ingo@898: 2010-04-28 RELEASE 1.0 ingo@898: ingo@898: NEW: ingo@898: ingo@898: * Support for MultiLinestring and MultiPolygon detection retrieved by ingo@898: the database. ingo@898: ingo@898: * Spatial queries using LineStrings can be sent to the database. ingo@898: ingo@898: * Sql-cache synchronization after database upates have taken place. A ingo@898: thread is started in a specific time interval. Elements are removed ingo@898: from cache if the sql-statement that has been used to retrieve these ingo@898: elements contains a table that have been updated since the last ingo@898: synchronization. The time interval (in seconds) can be configured via ingo@898: system property 'caching.cleaner.interval' (e.g. ingo@898: caching.cleaner.interval=600 for an interval of 10 minutes). ingo@898: ingo@898: Added: ingo@898: ingo@898: * JavaDoc documentation. ingo@898: ingo@898: ingo@898: 2010-03-08 RELEASE 0.5 ingo@898: ingo@898: hans@556: 2010-01-27 RELEASE 0.4 hans@556: hans@556: New: hans@556: hans@556: * Experimental Cache for database queries and hans@556: results of parameterisation: Database queries are hans@556: transparent against cache. hans@556: hans@556: * Support for raster data access to SDE via RasterObject hans@556: hans@556: * Added interpolation for bilinear and bicubic hans@556: spline interpolation on rasters hans@556: hans@556: * Improved connection pooling for re-use of connections (#34) hans@556: hans@556: * Improved memory consumption of SQL results produced by SDE by hans@556: over 90% while removing redundancies for objects (especially hans@556: date objects): e.g. from 256 MB per Interpolation to 15 MB. (#107) hans@556: hans@556: sascha@385: 2009-12-17 RELEASE 0.3 hans@279: sascha@385: New: hans@279: sascha@385: * !!!! Java6 is mandatory now! Older version are not supported any longer !!! sascha@385: * Added "point on polygon" spatial query support. hans@279: sascha@385: Fixed: hans@279: sascha@385: * Avoid index out of bounds exception in some case when accessing database sascha@385: columns that are not provided by the database result set. sascha@385: sascha@385: sascha@385: 2009-11-13 RELEASE 0.2 sascha@385: sascha@385: New: sascha@385: sascha@385: * Added spatial query support for the first use cases. It uses OGC Simple Features for sascha@385: SQL Syntax (SFS) to the inside and OGC WKT (Well Known Text) for sascha@385: geometry respresentations sascha@385: sascha@385: * Enhanced configuration to ArcSDE Backend in Pool-Mechanism for sascha@385: fine-tuning interaction and pooling. sascha@385: sascha@385: * Added support for INNERJOIN, ORDER BY and GROUP BY for spatial sascha@385: queries (needs more testing) sascha@385: sascha@385: * Support for gaps in temporal and spatial data added. sascha@385: sascha@385: Improvements: sascha@385: sascha@385: * Improved memory handling of Backend-results in geo-backend sascha@385: sascha@385: * Stabilized binding to ArcSDE Backend (issue 34), sascha@385: hans@279: hans@279: hans@279: sascha@385: 2009-10-07 RELEASE 0.1 sascha@144: sascha@385: New: sascha@144: sascha@385: * Imported proto type database access layer. sascha@385: * Made access layer look like java.sql.* sascha@144: sascha@144: