changeset 911:11ebb00c8bf4

Added overview of the subject-sepcific configuration and its file structure doc/trunk@1045 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Hans Plum <>
date Tue, 04 May 2010 06:51:36 +0000 (2010-05-04)
parents 329a510ba5a2
children 3ca45a124985
files doc/ChangeLog doc/config-manual/config-manual.tex doc/config-manual/model_of_transitions.tex
diffstat 3 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-) [+]
line wrap: on
line diff
--- a/doc/ChangeLog	Mon May 03 14:54:38 2010 +0000
+++ b/doc/ChangeLog	Tue May 04 06:51:36 2010 +0000
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+2010-05-04  Hans Plum <>
+	* config-manual/config-manual.tex,
+	config-manual/model_of_transitions.tex:
+	Added an overview of the subject-specific part of the configuration
+	introducing the dependencies of the relevant files
 2010-05-03  Tim Englich <>
 	* config-manual/model_of_transitions.tex:
--- a/doc/config-manual/config-manual.tex	Mon May 03 14:54:38 2010 +0000
+++ b/doc/config-manual/config-manual.tex	Tue May 04 06:51:36 2010 +0000
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
--- a/doc/config-manual/model_of_transitions.tex	Mon May 03 14:54:38 2010 +0000
+++ b/doc/config-manual/model_of_transitions.tex	Tue May 04 06:51:36 2010 +0000
@@ -1,74 +1,85 @@
 \section{Model of transitions}
-\subsection{Relation between System and Configuration}
-The Generic Viewer provides several FIS.
-In the Configurationdocument each FIS is provided by an ArtifactFactory.
-The next listing shows the dependencies between the FIS and the Name
-of the Artifactfactory which belongs to it.
+\subsection{Overview of Subject-Specific Configuration: From FIS, Products, States,
+Transitions and SQL-statements}
-    \item Marnet: fis\_marnet
-    \item IMIS: fis\_imis
-    \item STAUN: fis\_staun
-    \item Modeldata fis\_modeldata
-    \item Iceclimatology: fis\_eisklimatologie
-    \item Ice Station Report: fis\_icestations
-    \item SST: fis\_sst
-    \item Delphin: fis\_delphin
-    \item Thermosalinograph: fis\_thermosalinograph
-    \item Chemusurvey: fis\_chemusurvey
-    \item GTS: fis\_gts
-    \item CTD: fis\_bsh\_ctd
-    \item XBT: fis\_bsh\_xbt
-    \item SeaCat: is\_seacat
-    \item Sea State: fis\_seastate
-    \item Current Meter: fis\_currentmeter
-    \item Nauthis: fis\_nauthis
-    \item Contis: fis\_contis
-    \item Marine Features: fis\_marinefeatures
-The Products of each FIS can be configured in the Artifact which belongs to 
-each Artifactfactory.
+The GNV-system provides several expert information systems (FIS). Within a FIS
+users can select products for analysing and visualising different
+subject-specific issues like timeseries diagrams and different types of
+profiles. In order to generate these products, different kind of data out of the
+dataware house is needed.
-There are three main groups where the different FIS can be devided to:
-   \item TimeSeriesPoints
-   \item Mesh
-   \item InstantaneousPoints
-Each product is configured in separate Files stored in subfolders of the 
-Folder conf/products.
+The configuration is mainly split up into two steps\footnote{Except for
+integrating the MapViewer. There is a third step necessary by configuring
+additional tables in the datawarehouse}:
+    \item FIS and their according products (Metainformation)
+    \item products with their states, transitions, outputs and SQL-statements
+    (Implementation)
-The Configurationfiles are put into separate foldes sorted by the kind of 
-Product they provide:
+%% TODO: Add a screenshoot of the GNV WebClient marking GUI elements for FIS,
+%% product, states and transitions
-   \item  horizontalcrosssection  
-   \item  horizontalprofile  
-   \item  layer  
-   \item  timeseries  
-   \item  verticalcrosssection  
-   \item  verticalprofile
+Main entry point for the configuration is the file \verb+ conf/conf.xml +
+defining the list of FIS and the according products based on the different
+datamodels in the datawarehouse. The provided datamodels are:
-The Name of the File links to the main group of an FIS it belongs to.
+    \item ESRI ArcMarineBSH with following subtypes
+        \begin{enumerate}
+            \item TimeSeriesPoints
+            \item MeshFeatures
+            \item Measurements/InstantaneousPoints
+        \end{enumerate}
+    \item ESRI ArcS57,
+%% FIXME: Is Marine Feature a subtype of S57 or a model of its own?    
+%%    \item Marine Features
+    \item CONTIS
+Each product configuration consists of a datamodel specific configuration
+organized in a product specific folder in \verb+ conf/products+\footnote{The
+special case of a "Horizontales Schnittprofil" is configured in
+\verb+conf/horizontalprofile/conf_mesh_cross.xml+}. The directory layout looks
+like this:
+|-- horizontalcrosssection
+|   `-- conf_mesh.xml
+|-- horizontalprofile
+|   |-- conf_instantaneouspoint.xml
+|   |-- conf_mesh.xml
+|   `-- conf_mesh_cross.xml
+|-- layer
+|   `-- conf.xml
+|-- timeseries
+|   |-- conf_mesh.xml
+|   |-- conf_timeseriespoint.xml
+|   `-- timegap_definition.xml
+|-- verticalcrosssection
+|   `-- conf_mesh.xml
+`-- verticalprofile
+    |-- conf_instantaneouspoint.xml
+    |-- conf_mesh.xml
+    `-- conf_timeseriespoint.xml
+The subtypes of the ArcMarineBSH based datamodel are configured in the files below:
    \item TimeSeriesPoints: conf\_timeseriespoint.xml
    \item Mesh: conf\_mesh.xml
    \item InstantaneousPoints: conf\_instantaneouspoint.xml
-The Configuration of each Product contains the different Steps which are
-required to generate the output of an Product.
+Within each of these files, the steps for gathering the values for the
+parameterisation are configured by defining states, transitions and outputs
+(c.f. \ref{ref:config-a-product}).  The defintion of states, transitions and
+outputs reference the actual SQL-statements via identifier. The SQL-statements
+are gathered in the file \verb+conf/queries.txt+.
 \subsection{General principle of model of transitions}
-        - FIS -> product -> transitions in data model
 It is possible to configure the GNV in many ways.
 It is possible to add or remove FIS, add or remove Products from a FIS or
@@ -78,7 +89,7 @@
 The configuration of the provided FIS are devided in three main parts.
-    \item Configuration of the Artifactfactories which represents the FIS.
+    \item Configuration of the list of FIS via Artifactfactories
     \item Configuration of main Artifacts which will be instantiated if an 
   Artifactfactory was called.
     \item Configuration of the different Artifacts which provides Products which can be 
@@ -112,6 +123,31 @@
 // TODO: List of Artifacts which currently used in this Configuration? 
+The next listing shows the dependencies between the FIS and the Name
+of the Artifactfactory which belongs to it.
+    \item Marnet: fis\_marnet
+    \item IMIS: fis\_imis
+    \item STAUN: fis\_staun
+    \item Modeldata fis\_modeldata
+    \item Iceclimatology: fis\_eisklimatologie
+    \item Ice Station Report: fis\_icestations
+    \item SST: fis\_sst
+    \item Delphin: fis\_delphin
+    \item Thermosalinograph: fis\_thermosalinograph
+    \item Chemusurvey: fis\_chemusurvey
+    \item GTS: fis\_gts
+    \item CTD: fis\_bsh\_ctd
+    \item XBT: fis\_bsh\_xbt
+    \item SeaCat: is\_seacat
+    \item Sea State: fis\_seastate
+    \item Current Meter: fis\_currentmeter
+    \item Nauthis: fis\_nauthis
+    \item Contis: fis\_contis
+    \item Marine Features: fis\_marinefeatures
 \subsubsection{Configuration of main Artifact}
 For each Artifact-Factory it is necessary to configure one Artifact which will be 
 created using the Factory.
@@ -170,6 +206,7 @@
 \subsubsection{Configuration of an Product}
 The Products of the different FIS are also modeled as Artifact-Objects.
 The different Products which are currently avaliable are stored in separate
 Files in the Folder project.