diff flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/jfree/EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer.java @ 2424:092e519ff461

merged flys-artifacts/2.6.1
author Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas@intevation.de>
date Fri, 28 Sep 2012 12:14:26 +0200
parents 2b232871ba28
children 74c02dbf17ca
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/jfree/EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer.java	Fri Sep 28 12:14:26 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+package de.intevation.flys.jfree;
+import java.awt.Graphics2D;
+import java.awt.Shape;
+import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis;
+import org.jfree.chart.entity.EntityCollection;
+import org.jfree.chart.plot.CrosshairState;
+import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation;
+import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
+import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer;
+import org.jfree.data.xy.XYDataset;
+import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge;
+import org.jfree.util.BooleanList;
+import org.jfree.util.ShapeUtilities;
+public class EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer extends XYLineAndShapeRenderer {
+    private static final Logger logger =
+        Logger.getLogger(EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer.class);
+    protected BooleanList isMinimumShapeVisible;
+    protected BooleanList isMaximumShapeVisible;
+    protected Map<Integer, Double> seriesMinimum;
+    protected Map<Integer, Double> seriesMaximum;
+    public EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer(boolean lines, boolean shapes) {
+        super(lines, shapes);
+        this.isMinimumShapeVisible = new BooleanList();
+        this.isMaximumShapeVisible = new BooleanList();
+        this.seriesMinimum         = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
+        this.seriesMaximum         = new HashMap<Integer, Double>();
+    }
+    public boolean getItemShapeVisible(XYDataset dataset, int series, int item){
+        if (super.getItemShapeVisible(series, item)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (isMinimumShapeVisible(series) && isMinimum(dataset, series, item)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        if (isMaximumShapeVisible(series) && isMaximum(dataset, series, item)) {
+            return true;
+        }
+        return false;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Overrides XYLineAndShapeRenderer.drawSecondaryPass() to call an adapted
+     * method getItemShapeVisible() which now takes an XYDataset. So, 99% of
+     * code equal the code in XYLineAndShapeRenderer.
+     */
+    @Override
+    protected void drawSecondaryPass(
+        Graphics2D       g2,
+        XYPlot           plot,
+        XYDataset        dataset,
+        int              pass,
+        int              series,
+        int              item,
+        ValueAxis        domainAxis,
+        Rectangle2D      dataArea,
+        ValueAxis        rangeAxis,
+        CrosshairState   crosshairState,
+        EntityCollection entities
+    ) {
+        Shape entityArea = null;
+        // get the data point...
+        double x1 = dataset.getXValue(series, item);
+        double y1 = dataset.getYValue(series, item);
+        if (Double.isNaN(y1) || Double.isNaN(x1)) {
+            return;
+        }
+        PlotOrientation orientation = plot.getOrientation();
+        RectangleEdge xAxisLocation = plot.getDomainAxisEdge();
+        RectangleEdge yAxisLocation = plot.getRangeAxisEdge();
+        double transX1 = domainAxis.valueToJava2D(x1, dataArea, xAxisLocation);
+        double transY1 = rangeAxis.valueToJava2D(y1, dataArea, yAxisLocation);
+        if (getItemShapeVisible(dataset, series, item)) {
+            Shape shape = getItemShape(series, item);
+            if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
+                shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transY1,
+                        transX1);
+            }
+            else if (orientation == PlotOrientation.VERTICAL) {
+                shape = ShapeUtilities.createTranslatedShape(shape, transX1,
+                        transY1);
+            }
+            entityArea = shape;
+            if (shape.intersects(dataArea)) {
+                if (getItemShapeFilled(series, item)) {
+                    if (getUseFillPaint()) {
+                        g2.setPaint(getItemFillPaint(series, item));
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        g2.setPaint(getItemPaint(series, item));
+                    }
+                    g2.fill(shape);
+                }
+                if (getDrawOutlines()) {
+                    if (getUseOutlinePaint()) {
+                        g2.setPaint(getItemOutlinePaint(series, item));
+                    }
+                    else {
+                        g2.setPaint(getItemPaint(series, item));
+                    }
+                    g2.setStroke(getItemOutlineStroke(series, item));
+                    g2.draw(shape);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        double xx = transX1;
+        double yy = transY1;
+        if (orientation == PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL) {
+            xx = transY1;
+            yy = transX1;
+        }
+        // draw the item label if there is one...
+        if (isItemLabelVisible(series, item)) {
+            drawItemLabel(g2, orientation, dataset, series, item, xx, yy,
+                    (y1 < 0.0));
+        }
+        int domainAxisIndex = plot.getDomainAxisIndex(domainAxis);
+        int rangeAxisIndex = plot.getRangeAxisIndex(rangeAxis);
+        updateCrosshairValues(crosshairState, x1, y1, domainAxisIndex,
+                rangeAxisIndex, transX1, transY1, orientation);
+        // add an entity for the item, but only if it falls within the data
+        // area...
+        if (entities != null && isPointInRect(dataArea, xx, yy)) {
+            addEntity(entities, entityArea, dataset, series, item, xx, yy);
+        }
+    }
+    public void setIsMinimumShapeVisisble(int series, boolean isVisible) {
+        this.isMinimumShapeVisible.setBoolean(series, isVisible);
+    }
+    public boolean isMinimumShapeVisible(int series) {
+        if (this.isMinimumShapeVisible.size() <= series) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return isMinimumShapeVisible.getBoolean(series);
+    }
+    public void setIsMaximumShapeVisible(int series, boolean isVisible) {
+        this.isMaximumShapeVisible.setBoolean(series, isVisible);
+    }
+    public boolean isMaximumShapeVisible(int series) {
+        if (this.isMaximumShapeVisible.size() <= series) {
+            return false;
+        }
+        return isMaximumShapeVisible.getBoolean(series);
+    }
+    public boolean isMinimum(XYDataset dataset, int series, int item) {
+        return dataset.getYValue(series, item) == getMinimum(dataset, series);
+    }
+    public double getMinimum(XYDataset dataset, int series) {
+        Integer key = Integer.valueOf(series);
+        Double  old = seriesMinimum.get(key);
+        if (old != null) {
+            return old.doubleValue();
+        }
+        logger.debug("Compute minimum of Series: " + series);
+        double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
+        for (int i = 0, n = dataset.getItemCount(series); i < n; i++) {
+            double tmpValue = dataset.getYValue(series, i);
+            if (tmpValue < min) {
+                min = tmpValue;
+            }
+        }
+        seriesMinimum.put(key, Double.valueOf(min));
+        return min;
+    }
+    public boolean isMaximum(XYDataset dataset, int series, int item) {
+        return dataset.getYValue(series, item) == getMaximum(dataset, series);
+    }
+    public double getMaximum(XYDataset dataset, int series) {
+        Integer key = Integer.valueOf(series);
+        Double  old = seriesMaximum.get(key);
+        if (old != null) {
+            return old.doubleValue();
+        }
+        logger.debug("Compute maximum of Series: " + series);
+        double max = -Double.MAX_VALUE;
+        for (int i = 0, n = dataset.getItemCount(series); i < n; i++) {
+            double tmpValue = dataset.getYValue(series, i);
+            if (tmpValue > max) {
+                max = tmpValue;
+            }
+        }
+        seriesMaximum.put(key, Double.valueOf(max));
+        return max;
+    }
+// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf8 :
