annotate flys-backend/doc/schema/import-dems.sql @ 4198:1cdbd8a0c994

Added two new tables ClickableQDTable and ClickableWTable and made Ws and Qs clickable in historical discharge calculation. The new tables define listener interfaces (clicked lower or upper icon) to listen to user clicks. In addition to this, there is an enum ClickMode with NONE, SINGLE and RANGE options, which allows to specifiy, which icons are displayed in the tables. NONE means no icon for user clicks, SINGLE has 1 icon, RANGE 2 icons for lower and upper.
author Ingo Weinzierl <>
date Mon, 22 Oct 2012 13:31:25 +0200
parents 89ada0b9083f
rev   line source
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
1 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_00000_01010', 0.0, 101.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_00000_10110.grd');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
2 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_00992_02030', 99.0, 203.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_09920_20300.grd');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
3 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_02020_02998', 202.0, 300.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_20200_29980.grd');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
4 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_02981_04010', 298.0, 401.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_29810_40100.grd');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
5 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_04000_05009', 400.0, 501.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_40000_50090.grd');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
6 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_05001_05830', 500.0, 583.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_50010_58330.grd');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
7 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00000_00058', 0.0, 6.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
8 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00058_00153', 6.0, 15.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
9 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00153_00416', 15.0, 42.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
10 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00414_01012_O', 41.0, 101.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', 'muss überarbeitet werden', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
11 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00414_01012_W', 41.0, 101.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', 'muss überarbeitet werden', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
12 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01012_01488', 101.0, 145.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
13 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01488_01666', 145.0, 167.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
14 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01666_01960', 167.0, 196.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
15 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01960_02044', 196.0, 204.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/1960-2044.XYZ');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
16 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_02044_02184', 204.0, 218.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/2044-2184.XYZ');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
17 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_02184_02420', 218.0, 242.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/525480MO.XYZ');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
18 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00000_00079', 0.0, 8.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0000-0079_long.txt');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
19 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00080_00204', 8.0, 20.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0080-0204_long.txt');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
20 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00205_00314', 20.0, 31.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0205-0314_long.txt');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
21 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00315_00541', 31.0, 54.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0315-0541_long.txt');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
22 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00542_00655', 54.0, 65.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0542-0655_long.txt');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
23 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00656_00828', 65.0, 83.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0656-0828_long.txt');
89ada0b9083f Modified the schema for DGMs; added converter for CSV to SQL for DGM information.
Ingo Weinzierl <>
parents: 2863
diff changeset
24 INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00829_00931', 83.0, 93.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0829-0931_erweitert.txt');