diff gwt-client/src/main/java/org/dive4elements/river/client/client/ui/map/MapPrintPanel.java @ 5838:5aa05a7a34b7

Rename modules to more fitting names.
author Sascha L. Teichmann <teichmann@intevation.de>
date Thu, 25 Apr 2013 15:23:37 +0200
parents flys-client/src/main/java/org/dive4elements/river/client/client/ui/map/MapPrintPanel.java@821a02bbfb4e
children 172338b1407f
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/gwt-client/src/main/java/org/dive4elements/river/client/client/ui/map/MapPrintPanel.java	Thu Apr 25 15:23:37 2013 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
+package org.dive4elements.river.client.client.ui.map;
+import com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.rpc.AsyncCallback;
+import com.google.gwt.user.client.Window;
+import com.smartgwt.client.util.SC;
+import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.Canvas;
+import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.DynamicForm;
+import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.TextItem;
+import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.ButtonItem;
+import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.SelectItem;
+import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.events.ClickEvent;
+import com.smartgwt.client.widgets.form.fields.events.ClickHandler;
+import com.smartgwt.client.types.Alignment;
+import org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.Bounds;
+import org.gwtopenmaps.openlayers.client.Map;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.client.Config;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.client.FLYSConstants;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.client.services.CollectionAttributeService;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.client.services.CollectionAttributeServiceAsync;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.Collection;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.OutputSettings;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.Property;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.PropertySetting;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.Settings;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.Artifact;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.ArtifactDescription;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.Data;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.DataItem;
+import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.DataList;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.MissingResourceException;
+public class MapPrintPanel extends Canvas {
+    private static final String MAPFISH_MAPTITLE = "mapfish_mapTitle";
+    private static final String MAPFISH_RANGE = "mapfish_data_range";
+    private static final String MAPFISH_SUBTITLE = "mapfish_data_subtitle";
+    private static final String MAPFISH_STRETCH = "mapfish_data_strech";
+    private static final String MAPFISH_INSTITUTION = "mapfish_data_institution";
+    private static final String MAPFISH_SOURCE = "mapfish_data_source";
+    private static final String MAPFISH_CREATOR = "mapfish_data_creator";
+    private static final String MAPFISH_DATEPLACE = "mapfish_data_dateplace";
+    private static final String MAPFISH_RIVER = "mapfish_data_river";
+    private static final String MAPFISH_LOGO = "mapfish_logo";
+    protected FLYSConstants MSG = GWT.create(FLYSConstants.class);
+    /** CollectionAttribute Update Service. */
+    protected CollectionAttributeServiceAsync updater =
+        GWT.create(CollectionAttributeService.class);
+    protected Collection collection;
+    protected Settings settings;
+    protected TextItem pageTitle = new TextItem();
+    protected TextItem pageRange = new TextItem();
+    protected TextItem pageSubtitle = new TextItem();
+    protected TextItem pageStretch = new TextItem();
+    protected TextItem pageInstitution = new TextItem();
+    protected TextItem pageSource = new TextItem();
+    protected TextItem pageCreator = new TextItem();
+    protected TextItem pageDatePlace = new TextItem();
+    protected SelectItem pageLogo = createPageLogoSelectItem();
+//    protected SelectItem pageFormat = createPageFormatSelectItem();
+    protected MapToolbar mapToolbar;
+    protected MapPrintWindow parent;
+    public MapPrintPanel(Collection collection, MapToolbar mapToolbar, MapPrintWindow parent) {
+        this.collection = collection;
+        this.mapToolbar = mapToolbar;
+        this.parent     = parent;
+        initLayout();
+        this.settings = collection.getSettings("print-settings");
+        if (settings == null) {
+            settings = new OutputSettings();
+            GWT.log("settings are empty");
+        }
+        else {
+            List<Property> properties = settings.getSettings("default");
+            for (Property prop : properties) {
+                PropertySetting props = (PropertySetting)prop;
+                GWT.log(props.getName() + "=" + props.getValue());
+                if (props.getName().equals(MAPFISH_MAPTITLE)) {
+                    this.pageTitle.setValue(props.getValue());
+                }
+                else if (props.getName().equals(MAPFISH_RANGE)) {
+                    this.pageRange.setValue(props.getValue());
+                }
+                else if (props.getName().equals(MAPFISH_SUBTITLE)) {
+                    this.pageSubtitle.setValue(props.getValue());
+                }
+                else if (props.getName().equals(MAPFISH_STRETCH)) {
+                    this.pageStretch.setValue(props.getValue());
+                }
+                else if (props.getName().equals(MAPFISH_INSTITUTION)) {
+                    this.pageInstitution.setValue(props.getValue());
+                }
+                else if (props.getName().equals(MAPFISH_SOURCE)) {
+                    this.pageSource.setValue(props.getValue());
+                }
+                else if (props.getName().equals(MAPFISH_CREATOR)) {
+                    this.pageCreator.setValue(props.getValue());
+                }
+                else if (props.getName().equals(MAPFISH_DATEPLACE)) {
+                    this.pageDatePlace.setValue(props.getValue());
+                } else {
+                    GWT.log("Unknown Print property: " + prop.getName());
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    protected void initLayout() {
+        // TODO: i18n
+        this.pageTitle.setTitle(MSG.mapTitle());
+        this.pageSubtitle.setTitle(MSG.mapSubtitle());
+        this.pageRange.setTitle(MSG.mapRange());
+        this.pageStretch.setTitle(MSG.mapStretch());
+        this.pageInstitution.setTitle(MSG.mapInstitution());
+        this.pageSource.setTitle(MSG.mapSource());
+        this.pageCreator.setTitle(MSG.mapCreator());
+        this.pageDatePlace.setTitle(MSG.mapDate());
+        pageTitle.setLength(30);
+        pageSubtitle.setLength(30);
+        pageRange.setLength(30);
+        pageStretch.setLength(30);
+        pageInstitution.setLength(30);
+        pageSource.setLength(30);
+        pageCreator.setLength(30);
+        pageDatePlace.setLength(30);
+        ButtonItem printButton = createPrintButtonItem();
+        printButton.setAlign(Alignment.RIGHT);
+        DynamicForm df = new DynamicForm();
+        df.setFields(
+//               this.pageFormat,
+               this.pageTitle,
+               this.pageSubtitle,
+               this.pageRange,
+               this.pageStretch,
+               this.pageInstitution,
+               this.pageSource,
+               this.pageCreator,
+               this.pageDatePlace,
+               this.pageLogo,
+               printButton);
+        addChild(df);
+    }
+    protected SelectItem createPageLogoSelectItem() {
+        LinkedHashMap values = new LinkedHashMap();
+        // TODO: this should be configurable
+        values.put(MSG.bfgLogo(), "BfG Logo");
+        SelectItem selItem = new SelectItem();
+        selItem.setTitle(MSG.mapLogo());
+        selItem.setValueMap(values);
+        selItem.setDefaultToFirstOption(true);
+        return selItem;
+    }
+ * Commented out because we only provide a layout for A4 Landscape atm
+    protected SelectItem createPageFormatSelectItem() {
+        LinkedHashMap values = new LinkedHashMap();
+        // TODO: i18n
+        values.put("A4 landscape", "DIN A4 (Querformat)");
+        //values.put("A4 portrait", "DIN A4 (Hochformat)");
+        //values.put("A0 portrait", "DIN A0 (Hochformat)");
+        SelectItem selItem = new SelectItem();
+        selItem.setTitle("Seitengröße:"); // TODO: i18n
+        selItem.setValueMap(values);
+        selItem.setDefaultToFirstOption(true);
+        return selItem;
+    }
+    protected ButtonItem createPrintButtonItem() {
+        ButtonItem btn = new ButtonItem();
+        btn.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
+            public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
+                updateCollection();
+                Window.open(createPrintUrl(), "_blank", "");
+                parent.destroy();
+            }
+        });
+        btn.setTitle(MSG.print());
+        return btn;
+    }
+    private String createPrintUrl() {
+        MapOutputTab ot = (MapOutputTab)mapToolbar.getOutputTab();
+        Collection collection = ot.getCollection();
+        String uuid = collection.identifier();
+        String mapType = collection.getOutputModes().containsKey("floodmap")
+            ? "floodmap"
+            : "map";
+        StringBuilder url = new StringBuilder();
+        url.append(GWT.getModuleBaseURL());
+        url.append("map-print?");
+        Map map = mapToolbar.getMap();
+        Bounds bounds = map.getExtent();
+        if (bounds != null) {
+            try {
+                url.append("minx=");
+                url.append(bounds.getLowerLeftX());
+                url.append("&");
+                url.append("maxx=");
+                url.append(bounds.getUpperRightX());
+                url.append("&");
+                url.append("miny=");
+                url.append(bounds.getLowerLeftY());
+                url.append("&");
+                url.append("maxy=");
+                url.append(bounds.getUpperRightY());
+                url.append("&");
+            }
+            catch (Exception e) {
+                // XXX: Ignore it. bounds.getXXX() throw
+                // exceptions when bound is invalid. :-/
+            }
+        }
+        url.append("uuid=");
+        url.append(uuid);
+        url.append("&maptype=");
+        url.append(mapType);
+        appendPrintToUrl(collection, url);
+        return url.toString();
+    }
+    private void appendPrintToUrl(Collection collection, StringBuilder url) {
+        Settings settings = collection.getSettings("print-settings");
+        if (settings != null) {
+            List<Property> properties = settings.getSettings("default");
+            for (Property prop : properties) {
+                PropertySetting props = (PropertySetting)prop;
+                url.append("&");
+                String localized;
+                try {
+                    localized = MSG.getString(props.getName());
+                }
+                catch (MissingResourceException mre) {
+                    localized = props.getName();
+                }
+                url.append(toJavaEncodedString(localized));
+                url.append("=");
+                url.append(props.getValue());
+            }
+        }
+        // O.o
+        String river = findRiver(((MapOutputTab)mapToolbar.getOutputTab()
+                    ).getCollectionView().getArtifact());
+        url.append("&" + toJavaEncodedString(MSG.getString(MAPFISH_RIVER)) + "=" + river);
+    }
+    // Copy of DatacageWindow's findRiver
+    protected String findRiver(Artifact artifact) {
+        ArtifactDescription adescr = artifact.getArtifactDescription();
+        DataList [] data = adescr.getOldData();
+        if (data != null && data.length > 0) {
+            for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
+                DataList dl = data[i];
+                if (dl.getState().equals("state.winfo.river")) {
+                    for (int j = dl.size()-1; j >= 0; --j) {
+                        Data d = dl.get(j);
+                        DataItem [] di = d.getItems();
+                        if (di != null && di.length == 1) {
+                           return d.getItems()[0].getStringValue();
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        return "";
+    }
+    public static String toJavaEncodedString(String str) {
+        if (str == null) {
+            return null;
+        }
+        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+        for (int i = 0, len = str.length(); i < len; i++) {
+            int unipoint = Character.codePointAt(str, i);
+            if ((unipoint < 32) || (unipoint > 127)) {
+                sb.append("\\u");
+                sb.append(Integer.toHexString((unipoint >> 3*4) & 0xf));
+                sb.append(Integer.toHexString((unipoint >> 2*4) & 0xf));
+                sb.append(Integer.toHexString((unipoint >> 1*4) & 0xf));
+                sb.append(Integer.toHexString((unipoint >> 0*4) & 0xf));
+            } else {
+                sb.append(str.charAt(i));
+            }
+        }
+        return sb.toString();
+    }
+    protected void updateCollection() {
+        final Config config = Config.getInstance();
+        final String loc    = config.getLocale();
+        GWT.log("MapPrintPanel.updateCollection via RPC now");
+        List<Property> properties = new ArrayList<Property>();
+        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_MAPTITLE, toJavaEncodedString(pageTitle.getValueAsString())));
+//        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_LAYOUT, toJavaEncodedString(pageFormat.getValueAsString())));
+        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_SUBTITLE, toJavaEncodedString(pageSubtitle.getValueAsString())));
+        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_RANGE, toJavaEncodedString(pageRange.getValueAsString())));
+        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_STRETCH, toJavaEncodedString(pageStretch.getValueAsString())));
+        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_INSTITUTION, toJavaEncodedString(pageInstitution.getValueAsString())));
+        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_SOURCE, toJavaEncodedString(pageSource.getValueAsString())));
+        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_CREATOR, toJavaEncodedString(pageCreator.getValueAsString())));
+        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_DATEPLACE, toJavaEncodedString(pageDatePlace.getValueAsString())));
+        properties.add(new PropertySetting(MAPFISH_LOGO, toJavaEncodedString(pageLogo.getValueAsString())));
+        settings.setSettings("default", properties);
+        collection.addSettings("print-settings", settings);
+        updater.update(collection, loc, new AsyncCallback<Collection>() {
+            @Override
+            public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
+                GWT.log("Could not update collection attributes.");
+                SC.warn(MSG.getString(caught.getMessage()));
+            }
+            @Override
+            public void onSuccess(Collection collection) {
+                GWT.log("MapPrint: collection attributes updated");
+            }
+        });
+    }
