diff flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/artifacts/MapArtifact.java @ 2424:092e519ff461

merged flys-artifacts/2.6.1
author Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas@intevation.de>
date Fri, 28 Sep 2012 12:14:26 +0200
parents 60e3bf470c5b
children 4bd3d8bbb60c
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/artifacts/MapArtifact.java	Fri Sep 28 12:14:26 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+package de.intevation.flys.artifacts;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import java.util.List;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import org.w3c.dom.Node;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.ArtifactFactory;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.CallMeta;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.CallContext;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils.ElementCreator;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.common.ArtifactNamespaceContext;
+import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.ProtocolUtils;
+import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.state.Facet;
+import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.state.State;
+import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.state.StateEngine;
+import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.state.Output;
+import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.transition.TransitionEngine;
+import de.intevation.flys.model.River;
+import de.intevation.flys.utils.FLYSUtils;
+import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.RiverAxisArtifact.RiverAxisState;
+import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.states.DefaultState;
+import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.context.FLYSContext;
+import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.WMSDBLayerFacet;
+public class MapArtifact extends FLYSArtifact {
+    private static final Logger logger =
+        Logger.getLogger(MapArtifact.class);
+    @Override
+    public void setup(
+        String          identifier,
+        ArtifactFactory factory,
+        Object          context,
+        CallMeta        callmeta,
+        Document        data)
+    {
+        logger.debug("MapArtifact.setup");
+        this.identifier = identifier;
+        name = "new_map";
+        FLYSContext flysContext = FLYSUtils.getFlysContext(context);
+        List<State> states = getStates(context);
+        setCurrentState(states.get(0));
+    }
+    @Override
+    public Document describe(Document data, CallContext context) {
+        logger.debug("Describe: the current state is: " + getCurrentStateId());
+        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+            dumpArtifact();
+        }
+        FLYSContext flysContext = FLYSUtils.getFlysContext(context);
+        StateEngine stateEngine = (StateEngine) flysContext.get(
+            FLYSContext.STATE_ENGINE_KEY);
+        TransitionEngine transitionEngine = (TransitionEngine) flysContext.get(
+            FLYSContext.TRANSITION_ENGINE_KEY);
+        List<State> reachable = transitionEngine.getReachableStates(
+            this, getCurrentState(context), stateEngine);
+        Document description            = XMLUtils.newDocument();
+        XMLUtils.ElementCreator creator = new XMLUtils.ElementCreator(
+            description,
+            ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI,
+            ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_PREFIX);
+        Element root = ProtocolUtils.createRootNode(creator);
+        description.appendChild(root);
+        State current = getCurrentState(context);
+        ProtocolUtils.appendDescribeHeader(creator, root, identifier(), hash());
+        ProtocolUtils.appendState(creator, root, current);
+        ProtocolUtils.appendReachableStates(creator, root, reachable);
+        appendBackgroundActivity(creator, root, context);
+        Element name = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
+            creator, "name",
+            new String[] { "value" },
+            new String[] { getName() });
+        Element ui = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
+            creator, "ui", null, null);
+        Element staticUI  = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
+            creator, "static", null, null);
+        Element outs = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
+            creator, "outputmodes", null, null);
+        appendOutputModes(description, outs, context, identifier());
+        appendStaticUI(description, staticUI, context, identifier());
+        Element dynamic = current.describe(
+            this,
+            description,
+            root,
+            context,
+            identifier());
+        if (dynamic != null) {
+            ui.appendChild(dynamic);
+        }
+        ui.appendChild(staticUI);
+        root.appendChild(name);
+        root.appendChild(ui);
+        root.appendChild(outs);
+        return description;
+    }
+    protected static void appendBackgroundActivity(
+        ElementCreator cr,
+        Element        root,
+        CallContext    context
+    ) {
+        Element inBackground = cr.create("background-processing");
+        root.appendChild(inBackground);
+        cr.addAttr(
+            inBackground,
+            "value",
+            String.valueOf(context.isInBackground()),
+            true);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Append output mode nodes to a document.
+     */
+    protected void appendOutputModes(
+        Document    doc,
+        Element     outs,
+        CallContext context,
+        String      uuid)
+    {
+        List<String> stateIds = getPreviousStateIds();
+        XMLUtils.ElementCreator creator = new XMLUtils.ElementCreator(
+            doc,
+            ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI,
+            ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_PREFIX);
+        FLYSContext flysContext = FLYSUtils.getFlysContext(context);
+        StateEngine engine      = (StateEngine) flysContext.get(
+            FLYSContext.STATE_ENGINE_KEY);
+        for (String stateId: stateIds) {
+            logger.debug("Append output modes for state: " + stateId);
+            DefaultState state = (DefaultState) engine.getState(stateId);
+            List<Output> list = state.getOutputs();
+            if (list == null || list.size() == 0) {
+                logger.debug("-> No output modes for this state.");
+                continue;
+            }
+            List<Facet> fs = facets.get(stateId);
+            if (fs == null || fs.size() == 0) {
+                logger.debug("No facets for previous state found.");
+                continue;
+            }
+            logger.debug("Found " + fs.size() + " facets in previous states.");
+            List<Output> generated = generateOutputs(list, fs);
+            ProtocolUtils.appendOutputModes(doc, outs, generated);
+        }
+        try {
+            DefaultState cur = (DefaultState) getCurrentState(context);
+            if (cur.validate(this)) {
+                List<Output> list = cur.getOutputs();
+                if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
+                    logger.debug(
+                        "Append output modes for current state: " + cur.getID());
+                    List<Facet> fs = facets.get(cur.getID());
+                    if (fs != null && fs.size() > 0) {
+                        List<Output> generated = generateOutputs(list, fs);
+                        logger.debug("Found " + fs.size() + " current facets.");
+                        if (!generated.isEmpty()) {
+                            ProtocolUtils.appendOutputModes(
+                                doc, outs, generated);
+                        }
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        logger.debug("No facets found for the current state.");
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {
+            // state is not valid, so we do not append its outputs.
+        }
+    }
+    /**
+     * This method appends the static data - that has already been inserted by
+     * the user - to the static node of the DESCRIBE document.
+     *
+     * @param doc The document.
+     * @param ui The root node.
+     * @param context The CallContext.
+     * @param uuid The identifier of the artifact.
+     */
+    protected void appendStaticUI(
+        Document    doc,
+        Node        ui,
+        CallContext context,
+        String uuid)
+    {
+        List<String> stateIds = getPreviousStateIds();
+        logger.debug("previous states: " + stateIds);
+        FLYSContext flysContext = FLYSUtils.getFlysContext(context);
+        StateEngine engine      = (StateEngine) flysContext.get(
+            FLYSContext.STATE_ENGINE_KEY);
+        for (String stateId: stateIds) {
+            logger.debug("Append static data for state: " + stateId);
+            DefaultState state = (DefaultState) engine.getState(stateId);
+            ui.appendChild(state.describeStatic(this, doc, ui, context, uuid));
+        }
+    }
+    public static class MapState extends RiverAxisState {
+        @Override
+        public Object computeAdvance(
+            FLYSArtifact artifact,
+            String       hash,
+            CallContext  context,
+            List<Facet>  facets,
+            Object       old)
+        {
+            logger.debug("MapState.computeAdvance");
+            this.artifact = artifact;
+            String type = getFacetType();
+            WMSDBLayerFacet facet = new WMSDBLayerFacet(
+                0,
+                type,
+                getTitle(context.getMeta()),
+                ComputeType.ADVANCE,
+                getID(), hash,
+                getUrl());
+            String name = type + "-" + artifact.identifier();
+            facet.addLayer(name);
+            facet.setExtent(getExtent());
+            facet.setSrid(getSrid());
+            facet.setData(getDataString());
+            facet.setFilter(getFilter());
+            facet.setGeometryType(getGeometryType());
+            facet.setConnection(getConnection());
+            facet.setConnectionType(getConnectionType());
+            facet.setLabelItem(getLabelItem());
+            facets.add(facet);
+            return null;
+        }
+        @Override
+        public int getRiverId() {
+            River r = FLYSUtils.getRiver(artifact);
+            int riverId = r.getId();
+            return riverId;
+        }
+    }
