
age author description
2009-09-24 Tim Englich Some Codecleanup done
2009-09-23 Tim Englich Added Support for VerticalProfiles for InstantaneousPoints
2009-09-23 Tim Englich Bugfixed in Querypreparation
2009-09-23 Tim Englich Added Support for Vertical Profiles Mesh
2009-09-22 Tim Englich Added Support for Vertical Profiles Marnet, STAUN, IMIS
2009-09-21 Tim Englich Added Support for TimeSeriesMesh
2009-09-17 Tim Englich Databases Timeout set to Minutes
2009-09-17 Tim Englich Implementation of the Static UI done
2009-09-16 Tim Englich Added Multiselectsupport for InputValues
2009-09-16 Tim Englich Some improvements an bugfixes done
2009-09-15 Tim Englich Integrate UI-Representation for Describe into the FISArtifact.
2009-09-14 Tim Englich Make the Interfaces Serializable to make them usable in the Artifactdatabase
2009-09-14 Tim Englich Make the Interfaces Serializable to make them usable in the Artifactdatabase
2009-09-14 Tim Englich Refactoring Work depending on Infrastructurchanges in the Artifact-Module
2009-09-10 Tim Englich TestCase moved from TimeSeriesArtifact to FISArtifact. Used FIS: Marnet
2009-09-10 Tim Englich Integrated FIS-Artifact
2009-09-10 Tim Englich Refactoringwork done because of changes in the artifact-module
2009-09-10 Tim Englich TestCase Refactored to the new Folder-Based Configuration.
2009-09-09 Tim Englich Chartrendering integrated in Timeseries Transition
2009-09-09 Tim Englich Refactor ChartFactory so that it is able to be compiled without errors.
2009-09-09 Tim Englich Added JfreeChart Dependency to pom-file
2009-09-09 Tim Englich Insert Chart-Classes from old Repository
2009-09-09 Tim Englich Integrated Output Methods and Interfacsstructure
2009-09-09 Tim Englich Changed DateoutputFormat from German- to Anericanstyle
2009-09-09 Tim Englich Testcases Modified
2009-09-09 Tim Englich Implementation of the MIN- / MAX-Value Representation
2009-09-08 Tim Englich TestCase implemented until Choosing the TimeInetval of an TimeSeries
2009-09-08 Tim Englich Outputs integrated in describe and XForms integrated
2009-09-08 Tim Englich Artifact.advance initial implementiert
2009-09-08 Tim Englich Funktionalität Feed initial bereitgestellt.
2009-09-08 Tim Englich Required Inputelements integrated in BAsicArtifact-Descibe-Outputv
2009-09-08 Tim Englich Constructs for the required Inputvalues for an Transition created
2009-09-08 Tim Englich 2009-09-08 Tim Englich <tim.englich@intevation.de>
2009-09-08 Tim Englich Added getDescription to a Transition
2009-09-07 Tim Englich First Implementation of the GNV-Artifacts
2009-09-04 Tim Englich First Implementation of an ArtifactFactory
2009-09-04 Tim Englich Initial Projectsetup
2009-10-07 Sascha L. Teichmann RELEASE 0.1
2009-10-06 Tim Englich English-Language-Support added
2009-10-06 Tim Englich Read the Status-Code from the Response and throw an Exception which Message will be visualized in the GUI. gnv/issue18
2009-10-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Moved Changelog to ChangeLog to make eclipse happier.
2009-10-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Unified changelog style
2009-10-06 Sascha L. Teichmann Remove XMLBeans stuff, set filtered resources to UTF-8 to supress maven build warning.
2009-10-06 Tim Englich Added Global Forward to determine the Start-URL of the Project. gnv/issue14
2009-10-06 Tim Englich Deaktivate Links save Project and load Project gnv/issue12
2009-10-05 Tim Englich Added some more FIS-Ressource.
2009-10-02 Tim Englich Adding Languagetransfer to the ArtifactDatabase to the GNV-Client
2009-10-02 Tim Englich gnv/trunk@179 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
2009-10-02 Tim Englich Format Code to max 80 Chars per Row better Formatter choosen
2009-10-02 Tim Englich Format Code to max 80 Chars per Row Forgot to commit Changelog
2009-10-02 Tim Englich Format Code to max 80 Chars per Row
2009-10-02 Tim Englich CodeCleanUP
2009-10-02 Tim Englich Added Global Errorhandling to the GNV-Client
2009-09-28 Tim Englich Adding missing StatisticsDescription for Arithmetic Mean.
2009-09-28 Tim Englich Adding StatisticsOutput to the GUI
2009-09-25 Tim Englich Bug fixed in CSV-Export Link
2009-09-25 Tim Englich Added dynamic Outputparameter Support and Outputparameter-manipulation
2009-09-25 Tim Englich Export and Diagrammoptions integrated into GUI
2009-09-24 Tim Englich CodeCleanup in Imported Javascriptfile
2009-09-24 Tim Englich Please-Wait Dialog from old Project reactivated.
2009-09-24 Tim Englich Added existing JavaScripte-Code to the Project
2009-09-24 Tim Englich Codecleanup
2009-09-24 Tim Englich Configurable logging integrated in the Web-Application
2009-09-23 Tim Englich Made ArtifactDatabase URL configurable
2009-09-23 Tim Englich Some GUI-Improvements done
2009-09-23 Tim Englich Some GUI improvements done
2009-09-22 Tim Englich Logging reduced
2009-09-21 Tim Englich Do some Imporvements for Userfriendly exceptionhandling.
2009-09-17 Tim Englich Static UI -integration an some refactoringwork done
2009-09-16 Tim Englich Some Stylingimprovements done
2009-09-16 Tim Englich Intergate the new Pageinfrastructure into the old Layout
2009-09-16 Tim Englich Import of MainLayout, Styles, images and Scripts from old System Revision: 3101 Does not compile
2009-09-16 Tim Englich Import of MainLayout, Styles, images and Scripts from old System Revision: 3101 Does not compile
2009-09-16 Tim Englich Chartoutput Added to the View
2009-09-16 Tim Englich Integration of moving through the Artifact-States and rendering the UI.
2009-09-15 Tim Englich Integration of the required XSL-Transformation of the Describe-Response of the Artifactdatabase
2009-09-15 Tim Englich Added "Create Artifact" and "Describe Artifact" to the Testszenario.
2009-09-14 Tim Englich Support for Initial DescribeCall to ArtifactDatabase implemented
2009-09-14 Tim Englich Some Basic Stuff for WebProjects
2009-09-14 Tim Englich Support for creating an Artifact integrated
2009-09-11 Tim Englich Added Further Dependencies and Plugins to pom.xml.
2009-09-11 Tim Englich Testcase for querying Artifacfactorydescriptions from the ArtifactDatabase
2009-09-11 Tim Englich Basic Struts-Infrastructur Added
2009-09-11 Tim Englich Infrastructur for Providing Applicationsettings
2009-09-11 Tim Englich infrastructur for Communicationg with the ArtifactDatabase added.
2009-09-10 Tim Englich Added Eclipse-Specific Files and Folders to svnignoe
2009-09-10 Tim Englich Initialer Projektimport
