view backend/README @ 6152:0587819960c3

Waterlevel differences & bed height differences: Add new model LinearInterpolated intented to unify the two very similiar calculations. The focus of the current implementation is correctness and not speed! The fact that the data sets more mostly sorted by station is not exploited. Doing so would improve performance significantly.
author Sascha L. Teichmann <>
date Sun, 02 Jun 2013 17:52:53 +0200
parents 5aa05a7a34b7
line wrap: on
line source
For the artifact database
# su - postgres
$ createuser --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt --no-createdb artifacts
$ createdb --encoding=UTF-8 --owner artifacts artifactsdb

For the flys database

# su - postgres
$ createuser --no-createrole --no-superuser --pwprompt --no-createdb flys
$ createdb --encoding=UTF-8 --owner flys flystest1

Build an importer package:
mvn -f pom.xml clean compile assembly:single
Alternatively with oracle:
mvn -f pom-oracle.xml clean compile assembly:single

Standalone DateGuesser testing example:

mvn -e -Dexec.mainClass=de.intevation.flys.utils.DateGuesser -Dexec.args="110803" exec:java <<EOF

Some importer allow standalone usage:
mvn -e -Dexec.mainClass=de.intevation.flys.importer.parsers.AtFileParser -Dexec.args=/home/felix/.bashrc exec:java