diff flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/artifacts/states/DefaultState.java @ 430:7ab81ff32111 2.3

merged flys-artifacts/2.3
author Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas@intevation.de>
date Fri, 28 Sep 2012 12:14:10 +0200 (2012-09-28)
parents c21fb8de54f8
children 929137ee8154
line wrap: on
line diff
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/artifacts/states/DefaultState.java	Fri Sep 28 12:14:10 2012 +0200
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+package de.intevation.flys.artifacts.states;
+import java.util.Collection;
+import java.util.Map;
+import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
+import org.w3c.dom.Document;
+import org.w3c.dom.Element;
+import org.w3c.dom.Node;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.Artifact;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.ArtifactNamespaceContext;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.CallContext;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.CallMeta;
+import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils;
+import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.ProtocolUtils;
+import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.data.StateData;
+import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.state.AbstractState;
+import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.resources.Resources;
+ * @author <a href="mailto:ingo.weinzierl@intevation.de">Ingo Weinzierl</a>
+ */
+public abstract class DefaultState extends AbstractState {
+    /** The logger that is used in this class.*/
+    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DefaultState.class);
+    public Element describeStatic(
+        Document    document,
+        Node        root,
+        CallContext context,
+        String      uuid)
+    {
+        XMLUtils.ElementCreator creator = new XMLUtils.ElementCreator(
+            document,
+            ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI,
+            ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_PREFIX);
+        CallMeta meta = context.getMeta();
+        String label = Resources.getMsg(meta, getID(), getID());
+        Element ui   = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
+            creator, "state",
+            new String[] { "name", "uiprovider", "label" },
+            new String[] { getID(), getUIProvider(), label });
+        Map<String, StateData> theData = getData();
+        if (theData == null) {
+            return ui;
+        }
+        Collection<StateData> dataItems = theData.values();
+        for (StateData data: dataItems) {
+            String name  = data.getName();
+            String value = (String) data.getValue();
+            if (value == null) {
+                continue;
+            }
+            logger.debug("Append element '" + name + "' (" + value + ")");
+            Element dataElement = creator.create("data");
+            creator.addAttr(dataElement, "name", name, true);
+            creator.addAttr(dataElement, "type", data.getType(), true);
+            Element itemElement = creator.create("item");
+            creator.addAttr(itemElement, "value", value, true);
+            creator.addAttr(
+                itemElement,
+                "label",
+                Resources.getMsg(meta, value, value),
+                true);
+            dataElement.appendChild(itemElement);
+            ui.appendChild(dataElement);
+        }
+        return ui;
+    }
+    public Element describe(
+        Artifact    artifact,
+        Document    document,
+        Node        root,
+        CallContext context,
+        String      uuid)
+    {
+        XMLUtils.ElementCreator creator = new XMLUtils.ElementCreator(
+            document,
+            ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI,
+            ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_PREFIX);
+        Element ui        = null;
+        String uiprovider = getUIProvider();
+        if (uiprovider != null) {
+            ui  = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
+                creator, "dynamic",
+                new String[] { "uiprovider" },
+                new String[] { uiprovider });
+        }
+        else {
+            ui  = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(creator, "dynamic", null, null);
+        }
+        Map<String, StateData> theData = getData();
+        if (theData == null) {
+            return ui;
+        }
+        Collection<StateData> dataItems = theData.values();
+        for (StateData data: dataItems) {
+            String name    = data.getName();
+            Element select = createData(creator, artifact, data, context);
+            Element choices = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
+            creator, "choices", null, null);
+            select.appendChild(choices);
+            ui.appendChild(select);
+            Element[] items = createItems(creator, artifact, name, context);
+            for (Element item: items) {
+                choices.appendChild(item);
+            }
+        }
+        return ui;
+    }
+    /**
+     * This method creates the root node that contains the list of selectable
+     * items.
+     *
+     * @param cr The ElementCreator.
+     * @param name The name of the amount of data.
+     *
+     * @return the root node of the item list.
+     */
+    protected Element createData(
+        XMLUtils.ElementCreator cr,
+        Artifact    artifact,
+        StateData   data,
+        CallContext context)
+    {
+        Element select = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
+            cr, "select", null, null);
+        cr.addAttr(select, "name", data.getName(), true);
+        Element label = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
+            cr, "label", null, null);
+        select.appendChild(label);
+        label.setTextContent(Resources.getMsg(
+            context.getMeta(),
+            getID(),
+            getID()));
+        return select;
+    }
+    /**
+     * This method creates a list of items. These items represent the amount of
+     * input data that is possible for this state.
+     *
+     * @param cr The ElementCreator.
+     * @param name The name of the amount of data.
+     *
+     * @return a list of items.
+     */
+    protected abstract Element[] createItems(
+        XMLUtils.ElementCreator cr,
+        Artifact    artifact,
+        String      name,
+        CallContext context);
+    /**
+     * This method validates the inserted data and returns true, if everything
+     * was correct, otherwise an exception is thrown.
+     *
+     * @param artifact A reference to the owner artifact.
+     * @param context The CallContext object.
+     *
+     * @return true, if everything was fine.
+     */
+    public boolean validate(Artifact artifact, CallContext context)
+    throws IllegalArgumentException
+    {
+        return true;
+    }
+    protected String getUIProvider() {
+        return null;
+    }
+// vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf-8 :
