hans@938: \subsection{Configuring and Running the Artifact-Server} hans@938: hans@938: This section describes the possibilities to configure the hans@938: artifact-server. The following properties do affect mostly technical hans@938: funtions of the server. hans@938: hans@938: This section describes the possibilities in a kind of a reference hans@938: manual. Information for the process of installing and integration can be hans@938: found in the Administration Manual of the GNV-System (FIXME reference). hans@938: The following elements are covered here: hans@938: hans@938: \begin{lstlisting} hans@938: artifact-database hans@938: |-- geo-backend # pointing to database connection, SQL configuration hans@938: |-- rest-server # port, listen addresses hans@938: |-- database # internal database storing artifacts hans@938: |-- ehcache # pointing to cache configuration hans@938: |-- cleaner # time of cleanups FIXME hans@938: `-- export-secret # signing project files hans@938: \end{lstlisting} hans@938: hans@938: \paragraph*{geo-backend} hans@938: {\em Function}: The geo-backend encapsulates the logic for accessing the database hans@938: backend. At this time, the use of ESRI ArcSDE 9.3.1 is supported. hans@938: hans@938: At least, the following options for configuring the element {\tt hans@938: geo-backend} are required: hans@938: hans@938: \begin{itemize} hans@938: \item {\tt backend-configuration}: path to the file defining the hans@938: connection properties to the database backend, preconfigured to {\tt hans@938: arcsdeconnection.properties}. Normally, just the hans@938: connection parameters have to de adapted. Further information can be hans@938: found in the file itself. hans@938: hans@938: \item {\tt query-configuration}: path to the file listing a SQL hans@938: statements, preconfigured to {\tt queries.txt}. Further information can be hans@938: found at FIXME. hans@938: \end{itemize} hans@938: hans@938: hans@938: \paragraph*{rest-server} hans@938: {\em Function}: The REST-Server needs a HTTP binding configured via: hans@938: hans@938: \begin{itemize} hans@938: \item {\tt port}: port the server should listen on. Preconfigured on hans@938: 8181. hans@938: \item {\tt listen}: for security reason the accessibility can be hans@938: limited. The parameter needs an IP-address or a hostname. hans@938: Accessibility to the entire network can be done by hans@938: removing/commenting out of the element. hans@938: \end{itemize} hans@938: hans@938: hans@938: \paragraph*{database} hans@938: {\em Function}: The internal database of the system for storing hans@938: artifacts representing a parameterisation of a client session. So fare, hans@938: the filebased database H2 is supported. Connecting to other backends can hans@938: be provided. hans@938: hans@938: \begin{itemize} hans@938: \item {\tt user}: database user for connecting to the hans@938: artifact-database. In new installations "SA" is used. hans@938: \item {\tt password}: password of the database user for hans@938: authentification. hans@938: \item {\tt url}: Connection URL to the database-files. hans@938: In the preconfiguration, they are written to hans@938: \verb| ${artifacts.config.dir}/../artifactdb| hans@938: \end{itemize} hans@938: hans@938: hans@938: \paragraph*{ehcache} hans@938: {\em Function}: The cache for storing result sets of the database. The hans@938: configuration in {\tt ehcache.xml} should not been adapted. Changing has hans@938: at least consequence to the system requirements. hans@938: hans@938: \begin{itemize} hans@938: \item {\tt configuration}: the path to the configuration file. hans@938: Preconfigured: \verb+${artifacts.config.dir}/ehcache.xml+ hans@938: \end{itemize} hans@938: hans@938: hans@938: \paragraph*{cleaner} hans@938: {\em Function}: Process for cleaning up the artifact-database. Artifacts hans@938: have a time-to-life. Died artifacts need to be removed. Changing the hans@938: interval has consequences to the size of the database. hans@938: hans@938: \begin{itemize} hans@938: \item {\tt sleep-time}: Time interval in milliseconds between 2 hans@938: checks. Preconfigured: 60000 (1 minute) hans@938: \end{itemize} hans@938: hans@938: hans@938: \paragraph*{export-secret} hans@938: {\em Function}: Signature for signing project files that were created by hans@938: the artifact-server instance. Before reading a projectfile the server hans@938: checks the file against that signature/check sum. hans@938: hans@938: {\bf Be aware, changing the signature of updating the source code of hans@938: artifacts will prevent of using existing project-files.} hans@938: hans@938: For setting up the secret, c.f. the tips in the admin manual.