2009-11-23 |
Tim Englich |
Added the Possibility to get Version-Infomation and Release Date/Time from the GNV-Project using a Browser issue87
2009-11-20 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Removed mistake in xml structure of the artifact protocol.
2012-09-28 |
Thomas Arendsen Hein |
merged geo-backend/0.2
2009-11-13 |
Hans Plum |
RELEASE 0.2: Summarized contents
2009-11-13 |
Hans Plum |
Made some ChangeLog entries a bit clearer.
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Changed the splitting of the Statements for ARCSDE-Transformation.
2009-11-06 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Removed target from version control.
2009-11-05 |
Tim Englich |
Added the possibility to use Innerselects in SpatialQueries
2009-11-02 |
Tim Englich |
General CodecCleanup:
2009-10-30 |
Tim Englich |
Polygon and 3D Support was added to the WKT-Representation.
2009-10-29 |
Tim Englich |
Added Integer-Support for DoubleValues because the ArcSDE does
2009-10-20 |
Tim Englich |
Integrated Patch of issue57 to get some Memoryusage-improvements
2009-10-19 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
DefaultResult now directly inherits from HashMap.
2009-10-14 |
Tim Englich |
Added further Queries for Testing Spatial-Query-Support
2009-10-14 |
Tim Englich |
Add WKT-Syntaxt to Shape ReturnValue
2009-10-14 |
Tim Englich |
Added InnerJoin, Order By and Group By Support to Spatial-Queries
2009-10-13 |
Tim Englich |
Added SFS-Support to ArcSDE-Query-Part without any Spatial restriction in the where clause
2009-10-13 |
Tim Englich |
Fixed issue 34
2009-10-13 |
Tim Englich |
Added SFS-Support to ArcSDE-Query-Part
2009-10-13 |
Tim Englich |
Added SFS-Support to ArcSDE-Query-Part
2012-09-28 |
Thomas Arendsen Hein |
merged gnv-artifacts/0.2
2009-11-16 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added start-script to version control.
2009-11-13 |
Hans Plum |
RELEASE 0.2: Summarized activities in NEWS, Changes
2009-11-13 |
Hans Plum |
Unified style of ChangeLog descriptions refering to issues
2009-11-13 |
Tim Englich |
Moved Comment according to Instantiationerrors loading Artifact.
2009-11-13 |
Tim Englich |
Added Documentation of Configuration-Files
2009-11-13 |
Tim Englich |
Removed Statisticsupport for VerticalCrossSection and HorizontalCrossSection according to Requirement TG_0030.061
2009-11-12 |
Tim Englich |
Added proper values for calculating the Statistics of VerticalProfiles and HorizontalProfiles issue86
2009-11-12 |
Tim Englich |
Translated "Keine Auswahl" to "No Selection" according to the Specification that
2009-11-12 |
Tim Englich |
Put a name to each Statistic group which is similar to the name of the
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
Added Validation if a given maxvalue is greater than a given minvalue issue19
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
BugFix: The Value of SingleInputFields will now also be shown in the static ui. issue81
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
BugFix: Storage of "feeded" MinMaxValues will now work. issue79
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
Removed unnecessary characters 'v' from the Documents. issue76
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added Ressources for the AreaFilter Ids areaid and subareid
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Sort Columns to the given order of the ODV-Specification
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to VerticalCrossSection on Meshes
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to HorizontalCrossSection on Meshes
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to HorizontalProfiles on InstantaneousPoint
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to VerticalProfiles in InstantaneousPoint
2009-11-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to HorizontalProfiles in Meshes
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export to VerticalProfiles
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added ODV-Export-Support to TimeSeries Mesh
2009-11-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added possibility to print column labels in the first line of an export. Added labels for odv export as well.
2009-11-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
ODV-export for timeseries completed.
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added SQL-Statement for ODV-Exports on Verticalprofiles TimeSeriesPoints
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added SQL-Statement-ID for ODV-Exports on Verticalprofiles TimeSeriesPoints
2009-11-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Renaming HorizontalProfileDataCollector into ShapeDataCollector.
2009-11-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
HorizontalProfile CSV-export uses an Exporter instead of writing csv on its own.
2009-11-09 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added DataCollector which collects data used for exports.
2009-11-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added special Data-Selection to the ODV-Exports of TimeSeries on TimeSeriesPoints. issue68
2009-11-06 |
Tim Englich |
Added the Region-Filter to the Workflow of the Artifacttescases to be able to test it automatically.
2009-11-06 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Implemented an exporter for odv and csv exports.
2009-11-06 |
Tim Englich |
Added the Region-Filter to the Workflow of the Artifacttescases to be able to test it automatically.
2009-11-06 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added missing ChangeLog entry for last revision.
2009-11-06 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added odv output format to products.
2009-11-06 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfix Gap-Calculation moved maxGap into negative Valies because of overflow of Long-Variable.
2009-11-06 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfix Gap-Calculation moved maxGap into negative Valies because of overflow of Long-Variable.
2009-11-05 |
Tim Englich |
Added the RegionFilters into the configuration of the Products for TimeSeriesPoints.
2009-11-05 |
Tim Englich |
Added the RegionFilters into the configuration of the Products for Meshes.
2009-11-05 |
Tim Englich |
Removed some Compilation-Errors according to API-Changes in the ArtifactDatabase.
2009-11-03 |
Tim Englich |
Implemented the special case for TimeGaps in Meshes issue45
2009-11-02 |
Tim Englich |
General CodecCleanup:
2009-10-30 |
Tim Englich |
Added the Testcase for Horizontal Cross-Sections
2009-10-30 |
Tim Englich |
Integrated the OutputTransition for Horizontal Cross-Sections
2009-10-29 |
Tim Englich |
Added configurable TimeGap Support to the TimeSeries-Chart-Generation. issu45
2009-10-28 |
Tim Englich |
Added Workflow for determining the Query-Parameters for Horizontal cross-sections.
2009-10-28 |
Tim Englich |
Added Configuration and Ressources for two new FIS. Current Meter and Ice Station Reports
2009-10-27 |
Tim Englich |
Added two new FIS according to GT_0020.002
2009-10-27 |
Tim Englich |
Integration of the selection of the min and max Layer used in Verticalprofiles of Meshes. issue61
2009-10-26 |
Tim Englich |
Minimum and Maximum Depth should be entered by the User issue31
2009-10-26 |
Tim Englich |
Minimum and Maximum Depth should be entered by the User issue31
2009-10-23 |
Tim Englich |
The Timeperiod of the Modeldata has changed. so it was nessessarry to change
2009-10-23 |
Tim Englich |
gnv-artifacts/trunk@265 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
2009-10-23 |
Tim Englich |
Use super.identifier as uuid. issue3
2009-10-23 |
Tim Englich |
Store the Results of an Artifact not in the Artifact but in an ehcache instance. issue3
2009-10-23 |
Tim Englich |
Optimized Query horizontalprofile_instantaneouspoint_cruise because it is not warranted
2009-10-22 |
Tim Englich |
Added the support to Display the Time and the position of an Measurement in an VerticalProfile of Type Instantaneous Point
2009-10-22 |
Tim Englich |
Split the Configuration File in several small Documents to speed up the Artifactinstantiation and also make the administration of the Artifactdatabase easier. issue40 and issue59
2009-10-21 |
Tim Englich |
Added relative locations for further required Configurationfiles . issue59
2009-10-21 |
Tim Englich |
Added separat ConnectionPoolPrperties to this Project.
2009-10-21 |
Tim Englich |
Changed Configuration Folder to doc/conf
2009-10-21 |
Tim Englich |
Changed Configuration Folder to doc/conf
2009-10-21 |
Tim Englich |
Moved Configurationfiles
2009-10-21 |
Tim Englich |
Added Folder for the Configuration of the gnv-artifacts.
2009-10-20 |
Tim Englich |
Added the required Classes an Configuration for providing VerticalCrossSections
2009-10-20 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfix for TIMESERIESPOINT the first and the last value weren't used in the Query which was integrated from the
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Added uniform Visualization of Single Input-Elements to MinMax-Elements. issue55
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Catch Exception that the Calling Program could not put no InputData
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Adding empty Series into Chart to prevent NPE issue 19
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Correct misspelled Exception-Message as an Result of fixing issue35
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Changed the Value of Layer and Depth range visualization of Meshes
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Changed the displayed-Values as defined in issue47
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Conformation to the tanslation of the MeshObjects issue53
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Adding two further fis which are based on Mesh to the System.
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Adding 5% bigger Valuearea to the Chart according to GT0030.011
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Changed Domainlable for Verticalprofiles according to the Specification GT_0030.005
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Added Calculation of the Distance in the unit km for Geodetic-Coordinates according to the Specification GT_0030.004
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
The Levelnumber of Meshes will also be visualized in the choose of depth GT_0020.0020
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Added Coordinate-Values to Title of the TimeseriesDiagramm for Meshes
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfix ChartValues were not Recalculated after feed was called second Time.
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfix in MinMaxTransition the Maxvalue was not the correct Value.
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Added Transformation from WKT-Coordinate Reperesentation to BSH-Coordinate Representation. issue38
2009-10-15 |
Tim Englich |
Added missing Class Description Values to the Horizontal Profile Charts
2009-10-15 |
Tim Englich |
Added Name of FIS to the Title of Charts
2009-10-15 |
Tim Englich |
Integrated special CSV-Export for HorizontalProfiles
2009-10-14 |
Tim Englich |
Add Spatial-Query-Syntax to HorizontalProfile-Queries and use Geometry to Calculate the X-Ordinate of the Chart.
2009-10-13 |
Tim Englich |
Added Parameter-Usage in Time-Interval-Query ISSUE-33
2009-10-13 |
Tim Englich |
Added real Coordinate-Query to HorizontalProfile- and VerticalProfile-Mesh
2009-10-13 |
Tim Englich |
Added real Coordinate-Query to TimeSeries-Mesh
2009-10-12 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Closed small file descriptor leak in loading SQL properties file.
2009-10-09 |
Tim Englich |
Format Code to max 80 Chars per Row and Cleanup
2009-10-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added parameter to the DateQueroes of Meshes
2009-11-13 |
Hans Plum |
RELEASE 0.2: Summarized activities in NEWS, Changes
2009-11-13 |
Hans Plum |
Unified changelog entries with references to issues
2009-11-13 |
Tim Englich |
Added Documentation of Configuration-Entries.
2009-11-12 |
Tim Englich |
Added localized Exception Messages.
2009-11-12 |
Tim Englich |
Made all Interfaces Serailizable and add UID to all Objects issue71
2009-11-12 |
Tim Englich |
Implemented a better GUI-Structure for displaying the Statisticdata. issue83
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
Catch NPE and tell the user that the Session has expired. issue80
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
The Submitbutton now is placed properly after single
2009-11-11 |
Tim Englich |
BugFix: Text-Inputfields will now be diabaled in static-ui issue81
2009-11-06 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Replaced german umlaut with ascii character in language resource file.
2009-11-06 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Changed restlet repository from M3 to SNAPSHOT in maven pom file.
2009-11-06 |
Ingo Weinzierl |
Added link to export data as odv.
2009-11-05 |
Tim Englich |
Switched the Communication for Describe-Calls to the artifact-database from get to post.
2009-10-28 |
Tim Englich |
Added Ressources for two new FIS. Current Meter and Ice Station Reports
2009-10-27 |
Tim Englich |
Added two new FIS according to GT_0020.002
2009-10-22 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfix NPE was thrown when an Exception occured in the Called ArtifactDatabase-Server issue58.
2009-10-21 |
Tim Englich |
Added context.xml to permitt cookies to provide
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Added uniform Visualization of Single Input-Elements in GUI. issue55
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Catch Exception that the Calling Program could not put no InputData
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Now the UI will compelte be shown if the User has done an Mistake entering
2009-10-19 |
Tim Englich |
Changed Lablevalues according to issue47
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Conformation to the tanslation of the Statisticsdescriptors issue48
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Adding the Names of the two new FIS to the Propertiesfiles issue49
2009-10-16 |
Tim Englich |
Adding the Names of the two new FIS to the Propertiesfiles issue49
2012-09-28 |
Thomas Arendsen Hein |
merged geo-backend/0.1
2009-10-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
2009-10-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Unified changelog, removed some needless imports. xmllint-ed pom.xml
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Make the Constants assessible for other Parts of the Project to reduce the TouchPoints for Dateformats
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
Make Classes Serializable for Storing in ArtifactDatabase
2009-09-21 |
Tim Englich |
Added formatted Date Handling in getString Method
2009-09-21 |
Tim Englich |
Some Log Messages Added.
2009-09-12 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed target
2009-09-09 |
Tim Englich |
Some little performanceimprofments and Bugfixes
2009-09-04 |
Tim Englich |
GroupID changed
2009-09-04 |
Tim Englich |
correct wrong previous check-in
2009-09-04 |
Tim Englich |
Editing pom-build-plugins
2009-09-04 |
Tim Englich |
Fix Bug setting the Filtervalues into the Statement.
2009-09-04 |
Tim Englich |
Implementation of the Datainfrastructure for fetching Data from different DataStores.
2009-09-02 |
Tim Englich |
Changelog nachgereicht
2009-09-02 |
Tim Englich |
Implementierung Datenzugriff auf die ArcSDE über java.sql. Methodiken
2009-09-02 |
Tim Englich |
Library Dependencies Added to pom.xml-File
2009-09-02 |
Tim Englich |
geo-backend/trunk@4 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
2012-09-28 |
Thomas Arendsen Hein |
merged gnv-artifacts/0.1
2009-10-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
2009-10-06 |
Tim Englich |
Switch Lable-Value for Domain-Axis.
2009-10-06 |
Tim Englich |
Added some missing RessourceValues
2009-10-06 |
Tim Englich |
Added some missing RessourceValues
2009-10-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
s@test/plain@text/plain@g to correct MIME type of CSV export
2009-10-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Move resources to a place where maven puts them into final package.
2009-10-06 |
Tim Englich |
Resolved gnv/issue21 No NPE will be thrown.
2009-10-05 |
Tim Englich |
Added the new FIS
2009-10-05 |
Tim Englich |
Adding Languagetransfer to the ArtifactDatabase to the GNV-Client
2009-10-02 |
Tim Englich |
LanguageSupport integrated
2009-10-02 |
Tim Englich |
Added Horizontal-Profile-Support for Meshes.
2009-10-01 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Removed needless imports.
2009-09-30 |
Tim Englich |
Added TestCase for HorizontalProfiles of InstataneousPoints and the required Configuration
2009-09-30 |
Tim Englich |
Added Basic-Support for HorizontalProfiles
2009-09-30 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Fixed some text/xml MIME types in configuration.
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Integrate the type Point into the ArtifactMethod.
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Some Codeimprovments done
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Some Coderedundances refactored.
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Bug fixed: Mesh TimeSeries will now Handle Charts with multiple Depth-Values properly.
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Added TestCase for TimeSeriesMesh
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
ExceptionTest for Responsdocuments added.
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
TestCaseRequests for VerticalProfile FIS Mesh
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfix: Remove leading- and trailingwhitespaces from Date- and Integervalues
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Testcases for VerticalProfile and VerticalProfile Instantaneouspoint added
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Imporved JUnitTest and Bugfixing as a Result of this Improvement.
2009-09-29 |
Tim Englich |
Inputvalidation for String, Integer and Date Values added.
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
Some Performanceimprovement done
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
ehcache Integration for storing the chartresultvalues
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
Add Statisticssupport also to VerticalProfiles
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
Bug fixed. Now all Values will be used to calculate the Statistics
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
Changed the Output-format of Statistics from text/plain to text/xml.
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
Put the Statisticscalulation to the Outmethod of the OutputTransition.
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
Remove Compile-Errors from the StatisticsPart
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
Imported Statistics-Classes from old Project. Revision: 3101 Does not compile
2009-09-25 |
Tim Englich |
Added Support for Patameters in OutputModes
2009-09-25 |
Tim Englich |
Added Support for Patameters in OutputModes
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
Added CSV-Support and do some performanceimprovments
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
Successreporting added
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
Some CodeCleanup done.
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
SQL-Queries formatted, Some Bugs fixed
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
Some Codecleanup done
2009-09-23 |
Tim Englich |
Added Support for VerticalProfiles for InstantaneousPoints
2009-09-23 |
Tim Englich |
Bugfixed in Querypreparation
2009-09-23 |
Tim Englich |
Added Support for Vertical Profiles Mesh
2009-09-22 |
Tim Englich |
Added Support for Vertical Profiles Marnet, STAUN, IMIS
2009-09-21 |
Tim Englich |
Added Support for TimeSeriesMesh
2009-09-17 |
Tim Englich |
Databases Timeout set to Minutes
2009-09-17 |
Tim Englich |
Implementation of the Static UI done
2009-09-16 |
Tim Englich |
Added Multiselectsupport for InputValues
2009-09-16 |
Tim Englich |
Some improvements an bugfixes done
2009-09-15 |
Tim Englich |
Integrate UI-Representation for Describe into the FISArtifact.
2009-09-14 |
Tim Englich |
Make the Interfaces Serializable to make them usable in the Artifactdatabase
2009-09-14 |
Tim Englich |
Make the Interfaces Serializable to make them usable in the Artifactdatabase
2009-09-14 |
Tim Englich |
Refactoring Work depending on Infrastructurchanges in the Artifact-Module
2009-09-10 |
Tim Englich |
TestCase moved from TimeSeriesArtifact to FISArtifact. Used FIS: Marnet
2009-09-10 |
Tim Englich |
Integrated FIS-Artifact
2009-09-10 |
Tim Englich |
Refactoringwork done because of changes in the artifact-module
2009-09-10 |
Tim Englich |
TestCase Refactored to the new Folder-Based Configuration.
2009-09-09 |
Tim Englich |
Chartrendering integrated in Timeseries Transition
2009-09-09 |
Tim Englich |
Refactor ChartFactory so that it is able to be compiled without errors.
2009-09-09 |
Tim Englich |
Added JfreeChart Dependency to pom-file
2009-09-09 |
Tim Englich |
Insert Chart-Classes from old Repository
2009-09-09 |
Tim Englich |
Integrated Output Methods and Interfacsstructure
2009-09-09 |
Tim Englich |
Changed DateoutputFormat from German- to Anericanstyle
2009-09-09 |
Tim Englich |
Testcases Modified
2009-09-09 |
Tim Englich |
Implementation of the MIN- / MAX-Value Representation
2009-09-08 |
Tim Englich |
TestCase implemented until Choosing the TimeInetval of an TimeSeries
2009-09-08 |
Tim Englich |
Outputs integrated in describe and XForms integrated
2009-09-08 |
Tim Englich |
Artifact.advance initial implementiert
2009-09-08 |
Tim Englich |
Funktionalität Feed initial bereitgestellt.
2009-09-08 |
Tim Englich |
Required Inputelements integrated in BAsicArtifact-Descibe-Outputv
2009-09-08 |
Tim Englich |
Constructs for the required Inputvalues for an Transition created
2009-09-08 |
Tim Englich |
2009-09-08 Tim Englich <tim.englich@intevation.de>
2009-09-08 |
Tim Englich |
Added getDescription to a Transition
2009-09-07 |
Tim Englich |
First Implementation of the GNV-Artifacts
2009-09-04 |
Tim Englich |
First Implementation of an ArtifactFactory
2009-09-04 |
Tim Englich |
Initial Projectsetup
2009-10-07 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
2009-10-06 |
Tim Englich |
English-Language-Support added
2009-10-06 |
Tim Englich |
Read the Status-Code from the Response and throw an Exception which Message will be visualized in the GUI. gnv/issue18
2009-10-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Moved Changelog to ChangeLog to make eclipse happier.
2009-10-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Unified changelog style
2009-10-06 |
Sascha L. Teichmann |
Remove XMLBeans stuff, set filtered resources to UTF-8 to supress maven build warning.
2009-10-06 |
Tim Englich |
Added Global Forward to determine the Start-URL of the Project. gnv/issue14
2009-10-06 |
Tim Englich |
Deaktivate Links save Project and load Project gnv/issue12
2009-10-05 |
Tim Englich |
Added some more FIS-Ressource.
2009-10-02 |
Tim Englich |
Adding Languagetransfer to the ArtifactDatabase to the GNV-Client
2009-10-02 |
Tim Englich |
gnv/trunk@179 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
2009-10-02 |
Tim Englich |
Format Code to max 80 Chars per Row better Formatter choosen
2009-10-02 |
Tim Englich |
Format Code to max 80 Chars per Row Forgot to commit Changelog
2009-10-02 |
Tim Englich |
Format Code to max 80 Chars per Row
2009-10-02 |
Tim Englich |
2009-10-02 |
Tim Englich |
Added Global Errorhandling to the GNV-Client
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
Adding missing StatisticsDescription for Arithmetic Mean.
2009-09-28 |
Tim Englich |
Adding StatisticsOutput to the GUI
2009-09-25 |
Tim Englich |
Bug fixed in CSV-Export Link
2009-09-25 |
Tim Englich |
Added dynamic Outputparameter Support and Outputparameter-manipulation
2009-09-25 |
Tim Englich |
Export and Diagrammoptions integrated into GUI
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
CodeCleanup in Imported Javascriptfile
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
Please-Wait Dialog from old Project reactivated.
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
Added existing JavaScripte-Code to the Project
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
2009-09-24 |
Tim Englich |
Configurable logging integrated in the Web-Application
2009-09-23 |
Tim Englich |
Made ArtifactDatabase URL configurable
2009-09-23 |
Tim Englich |
Some GUI-Improvements done
2009-09-23 |
Tim Englich |
Some GUI improvements done
2009-09-22 |
Tim Englich |
Logging reduced
2009-09-21 |
Tim Englich |
Do some Imporvements for Userfriendly exceptionhandling.
2009-09-17 |
Tim Englich |
Static UI -integration an some refactoringwork done
2009-09-16 |
Tim Englich |
Some Stylingimprovements done
2009-09-16 |
Tim Englich |
Intergate the new Pageinfrastructure into the old Layout
2009-09-16 |
Tim Englich |
Import of MainLayout, Styles, images and Scripts from old System Revision: 3101 Does not compile
2009-09-16 |
Tim Englich |
Import of MainLayout, Styles, images and Scripts from old System Revision: 3101 Does not compile
2009-09-16 |
Tim Englich |
Chartoutput Added to the View
2009-09-16 |
Tim Englich |
Integration of moving through the Artifact-States and rendering the UI.
2009-09-15 |
Tim Englich |
Integration of the required XSL-Transformation of the Describe-Response of the Artifactdatabase
2009-09-15 |
Tim Englich |
Added "Create Artifact" and "Describe Artifact" to the Testszenario.
2009-09-14 |
Tim Englich |
Support for Initial DescribeCall to ArtifactDatabase implemented
2009-09-14 |
Tim Englich |
Some Basic Stuff for WebProjects
2009-09-14 |
Tim Englich |
Support for creating an Artifact integrated
2009-09-11 |
Tim Englich |
Added Further Dependencies and Plugins to pom.xml.
2009-09-11 |
Tim Englich |
Testcase for querying Artifacfactorydescriptions from the ArtifactDatabase
2009-09-11 |
Tim Englich |
Basic Struts-Infrastructur Added
2009-09-11 |
Tim Englich |
Infrastructur for Providing Applicationsettings
2009-09-11 |
Tim Englich |
infrastructur for Communicationg with the ArtifactDatabase added.
2009-09-10 |
Tim Englich |
Added Eclipse-Specific Files and Folders to svnignoe
2009-09-10 |
Tim Englich |
Initialer Projektimport