# HG changeset patch
# User Tim Englich <tim.englich@intevation.de>
# Date 1273488181 0
# Node ID 14df4bcabc3ca1692388033e75d94d673a5c3909
# Parent  2fc4999cf922390fd1e110588a00967db114e570
Fixed some Mistakes

doc/trunk@1083 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f

diff -r 2fc4999cf922 -r 14df4bcabc3c doc/ChangeLog
--- a/doc/ChangeLog	Sun May 09 18:22:18 2010 +0000
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog	Mon May 10 10:43:01 2010 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+2010-05-10  Tim Englich  <tim@intevation.de>
+	* config-manual/model_of_transitions.tex:
+	Fixed some mistakes.
 2010-05-09  Hans Plum <hans@intevation.de>
 	* config-manual/config-manual.txt:
diff -r 2fc4999cf922 -r 14df4bcabc3c doc/config-manual/model_of_transitions.tex
--- a/doc/config-manual/model_of_transitions.tex	Sun May 09 18:22:18 2010 +0000
+++ b/doc/config-manual/model_of_transitions.tex	Mon May 10 10:43:01 2010 +0000
@@ -81,26 +81,26 @@
 \subsection{Explaining the background of the XML configuration}
 It is possible to configure the GNV in many ways.
-It is possible to add or remove FIS, add or remove Products from a FIS or
+It is possible to add or remove FIS, add or remove products from a FIS or
 to manipulate the steps which must be gone until a product can be create
-a diagram or generate an CSV-Export.
+a diagram or generate an CSV-export.
 The configuration of the provided FIS are divided in three main parts.
-    \item Configuration of the list of FIS via Artifactfactories
-    \item Configuration of main Artifacts which will be instantiated if an 
-  Artifactfactory was called.
-    \item Configuration of the different Artifacts which provides Products which can be 
+    \item Configuration of the list of FIS via artifact-factories
+    \item Configuration of main artifacts which will be instantiated if an 
+  artifact-factory was called.
+    \item Configuration of the different artifacts which provides products which can be 
   served by the FIS.
 \subsubsection{Configuration of a FIS}
-The Point of Entry into the system is to configure an Artifactfactory.
-Each Artifactfactory represents one FIS.
-It is possible to configure several Artifactfactories.
-The Artifactfactories will be configured in the Section 
-/artifact-database/artifact-factories of the Configurationfile.
+The point of entry into the system is to configure an artifact-factory.
+Each artifact-factory represents one FIS.
+It is possible to configure several artifact-factories.
+The artifact-factories will be configured in the section 
+/artifact-database/artifact-factories of the configurationfile.
 <artifact-factory name='fis_NEWFISNAME' 
@@ -111,17 +111,17 @@
-At this moment the following Attributes of an Artifact-Factory are configurable.
+At this moment the following attributes of an artifact-factory are configurable.
-    \item name: The Name of the Artifact. Must be unique in one Artifact-Server
-    \item description: Short description which Job the Artifactfactory has to do.
-    \item  ttl: The Time to Live: The Time using Milliseconds an Artifact, created using this 
-                factory, can live without any User interaction.
-    \item artifact: The Name of the Class of the Artifact which should be created.
+    \item name: The name of the artifact. Must be unique in one artifact-server
+    \item description: Short description which job the artifact-factory has to do.
+    \item  ttl: The time to live: The time using milliseconds an artifact, created using this 
+                factory, can live without any user-interaction.
+    \item artifact: The name of the class of the artifact which should be created.
-The next listing shows the dependencies between the FIS and the Name
-of the Artifactfactory which belongs to it.
+The next listing shows the dependencies between the FIS and the name
+of the artifact-factory which belongs to it.
     \item Marnet: fis\_marnet
@@ -137,7 +137,7 @@
     \item GTS: fis\_gts
     \item CTD: fis\_bsh\_ctd
     \item XBT: fis\_bsh\_xbt
-    \item SeaCat: is\_seacat
+    \item SeaCat: fis\_seacat
     \item Sea State: fis\_seastate
     \item Current Meter: fis\_currentmeter
     \item Nauthis: fis\_nauthis
@@ -146,13 +146,13 @@
 \subsubsection{Configuration of main Artifact}
-For each Artifact-Factory it is necessary to configure one Artifact which will be 
-created using the Factory.
-This Artifact is the representation of the specific FIS.
-It contains the Configuration which products will be served for this FIS.
+For each artifact-factory it is necessary to configure one artifact which will be 
+created using the factory.
+This artifact is the representation of the specific FIS.
+It contains the configuration which products will be served for this FIS.
-The Artifacts are configured in the Section /artifact-database/artifacts of 
-the Configurationfile.
+The artifacts are configured in the section /artifact-database/artifacts of 
+the configurationfile.
 <artifact name='fis_NEWFISNAME'>
@@ -162,14 +162,14 @@
-The Key is to use the same Name for the Artifact as used for the Artifactfactory.
-The Name has to be unique.
-In the Section /artifact/products it is possible to define several Products as 
-explained in the next Section.
+The key is to use the same name for the artifact as used for the artifact-factory.
+The name has to be unique.
+In the section /artifact/products it is possible to define several products as 
+explained in the next section.
 \paragraph{Products to an FIS}
-One FIS can provide several Products.
-To do this it is required to configure them as shown below in the Section 
+One FIS can provide several products.
+To do this it is required to configure them as shown below in the section 
@@ -189,44 +189,44 @@
-Each Product is also represented by an Artifact. To create this Artifact we have to 
-use an Artifact-Factory which is configured in each product 
+Each product is also represented by an artifact. To create this artifact we have to 
+use an artifact-factory which is configured in each product 
-Each Product can have several parameters /product/parameters/parameters.
-The Parameter named sourceid and fisname are required Parameters.
+Each product can have several parameters /product/parameters/parameters.
+The parameter named sourceid and fisname are required parameters.
-The Parameter fisname contains the key to the Name of the FIS. The Key must be 
+The parameter fisname contains the key to the name of the FIS. The key must be 
-The Parameter sourceid contains the key to identify the FIS in the 
+The parameter sourceid contains the key to identify the FIS in the 
+datawarehouse. (MEDIAN.SOURCEINFO)
 \subsubsection{Configuration of an Product}
-The Products of the different FIS are also modeled as Artifact-Objects.
-The different Products which are currently available are stored in separate
-Files in the Folder project.
+The products of the different FIS are also modeled as artifact-objects.
+The different products which are currently available are stored in separate
+files in the folder project.
-In those Files the Workflow of each product is configured.  Each step which is
+In those files the workflow of each product is configured.  Each step which is
 required to model a new diagram is represented using a state in the
-To move between those States it is required to model Transitions which define
-between which States it is possible to move and which conditions must be
+To move between those states it is required to model transitions which define
+between which states it is possible to move and which conditions must be
-The Last step is called OutputState. This State is responsible to generate the
-output for the different Formats which can be served from the Product (Diagram,
+The last step is called output-state. This state is responsible to generate the
+output for the different formats which can be served from the product (Diagram,
 CSV, ODV, WMS,...).
-A state is one Step which is required to fetch the Data for generating e.g. an
+A state is one step which is required to fetch the data for generating e.g. an
-For example in each Product it is Possible to choose one or more Parameters.
+For example in each product it is possible to choose one or more parameters.
-To configure a State you have to use a XML-Fragment as shown below:
+To configure a state you have to use a XML-fragment as shown below:
 <state id="timeseries_parameter" description="timeseries_parameter" state="de.intevation.gnv.state.DefaultState">
@@ -239,38 +239,38 @@
-At this moment the following Attributes of an Artifact-Factory are configurable.
+At this moment the following attributes of an state are configurable.
-    \item id: The Name of the Artifact. Must be unique in one Artifact-Server
-    \item description: Short description which Job the Artifactfactory has to do.
-    \item queryID: The ID of the Query which should be used to fetch the Data 
-                   displayed in this state. All Queries are defined in the File
+    \item id: The name of the artifact. Must be unique in one artifact-server
+    \item description: Short description which job the artifact-factory has to do.
+    \item queryID: The id of the query which should be used to fetch the data 
+                   displayed in this state. All queries are defined in the file
-    \item dataname: The ID of the Data which will be displayed in this State.
-                    The ID will be use to localize the description of the Data.
-                    The Localization is located in Module gnv-artifacts in Folder
+    \item dataname: The id of the data which will be displayed in this state.
+                    The id will be use to localize the description of the data.
+                    The localization is located in module gnv-artifacts in folder
-    \item data-multiselect: true it is possible to select 1 or more Items.
-                            false it is possible to select only one Item.
-    \item inputvalues: The Values which can be "feed" to this State and which 
-                       will be used as Values in SQL-statements.
+    \item data-multiselect: true it is possible to select 1 or more items.
+                            false it is possible to select only one item.
+    \item inputvalues: The values which can be "feed" to this state and which 
+                       will be used as values in SQL-statements.
 \paragraph{Input Values of a State}
-At Section /state/inputvalues it is possible to add Definitions for InputValues.
-Those values have two meanings for the State.
+At section /state/inputvalues it is possible to add definitions for inputvalues.
+Those values have two meanings for the state.
-     \item They were used to fill the SQL-Statements to fetch the Data
+     \item They were used to fill the SQL-statements to fetch the data.
            (Each entry replace one ore more "?" )
-     \item They were used to validate the Inputdata which is "feed" to
-           the FIS in the current State
+     \item They were used to validate the inputdata which is "feed" to
+           the FIS in the current state.
-WARNING: The Order of the InputValues is significant at which position the Value will
-be put into the SQL-Statement.
+WARNING: The order of the inputvalues is significant at which position the value will
+be put into the SQL-statement.
-It is possible to add one InputValue twice or more often to put its value at
+It is possible to add one inputvalue twice or more often to put its value at
 different positions of the SQL-statement.
@@ -282,33 +282,33 @@
-    \item name: Name of the Value that could be feed or should be used in SQL-statment.
-                The name must fit to one dataname configured in this State or one other
-                State which was visited before.
-    \item type: The type of the Value. This is required for the Validation 
-                of the Value.
+    \item name: Name of the value that could be feed or should be used in SQL-statment.
+                The name must fit to one dataname configured in this state or one other
+                state which was visited before.
+    \item type: The type of the value. This is required for the validation 
+                of the value.
                 This might be String, Integer, Double, Date, Point, LineString, 
                 Polygon, Coordinate, Geometry and AttributeName.
-                Coordinate is a Format which accepts Geographical Coodinates in 
+                Coordinate is a format which accepts geographical coordinates in 
                 the following Syntax: 56n30 6e20
-                AttributeName marks a StringValue which will be used in 
-                SQL-Statement without surrounding with "'" in the Statement.
-                Usage is e.g. for determining the Axis (i or j) in the Workflow
-                of HorizontalProfiles.
-    \item multiselect: true if more than on Value can be feed or put into the SQL-statement.
-                       false if one on Value will be accepted.
-    \item usedinquery: Number how often the value should be put into the SQL-Statement:
-                       0: Value will not out into the Statement.
-                       1: Value will put once into the Statement,
+                AttributeName marks a stringvalue which will be used in 
+                SQL-statement without surrounding with "'" in the statement.
+                Usage is e.g. for determining the Axis (i or j) in the workflow
+                of Horizontalprofiles.
+    \item multiselect: true if more than on value can be feed or put into the SQL-statement.
+                       false if one on value will be accepted.
+    \item usedinquery: Number how often the value should be put into the SQL-statement:
+                       0: Value will not out into the statement.
+                       1: Value will put once into the statement,
                        2 or more: Value will be put as often as configured 
-                                  into the SQL-Statement (this is useful if 
-                                  Inner-Selects are used)
+                                  into the SQL-statement (this is useful if 
+                                  inner-selects are used)
 The next part will explain the usage of inputvalues.
-This SQL-statement is configured to use in the State above, which will fetch
-all ParameterIDs with the according german name which are reffered to the given
+This SQL-statement is configured to use in the state above, which will fetch
+all parameter-ids with the according german name which are reffered to the given
 TimeSeriesPoint (e.g.Arkona Basin Buoy FeatureID = 100011 )
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@
-If there are put the Inputvalues in it it will look like this
+If there are put the inputvalues in it it will look like this
 if we assume that the inputvalues has got the following values
 which where feed by choosing this FIS (fisname) and the Station
 (featureid: Arkona Basin Buoy ):
@@ -359,14 +359,14 @@
-The value of featureid will be inserted into the Query because
-the Attribute usedinquery is set to "1".
+The value of featureid will be inserted into the query because
+the attribute usedinquery is set to "1".
 The values of the inputvalues fisname and parameterid will be
-excluded because the Attribute usedinquery is set to "0"
+excluded because the attribute usedinquery is set to "0"
-If the Attribute usedinquery of the inputvalue featureid is set to "2"
+If the attribute usedinquery of the inputvalue featureid is set to "2"
 this might happen.
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@
-At the next Step of the Workflow it is nessesary to determine all depths where
-the choosen parameters are meaured.
-To do this we might have the following InputValues:
+At the next step of the workflow it is nessesary to determine all depths where
+the choosen parameters are measured.
+To do this we might have the following inputvalues:
@@ -458,18 +458,18 @@
-To move between two States it is necessary to configure dependencies between
-the different States.
-This dependencies are called. Transitions.
+To move between two states it is necessary to configure dependencies between
+the different states.
+This dependencies are called transitions.
-There are different Kind of Transitions which can be used.
+There are different kinds of transitions which can be used.
-  \item Transitions which only link two States
-  \item Transition which link two States with a additional Condition. 
+  \item Transitions which only link two states
+  \item Transition which link two states with a additional condition. 
         (e.g. If a region was selected in the Regionfilter or not )
-The listing below shows a Transition with an additional Condition.
+The listing below shows a transition with an additional condition.
 <transition transition="de.intevation.gnv.transition.ValueCompareTransition">
     <from state="timeseries_area"/>
@@ -479,24 +479,24 @@
-  \item from: The ID of the State which you have to come from
-  \item to:   The ID of the State which can be reached.
-  \item condition: The Condition which have to be fulfilled.
+  \item from: The id of the state which you have to come from
+  \item to:   The id of the state which can be reached.
+  \item condition: The condition which have to be fulfilled.
-At this Moment only EQUAL and NOTEQUAL are supported as condition for an
+At this moment only EQUAL and NOTEQUAL are supported as condition for an
-The OutputState is an special State which was created to define
-the different possibilities of Outputs for each Product.
-An OutputState is handled as an State which is described above.
+The outputstate is an special state which was created to define
+the different possibilities of outputs for each product.
+An outputstate is handled as an state which is described above.
 Additionally you are able to configure which kind of outputs should
 be provided.
-There are several OutputStates. Each one is designed to create 
-the output for one special Product.
+There are several outputstates. Each one is designed to create 
+the output for one special product.
   \item TimeSeries: TimeSeriesOutputState
@@ -508,13 +508,13 @@
   \item Layer: LayerOutputState
-All these Outputstates are Implemented in package de.intevation.gnv.state
+All these outputstates are implemented in package de.intevation.gnv.state
 and its subpackages. 
-You have to put the fullqualified name of the Outputstate to the Attribute State
+You have to put the fullqualified name of the outputstate to the attribute state
 as shown below.
-You can configure an OutputState as shown below:
+You can configure an outputstate as shown below:
 <state id="timeseries_calculate_results" description="timeseries_interval" state="de.intevation.gnv.state.timeseries.TimeSeriesOutputState">
@@ -528,14 +528,14 @@
-At Section /state/outputsModes it is possible to add one ore more OutputModes
-to one State as shown in the next Paragraph.
+At section /state/outputsModes it is possible to add one ore more outputmodes
+to one state as shown in the next paragraph.
-It is possible to configure several OutputModes in one OutputState.
-Inserting or deleting the Configuration of an special
-OutputMode will cause that the pending Item will be shown or hidden 
+It is possible to configure several outputmodes in one outputstate.
+Inserting or deleting the configuration of an special
+outputmode will cause that the pending item will be shown or hidden 
 in the GUI.
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
-Currently the following OutputModes are supported:
+Currently the following outputmodes are supported:
    \item chart
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@
    \item shapefile
-The following Example shows the Configuration for the OutputMode Chart.
+The following example shows how to configure an outputmode chart:
 <outputsMode name="chart" description="Chartrepresentation of the Values" mime-type="image/png">
@@ -575,27 +575,27 @@
 // TODO add simple OutputMode e.g. for CSV??
-   \item name: The name of the Mode. This must not be changed because it is used 
-               by the Program.
-   \item description: a short description of this OutputMode. 
+   \item name: The name of the mode. This must not be changed because it is used 
+               by the program.
+   \item description: a short description of this outputmode. 
    \item parameters: one ore more parameters which will be shown in the GUI e.g. 
-                     for changing the Size of an Chart.
+                     for changing the size of an chart.
    \item exportModes: one or more formats which can be served.
 \subsection{Adding a new FIS}
-In this Section it will be explained which steps has to be done to integrate a
-new FIS into the Artifact-Server.  This will be done using the Configuration for
-an FIS which use data from MEDIAN.TIMESERIES Section of the DataWareHouse e.g.
+In this section it will be explained which steps has to be done to integrate a
+new FIS into the artifact-server.  This will be done using the configuration for
+an FIS which use data from MEDIAN.TIMESERIES section of the datawarehouse e.g.
-Pay attention that for publishing the Changes to the Artifact-Server you will 
+Pay attention that for publishing the changes to the artifact-server you will 
 have to restart it. 
-\subsubsection{Adding a new Artifactfactory}
-First step is to add a new Artifactfactory to the Configuration conf/conf.xml
-To do this you have to add a new XML-Fragment into the Section 
+\subsubsection{Adding a new Artifact-factory}
+First step is to add a new artifact-factory to the configuration conf/conf.xml
+To do this you have to add a new XML-fragment into the section 
 /factories/artifact-factories  which look like that:
@@ -607,16 +607,16 @@
-In this XML-Fragment you only have to replace the placeholder NEWFISNAME with a 
-unique short Name for the new FIS.
+In this XML-fragment you only have to replace the placeholder NEWFISNAME with a 
+unique short name for the new FIS.
-This Example shows how to add an FIS and which effects it took to the 
+This example shows how to add an FIS and which effects it took to the 
-At first we add the following Artifactfactory into the file conf/conf.xml
-in Section /artifact-database/artifact-factories which add a new 
-FIS called justanewfis to the Server:
+At first we add the following artifact-factory into the file conf/conf.xml
+in section /artifact-database/artifact-factories which add a new 
+FIS called justanewfis to the server:
 <artifact-factory name='fis\_justanewfis' 
@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@
-Then we restart the Artifact-database executing the following command:
+Then we restart the artifact-database executing the following command:
 /etc/init.d/artifactdb restart
@@ -640,14 +640,14 @@
 curl http://localhost:8181/factories | xmllint --format - | grep fis\_justanewfis
-If the FIS was added the new Artifactfactory will be found in the generated 
-XML-Output and it will be shown.
-Otherwise no XML-Output will be shown.
+If the FIS was added the new artifact-factory will be found in the generated 
+XML-output and it will be shown.
+Otherwise no XML-output will be shown.
-\subsubsection{Adding a new Artifact for Artifactfactory}
-The next Step is to define the Artifact itself.
-For this it is necessary to add an XML-Fragment into the Section /artifacts of 
-the main Configuration-File /conf/conf.xml
+\subsubsection{Adding a new Artifact for Artifact-factory}
+The next step is to define the artifact itself.
+For this it is necessary to add an XML-fragment into the section /artifacts of 
+the main configurationfile /conf/conf.xml
 <artifact name='fis\_NEWFISNAME'>
@@ -656,20 +656,20 @@
-In this XML- Fragment it is also required to replace the placeholder NEWFISNAME 
-with the name which was used to configure the Artifact-Factory.
+In this XML-fragment it is also required to replace the placeholder NEWFISNAME 
+with the name which was used to configure the artifact-factory.
-Now the ArtifactServer can handle an additional FIS without any Products yet.
+Now the artifact-server can handle an additional FIS without any products yet.
-To prevent needless Configuration-Work it is useful way to clone an Artifact 
-which handle the same Kind of work as the new FIS.
+To prevent needless configuration-work it is useful way to clone an artifact 
+which handle the same kind of work as the new FIS.
-Now we will configure an Artifact to the FIS justanewfis.
+Now we will configure an artifact to the FIS justanewfis.
-For this we have to add the following XML-Fragment to the File conf/conf.xml
-in Section /artifact-database/artifacts:
+For this we have to add the following XML-fragment to the file conf/conf.xml
+in section /artifact-database/artifacts:
 <artifact name='fis\_justanewfis'>
@@ -678,13 +678,13 @@
-Restart the Artifact-Database:
+Restart the artifact-database:
 /etc/init.d/artifactdb restart
-Now we should be able to choose the Artifact.
+Now we should be able to choose the artifact.
 The Listbox with products will be empty.
@@ -692,16 +692,16 @@
 \subsubsection{Adding removing Products to the specific Artifact}
-Now it is Time to configure the different Products which the FIS should be able 
+Now it is time to configure the different products which the FIS should be able 
 to provide.
-To do this it is necessary to Copy the XML-Fragments of the products into the
-XML-Element <products> of the previously integrated Artifact.
+To do this it is necessary to copy the XML-fragments of the products into the
+XML-element <products> of the previously integrated artifact.
 <artifact name='fis\_NEWFISNAME'>
          <product name= "timeSeries">
               <artifact-factory name="timeSeries" 
-                                description="Artiefactfactory for Instantiating the Artifact for TimeSeries on TimeSeriesPoints"  
+                                description="Artifactfactory for instantiating the artifact for TimeSeries on TimeSeriesPoints"  
@@ -715,7 +715,7 @@
           <product name= "verticalProfile">
               <artifact-factory name="verticalProfile" 
-                                description="Artiefactfactory for Instantiating the Artifact for Verticalprofiles on TimeSeriesPoints"  
+                                description="Artifactfactory for instantiating the artifact for Verticalprofiles on TimeSeriesPoints"  
@@ -731,20 +731,20 @@
-In this XML-Fragment you have to replace the placeholders NEWFISNAME as before 
-and VALUEOFSOURCEID with the value for the new FIS as defined in the Table 
+In this XML-fragment you have to replace the placeholders NEWFISNAME as before 
+and VALUEOFSOURCEID with the value for the new FIS as defined in the table 
-Now we will add a Product to the new FIS.
-To let the Products work we will choose a Product which
+Now we will add a product to the new FIS.
+To let the products work we will choose a product which
 will contain the sourceid of an existing FIS (e.g 4 Marnet).
-At first add the following XML-Fragment to the new Artifact.
+At first add the following XML-fragment to the new artifact.
 <product name= "timeSeries">
     <artifact-factory name="timeSeries" 
-                      description="Artiefactfactory for Instantiating the Artifact for TimeSeries on TimeSeriesPoints"  
+                      description="Artifactfactory for instantiating the artifact for TimeSeries on TimeSeriesPoints"  
@@ -758,7 +758,7 @@
-Restart the Artifact-Database:
+Restart the artifact-database:
 /etc/init.d/artifactdb restart
@@ -769,26 +769,26 @@
 curl -d "@sample-documents/create-artifact.xml"  http://localhost:8181/create | xmllint --format -
-The Product timeSeries should be available for the FIS justanewfis.
+the product timeSeries should be available for the FIS justanewfis.
-Now we should be able to choose the Product.
-This Product should work and you should be able to generate even the defined
+Now we should be able to choose the product.
+This product should work and you should be able to generate even the defined
 \subsection{Adding a new Product}
-To add a new Product to the System it is necessary that the required 
-Artifact representation is Implemented in the SourceCode.
-Without doing that step it is not possible to create a new Product.
+To add a new product to the system it is necessary that the required 
+artifact representation is implemented in the sourcecode.
+Without doing that step it is not possible to create a new product.
-All Products are configured in separate Files that will be included into the 
-main configuration using Xlink-References.
+All products are configured in separate files that will be included into the 
+main configuration using Xlink-references.
-First Step is to create a new File in the Folder products and there in the 
-sub-folder where the Product belongs to (timeseries,verticalprofile,
+First step is to create a new file in the folder products and there in the 
+sub-folder where the product belongs to (timeseries,verticalprofile,
-Then you have tor reference this File in the File /conf/conf.xml in the Section 
-/artifacts using the following XML-Fragment.
+Then you have tor reference this file in the file /conf/conf.xml in the section 
+/artifacts using the following XML-fragment.
 <artifact name="timeSeries" 
@@ -796,22 +796,22 @@
           xlink:href="${artifacts.config.dir}/products/PATHTOFILE" /> 
-The placeholder PATHTOFILE has to be replaced with the relative Path and the 
-Name of the File starting in the Folder products.  
+The placeholder PATHTOFILE has to be replaced with the relative path and the 
+name of the file starting in the folder products.  
 Then it is possible to add the product to a FIS as explained in the next section.
-Please note that the defined Name of the ArtifactFactory has to match to the 
-Name of the added Products which is also designed as an Artifact.
+Please note that the defined name of the artifact-factory has to match to the 
+name of the added products which is also designed as an artifact.
 \subsection{Adding a additional Product to a FIS}
-To add a additional Product to a FIS you only have to add the XML-Fragment which 
-represents the product to the Artifact-configuration of the FIS in Section 
+To add a additional product to a FIS you only have to add the XML-fragment which 
+represents the product to the artifact-configuration of the FIS in section
  <product name= "timeSeries">
      <artifact-factory name="timeSeries" 
-                       description="Artiefactfactory for Instantiating the Artifact for TimeSeries on TimeSeriesPoints"  
+                       description="Artifactfactory for instantiating the artifact for TimeSeries on TimeSeriesPoints"  