo@1113:     NEW:
ingo@1113:         * New product: 'Achsenparalleles Vertikalprofil'
ingo@1113:         * Support for products with vectorial parameters (#27)
ingo@1113:         * Integrated configuration section for sql-cache
ingo@1113:         * Statistics of ehcaches are available as MBean using JConsole
ingo@1113:         * N-Step back history for the parameterization
ingo@1113:         * ODV export for product 'Horizontales Schnittprofil' (#260)
ingo@1113:         * MANIFEST contains svn buildnumbers
ingo@1113:     FIXES:
ingo@1113:         * Corrected chart titles (#138, #120)
ingo@1113:         * Fixed defect range calculation for chart axes (#233)
ingo@1113:         * Corrected distance calculation in product 'Horizontalprofil' (#287)
ingo@1113:         * Fixed bin width calculation in histograms (#288)
ingo@1113:         * Changing width/height of charts ended in Stacktace (#294)
ingo@1113:         * Multi layer selection for product 'Layer' (#252)
ingo@1113:         * Renaming a layer just changes its title (#198),
ingo@1113:         * WMS layers now have a prefix 'GNV_' (#315, #314)
ingo@1113:         * Disabled multi selection for vectorial parameter (#299)
ingo@1113:         * Fixed broken transition chain of 'Achsenparalleler
ingo@1113:           Vertikalprofil' (#300, #318, #154)
ingo@1113:         * Fixed ODV export that created invalid odv files (#291)
ingo@1113:         * Added missing column for csv export for product 'Horizontales
ingo@1113:           Schnittprofil' (#284)
ingo@1113:         * Depths have negative values in odv exports (#230)
ingo@1113:         * Keep aspect ratio in PDF/SVG exports (#290)
ingo@1113:         * Fixed hash creation for caching elements (#264, #268)
ingo@1113:         * Further JavaDoc (#274)
ingo@1113:         * Fixed discrepancy in parameter matrix between parameter values and
ingo@1113:           description (#281)
ingo@1113:         * Fixed broken geometry clipping (#283)
ingo@1113:         * Fixed user input validation (#286, #289)
ingo@1113:         * Exception handling improvements (#188, #251, #265, #18, #269, #266)
ingo@873: 2010-04-28  RELEASE 1.0
ingo@873:     NEW:
ingo@873:         * Support for renaming wms layers (#198)
ingo@873:         * Support for Contis, Nauthis and Marine Features (#92, #205)
ingo@873:         * Support for exporting/importing artifacts (#208)
ingo@873:           Before an artifact is exported, the cleanup() method is called to do
ingo@873:           relevant things before an export.
ingo@873:         * Improved the matrix for parameter-measurement selection. The user can
ingo@873:           choose between different depths only without relation to a specific
ingo@873:           parameter (#210)
ingo@873:         * ODV export of a 'Profilschnitt' is possible now (#217)
ingo@873:         * The MapServer can be called without explicitly declaration of the
ingo@873:           mapfile path (#235, #220). A wrapper script is used - located in the 
ingo@873:           cgi directory of apache - to export the mapfile path.
ingo@873:         * The transition model can be plotted as pdf or svg (#262) with the help
ingo@873:           of an xsl sheet contained in the contrib directory.
ingo@873:         * Added a template mechanism for 'Layer' product. A default layer is
ingo@873:           used if there is no specific template for a layer.
ingo@873:         * Support for MapViewer call. A MapViewer call feeds an artifact
ingo@873:           initially with parameters that are used if the artifact reaches states
ingo@873:           which require these parameters. These states are called
ingo@873:           AutoResumeStates and leads the artifact to the next state immediately.
ingo@873:     Fixed:
ingo@873:         * Date changes have no effect on wms output (#201)
ingo@873:         * The subtitle of a horizontalprofile chart contains its beginning
ingo@873:           coordinate (#120)
ingo@873:         * Limit rendering of floating point numbers to 3 decimals in
ingo@873:           MapServer (#209)
ingo@873:         * Improvements respective to csv exports (#122)
ingo@873:         * Improvements respective to odv exports (#215)
ingo@873:         * Display the the time to live of an artifact / wms layer in gui (#197)
ingo@873:         * Avoid race-conditions while chart creation (#211)
ingo@873:         * Remove shapefile directories if an artifact reaches its end of
ingo@873:           life (#164)
ingo@873:         * Avoid cut axes labels with a gap between data area and chart
ingo@873:           border (#192, #163)
ingo@873:         * Wrong time intervals inserted by a user don't cause NPE anymore (#212)
ingo@873:         * User inserted wkt string are validated (#214, #251)
ingo@873:         * The geometry type used for wms publishing is fetched from database (#213)
ingo@873:         * Improved gap detection in timeseries charts (#175)
ingo@873:         * Selection of layer without items not possible anymore (#200)
ingo@873:         * Improved chart creation for product type SST (#232)
ingo@873:         * Added the station name to the subtitle of timeseries charts (#226)
ingo@873:         * Added the timeinterval to the subtitle of timeseries charts (#152)
ingo@873:         * Calculate the x-range of verticalprofile charts correct (#229)
ingo@873:         * Calculate the y-range of horizontalprofile charts correct (#233)
ingo@873:         * The width of a class in histograms can be specified by a floating
ingo@873:           point number (#231)
ingo@873:         * Added label for y-axes in histograms (#243)
ingo@873:         * 'Profilschnitte' can be exported as png-image (#216)
ingo@873:         * I18N support for statistic output (#228)
ingo@873:         * Improved subtitles of horizontalprofile charts (#138)
ingo@873:         * Removed a duplicated path to the mapfile in the configuration (#220)
ingo@873:         * The layer selection in the product 'Layer' is no longer limited to
ingo@873:           a single layer (#252)
ingo@873:         * Added missing units into class templates that are displayed when
ingo@873:           calling WMS GetLegendGraphic operation on 'Horizontalschnitten' (#246)
ingo@873:         * The Restlet server uses the same log4j configuration as the rest of 
ingo@873:           the application (#6)
ingo@873:         * Files used by artifact-database and cache are written to an own
ingo@873:           directory - no longer into the conf directory (#218)
ingo@873: 2010-03-08  RELEASE 0.5
hans@538: 2010-01-27  RELEASE 0.4
hans@538:     New:
hans@538:     * Added entire infrastructure for interpolation pipeline:
sascha@539:         * Rasterizers on a configurable grid resolution (x and y).
sascha@539:         * Vectorizer producing geoemetries from rasterized data
sascha@539:           (introducting dependency to GNU Trove 2.2.1)
sascha@539:         * Color palette handling
sascha@539:         * Support for using DEM (seabed) in interpolation
sascha@539:         * helper script for converting color palettes to 
sascha@539:           QGIS 1.4 styling format
hans@538:     * Diagrams:
sascha@539:         * 'Profilschnitte'     (via JFreeChart compatible Vectorizer output)
sascha@539:         * 'Horizontalschnitte' (via JTS compatible Vectorizer output)
sascha@539:            * Multi-polygons:    Classes determined by palette values
sascha@539:            * Multi-linestrings: Iso lines determined with rules of #108
sascha@539:         * Support for 2D diagrams with multi-polygons (with shells and holes)
sascha@539:           and multi-linestrings (essentially what is called "Simple Feature")
hans@538:         * Improved labeling (heading, subheading) of all diagrams
hans@538:     * Added support for ProxyArtifact to support access to history of states
sascha@539:     * Added support for writing Shapefiles with GeoTools (introducing
sascha@539:       dependency to GeoTools 3.5.8)
hans@538:     Fixed:
hans@538:     * Generation of vertical profiles failed on Marnet (#142)
hans@538:     * Using correct MIME-type for SVG-Export in configuration (#148)
hans@538:     * Enabling/Disabling points in GUI (#105)
hans@538:     * Reanming values for selcting the direction of an axis (#129)
hans@538:     * Adapting granularity for labels for timeseries (#152)
sascha@539:     * adapting range of values for data series with identical name
sascha@539:       and different time ranges (#136/137)i
hans@538:     * Corrected interpolation based on horizontal cross-section (#153)
hans@538:     * Enabling/Disabling points in diagrams with PDF export (#156)
hans@538:     * Harmonized background color in 2D diagrams (#157)
hans@538:     * Adding label for axis for 2D diagrams (#158)
sascha@375: 2009-12-17  RELEASE 0.3
sascha@375:     New:
sascha@375:     * SVG export for charts (introducing Apache Batik dependency)
sascha@375:     * PDF export for charts. (introducing iText dependency)
sascha@375:     * style templating for charts via XML.
sascha@375:     * Units are now localized and added to the charts
sascha@375:     * Gap detection for horizontal and vertical profile charts.
sascha@375:     * 'Horizontale Schnittprofile'
sascha@375:     * Added region filters
sascha@375:     Fixed:
sascha@375:     * Various i18n messages. (Issue 129)
sascha@375:     * problems with verticalprofile charts.
sascha@375:     * TG_0030.008: "Unterscheidung bei Farben wechselt 
sascha@375:       zwischen verschiedenen Ausgabeprodukten bei gleicher Parameterwahl"
sascha@375:     * TG_0030.004: "Jahreszahlen an der Abszisse werden nicht angezeigt"
sascha@375:     * TG_0030.004 : i18n funktioniert an Abzissenbeschriftung noch nicht (Issue 104)
sascha@375:     Changed:
sascha@375:     * The configuration system to define the workflows 
sascha@375:       with artifacts. Cleaner separation states vs. transistions.
sascha@375:     * Default configuration of ttl of artifacts is more realistic now.
sascha@375:     * Used more recent versions of JFreeChart and Apache Common Math.
sascha@375:     * Local caching of data is now used more consequently
sascha@375:     Removed:
sascha@375:     * Old conterra charting code.
sascha@375: 2009-11-13  RELEASE 0.2
sascha@375:     * Adding support for relative pathnames relating to central 
sascha@375:       config document (issue 59)
sascha@375:     * Splitting of configuration documents (Issue 40)
sascha@375:     * Corrected data model of artifacs (issue 3)
sascha@375:     * Added FIS Sea State, SEACAT, Current Meter, Ice Station Reports 
sascha@375:     * Implemented gaps for spatial and temportal gaps (issue 45)
sascha@375:     * TG_0040.005: Added a first ODV support
sascha@375:     * Added more input validation to make it more user-friendly
sascha@375:     * Added a first documentation of configuration documents
sascha@375: 2009-10-07  RELEASE 0.1
sascha@375:     * Initial release of the artifacts special for the
sascha@375:       BSH Generic Viewer. They are to be configured to live
sascha@375:       inside an artifact database via conf.xml.
sascha@375:     * The collection of parameters is modelled by transistions
sascha@375:       inside the XML.
sascha@375:     * src/test/ressources/conf.xml gives a setup to use all
sascha@375:       the provided artifacts.
sascha@375:     * Products can be produced for following FIS:
sascha@375:       Marnet, IMIS, STAUN, Modeldata, Delphin, Thermosalinograph,
sascha@375:       Chemusurvey, GTS, CTD, CBT in form of time series,
sascha@375:       vertical profiles and horizontal profiles on meshes
sascha@375:       and instantaneous points.