view artifacts/src/main/java/org/dive4elements/river/exports/ @ 9325:094ed9d1f2ad

Fixed: change of point style of interpolated data did not change in WQ chart of fixanalysis Fixed: change of point style of interpolated data did not change in dWt chart of fixanalysis; also had duplicate legend entries
author gernotbelger
date Fri, 27 Jul 2018 14:33:41 +0200
parents 7c7f73e5e01e
children d8e753d0fdb9
line wrap: on
line source
/** Copyright (C) 2017 by Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
 * Software engineering by
 *  Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
 *  Dr. Schumacher Ingenieurbüro für Wasser und Umwelt
 * This file is Free Software under the GNU AGPL (>=v3)
 * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out the
 * documentation coming with Dive4Elements River for details.
package org.dive4elements.river.exports;

import java.awt.BasicStroke;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Paint;
import java.awt.Stroke;
import java.awt.TexturePaint;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dive4elements.artifactdatabase.CollectionCallContext;
import org.dive4elements.artifactdatabase.state.ArtifactAndFacet;
import org.dive4elements.artifactdatabase.state.Settings;
import org.dive4elements.artifacts.Artifact;
import org.dive4elements.artifacts.ArtifactCollection;
import org.dive4elements.artifacts.ArtifactNamespaceContext;
import org.dive4elements.artifacts.CallContext;
import org.dive4elements.artifacts.CallMeta;
import org.dive4elements.artifacts.PreferredLocale;
import org.dive4elements.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils;
import org.dive4elements.river.FLYS;
import org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.D4EArtifact;
import org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.access.RangeAccess;
import org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.access.RiverAccess;
import org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.resources.Resources;
import org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.sinfo.util.CalculationUtils;
import org.dive4elements.river.collections.D4EArtifactCollection;
import org.dive4elements.river.jfree.AxisDataset;
import org.dive4elements.river.jfree.Bounds;
import org.dive4elements.river.jfree.DoubleBounds;
import org.dive4elements.river.jfree.EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer;
import org.dive4elements.river.jfree.RiverAnnotation;
import org.dive4elements.river.jfree.StableXYDifferenceRenderer;
import org.dive4elements.river.jfree.Style;
import org.dive4elements.river.jfree.StyledAreaSeriesCollection;
import org.dive4elements.river.jfree.StyledSeries;
import org.dive4elements.river.themes.ThemeDocument;
import org.dive4elements.river.utils.Formatter;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.LegendItem;
import org.jfree.chart.LegendItemCollection;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;
import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer;
import org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle;
import org.jfree.ui.HorizontalAlignment;
import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

 * This class re-unites the tremendous copy/paste code from ChartGenerator and ChartGenerator2. Code is still awful and
 * encapsulation is broken in too many places.
 * TODO: instead of deep inheritances, delegate to classes that define the various behaviors.
 * @author Gernot Belger
abstract class AbstractChartGenerator implements OutGenerator {

    protected static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(AbstractChartGenerator.class);

    private static final int DEFAULT_CHART_WIDTH = 600;

    private static final int DEFAULT_CHART_HEIGHT = 400;

    private static final Color DEFAULT_GRID_COLOR = Color.GRAY;

    private static final float DEFAULT_GRID_LINE_WIDTH = 0.3f;

    protected static final String DEFAULT_FONT_NAME = "Tahoma";

    protected static final int DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE = 12;

    private static final String DEFAULT_CHART_FORMAT = "png";

    private static final String XPATH_CHART_EXPORT = "/art:action/art:attributes/art:export/@art:value";

    private static final String XPATH_CHART_SIZE = "/art:action/art:attributes/art:size";

    private static final String XPATH_CHART_FORMAT = "/art:action/art:attributes/art:format/@art:value";

    private static final String XPATH_CHART_X_RANGE = "/art:action/art:attributes/art:xrange";

    private static final String XPATH_CHART_Y_RANGE = "/art:action/art:attributes/art:yrange";

    /** The document of the incoming out() request. */
    private Document request;

    /** The output stream where the data should be written to. */
    private OutputStream out;

    /** Artifact that is used to decorate the chart with meta information. */
    private Artifact master;

    /** Map of datasets ("index"). */
    private final SortedMap<Integer, AxisDataset> datasets = new TreeMap<>();

    /** List of annotations to insert in plot. */
    private final List<RiverAnnotation> annotations = new ArrayList<>();

    private String outName;

    /** The settings that should be used during output creation. */
    private Settings settings;

    /** The CallContext object. */
    private CallContext context;

    public void init(final String outName, final Document request, final OutputStream out, final CallContext context) {

        this.outName = outName;
        this.request = request;
        this.out = out;
        this.context = context;

    public void setup(final Object config) {

    /** Sets the master artifact. */
    public void setMasterArtifact(final Artifact master) {
        this.master = master;

     * Gets the master artifact.
     * @return the master artifact.
    public Artifact getMaster() {
        return this.master;

    protected final Map<Integer, AxisDataset> getDatasets() {
        return this.datasets;

    public void setCollection(final D4EArtifactCollection collection) {
        /* we do not need it */

    protected final D4EArtifact getArtifact() {
        // FIXME: should already made sure when this member is set
        return (D4EArtifact) this.master;

    public final CallContext getContext() {
        return this.context;

    /** The document of the incoming out() request. */
    protected final Document getRequest() {
        return this.request;

     * Adds annotations to list. The given annotation will be visible.
    public final void addAnnotations(final RiverAnnotation annotation) {

     * This method needs to be implemented by concrete subclasses to create new
     * instances of JFreeChart.
     * @param context2
     * @return a new instance of a JFreeChart.
    protected abstract JFreeChart generateChart(CallContext context2);

     * For every outable (i.e. facets), this function is
     * called and handles the data accordingly.
    public abstract void doOut(ArtifactAndFacet bundle, ThemeDocument attr, boolean visible);

    public void generate() throws IOException {
        doGenerate(this.context, this.out, this.outName);

    protected abstract void doGenerate(CallContext context, OutputStream out, String outName) throws IOException;

    protected abstract Series getSeriesOf(XYDataset dataset, int idx);

     * Returns the default title of a chart.
     * @param context2
     * @return the default title of a chart.
    protected abstract String getDefaultChartTitle(CallContext context);

     * This method is used to create new AxisDataset instances which may differ
     * in concrete subclasses.
     * @param idx
     *            The index of an axis.
    protected abstract AxisDataset createAxisDataset(int idx);

     * Combines the ranges of the X axis at index <i>idx</i>.
     * @param bounds
     *            A new Bounds.
     * @param idx
     *            The index of the X axis that should be comined with
     *            <i>range</i>.
    protected abstract void combineXBounds(Bounds bounds, int idx);

     * Combines the ranges of the Y axis at index <i>idx</i>.
     * @param bounds
     *            A new Bounds.
     * @param index
     *            The index of the Y axis that should be comined with.
     *            <i>range</i>.
    protected abstract void combineYBounds(Bounds bounds, int index);

     * This method is used to determine the ranges for axes at a given index.
     * @param index
     *            The index of the axes at the plot.
     * @return a Range[] with [xrange, yrange];
    protected abstract Range[] getRangesForAxis(int index);

    protected abstract Bounds getXBounds(int axis);

    protected abstract void setXBounds(int axis, Bounds bounds);

    protected abstract Bounds getYBounds(int axis);

    protected abstract void setYBounds(int axis, Bounds bounds);

    // /**
    // * Retuns the call context. May be null if init hasn't been called yet.
    // *
    // * @return the CallContext instance
    // */
    // protected final CallContext getCallContext() {
    // return this.context;
    // }

    public final void setSettings(final Settings settings) {
        this.settings = settings;

     * Returns the <i>settings</i> as <i>ChartSettings</i>.
     * @return the <i>settings</i> as <i>ChartSettings</i> or null, if
     *         <i>settings</i> is not an instance of <i>ChartSettings</i>.
    protected final ChartSettings getChartSettings() {
        if (this.settings instanceof ChartSettings) {
            return (ChartSettings) this.settings;

        return null;

     * Return instance of <i>ChartSettings</i> with a chart specific section
     * but with no axes settings.
     * @return an instance of <i>ChartSettings</i>.
    public final Settings getSettings() {
        if (this.settings != null)
            return this.settings;

        final ChartSettings settings = new ChartSettings();

        final ChartSection chartSection = buildChartSection(this.context);
        final LegendSection legendSection = buildLegendSection();
        final ExportSection exportSection = buildExportSection();


        final List<AxisSection> axisSections = buildAxisSections();
        for (final AxisSection axisSection : axisSections)

        return settings;

    protected abstract ChartSection buildChartSection(CallContext context);

     * Creates a new <i>LegendSection</i>.
     * @return a new <i>LegendSection</i>.
    private LegendSection buildLegendSection() {
        final LegendSection legendSection = new LegendSection();
        return legendSection;

     * Creates a new <i>ExportSection</i> with default values <b>WIDTH=600</b>
     * and <b>HEIGHT=400</b>.
     * @return a new <i>ExportSection</i>.
    private ExportSection buildExportSection() {
        final ExportSection exportSection = new ExportSection();
        return exportSection;

     * Creates a list of Sections that contains all axes of the chart (including
     * X and Y axes).
     * @return a list of Sections for each axis in this chart.
    private List<AxisSection> buildAxisSections() {
        final List<AxisSection> axisSections = new ArrayList<>();


        return axisSections;

     * Creates a new Section for chart's X axis.
     * @return a List that contains a Section for the X axis.
    protected List<AxisSection> buildXAxisSections() {
        final List<AxisSection> axisSections = new ArrayList<>();

        final String identifier = "X";

        final AxisSection axisSection = new AxisSection();

        // XXX We are able to find better default ranges that [0,0], but the Y
        // axes currently have no better ranges set.


        return axisSections;

     * Returns the X-Axis label of a chart.
     * @return the X-Axis label of a chart.
    protected final String getXAxisLabel() {
        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        if (chartSettings == null) {
            return getDefaultXAxisLabel(this.context);

        final AxisSection as = chartSettings.getAxisSection("X");
        if (as != null) {
            final String label = as.getLabel();

            if (label != null) {
                return label;

        return getDefaultXAxisLabel(this.context);

    protected abstract List<AxisSection> buildYAxisSections();

     * Returns the default X-Axis label of a chart.
     * @param context2
     * @return the default X-Axis label of a chart.
    protected abstract String getDefaultXAxisLabel(final CallContext context2);

    /** Generate the diagram as an image. */
    protected final void generateImage(final CallContext context) throws IOException {

        final JFreeChart chart = generateChart(context);

        final String format = getFormat();
        int[] size = getSize();

        if (size == null)
            size = getExportDimension();

        this.context.putContextValue("chart.width", size[0]);
        this.context.putContextValue("chart.height", size[1]);

        if (format.equals(ChartExportHelper.FORMAT_PNG)) {
            this.context.putContextValue("chart.image.format", "png");

            ChartExportHelper.exportImage(this.out, chart, this.context);
        } else if (format.equals(ChartExportHelper.FORMAT_PDF)) {

            ChartExportHelper.exportPDF(this.out, chart, this.context);
        } else if (format.equals(ChartExportHelper.FORMAT_SVG)) {

            ChartExportHelper.exportSVG(this.out, chart, this.context);
        } else if (format.equals(ChartExportHelper.FORMAT_CSV)) {
            this.context.putContextValue("chart.image.format", "csv");

            ChartExportHelper.exportCSV(this.out, chart, this.context);

    protected final void generateTitles(final JFreeChart chart) {
        /* add metadata title before real title */

        /* add the real chart title, but as subtitle after the metadata */
        final String chartTitle =  getChartTitle(this.context);
        if (chartTitle != null) {
            final TextTitle title = new TextTitle(chartTitle, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT);

        addSubtitles(this.context, chart);

     * Adds a metadata sub-title to the chart if it gets exported
    protected final void addMetadataSubtitle(final JFreeChart chart) {
        if ((!isExport() || !isExportMetadata()))

        final Collection<String> metadata = buildMetadata();
        final String text = StringUtils.join(metadata, " - ");

        /** The default font. */
        final Font titleFont = new Font("SansSerif", Font.ITALIC, 10);

        final TextTitle subtitle = new TextTitle(text, titleFont);
        subtitle.setMargin(new RectangleInsets(10,10,10,10));


    private Collection<String> buildMetadata() {

        final CallMeta meta = this.context.getMeta();

        if (!(this.context instanceof CollectionCallContext)) {
            /* should never happen */
            return Collections.emptyList();

        final CollectionCallContext ccc = (CollectionCallContext) this.context;
        final ArtifactCollection collection = ccc.getCollection();

        final List<String> subtitles = new ArrayList<>();

        /* version */
        final String version = FLYS.VERSION;
        subtitles.add(Resources.getMsg(meta, "chart.subtitle.metadata.version", "default", version));

        /* user */
        // REMARK: the use inside the collection is a fake user and hence we cant use it here.
        // final User user = collection.getUser();
        final String userName = CalculationUtils.findArtifactUser(this.context, getArtifact());
        subtitles.add(Resources.getMsg(meta, "chart.subtitle.metadata.user", "default", userName));

        /* creation date */
        final Locale locale = Resources.getLocale(meta);
        final DateFormat df = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale);
        final String dateText = df.format(new Date());
        subtitles.add(Resources.getMsg(meta, "chart.subtitle.metadata.creationdate", "default", dateText));

        return subtitles;

    private boolean isExportMetadata() {
        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        if (chartSettings == null)
            return true;

        final ExportSection exportSection = chartSettings.getExportSection();
        if (exportSection == null)
            return true;

        return exportSection.getMetadata();

     * This method returns the export flag specified in the <i>request</i> document
     * or <i>false</i> if no export is specified in <i>request</i>.
    private boolean isExport() {
        final Boolean export = (Boolean) XMLUtils.xpath(getRequest(), XPATH_CHART_EXPORT, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE);

        return export == null ? false : export;

    protected final String getRiverName() {
        return new RiverAccess(getArtifact()).getRiver().getName();

    protected final String getRiverUnit() {
        return new RiverAccess(getArtifact()).getRiver().getWstUnit().getName();

    protected final double[] getRange() {
        final D4EArtifact flys = getArtifact();

        final RangeAccess rangeAccess = new RangeAccess(flys);
        return rangeAccess.getKmRange();

     * Returns a boolean object that determines if the chart grid should be
     * visible or not. This information needs to be provided by <i>settings</i>,
     * otherwise the default is true.
     * @param settings
     *            A ChartSettings object.
     * @return true, if the chart grid should be visible otherwise false.
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *             if <i>settings</i> is null.
    private boolean isGridVisible(final ChartSettings settings) {
        final ChartSection cs = settings.getChartSection();
        return cs.getDisplayGrid();

     * This method is used to determine, if the chart's legend is visible or
     * not. If a <i>settings</i> instance is set, this instance determines the
     * visibility otherwise, this method returns true as default if no
     * <i>settings</i> is set.
     * @return true, if the legend should be visible, otherwise false.
    protected final boolean isLegendVisible() {
        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        if (chartSettings == null)
            return true;

        final LegendSection ls = chartSettings.getLegendSection();
        return ls.getVisibility();

     * This method returns the font size for the X axis. If the font size is
     * specified in ChartSettings (if <i>chartSettings</i> is set), this size is
     * returned. Otherwise the default font size 12 is returned.
     * @return the font size for the x axis.
    protected final int getXAxisLabelFontSize() {
        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        if (chartSettings == null) {
            return DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;

        final AxisSection as = chartSettings.getAxisSection("X");
        final Integer fontSize = as.getFontSize();

        return fontSize != null ? fontSize : DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;

     * This method is used to determine the font size of the chart's legend. If
     * a <i>settings</i> instance is set, this instance determines the font
     * size, otherwise this method returns 12 as default if no <i>settings</i>
     * is set or if it doesn't provide a legend font size.
     * @return a legend font size.
    private int getLegendFontSize() {

        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        if (chartSettings == null)
            return DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;

        final LegendSection ls = chartSettings.getLegendSection();
        if (ls == null)
            return DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;

        final Integer fontSize = ls.getFontSize();
        if (fontSize == null)
            return DEFAULT_FONT_SIZE;

        return fontSize;

     * Creates a new LegendItem with <i>name</i> and font provided by
     * <i>createLegendLabelFont()</i>.
     * @param theme
     *            The theme of the chart line.
     * @param name
     *            The displayed name of the item.
     * @return a new LegendItem instance.
    protected final LegendItem createLegendItem(final ThemeDocument theme, final String name) {
        // OPTIMIZE Pass font, parsed Theme items.

        Color color = theme.parseLineColorField();
        if (color == null)
            color = Color.BLACK;

        final LegendItem legendItem = new LegendItem(name, color);
        return legendItem;

     * Create new legend entries, dependent on settings.
     * @param plot
     *            The plot for which to modify the legend.
    protected final void aggregateLegendEntries(final XYPlot plot) {

        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        if (chartSettings == null)

        final Integer threshold = chartSettings.getLegendSection().getAggregationThreshold();

        final int aggrThreshold = threshold != null ? threshold.intValue() : 0;

        LegendProcessor.aggregateLegendEntries(plot, aggrThreshold);

     * Creates Font (Family and size) to use when creating Legend Items. The
     * font size depends in the return value of <i>getLegendFontSize()</i>.
     * @return a new Font instance with <i>DEFAULT_FONT_NAME</i>.
    private final Font createLegendLabelFont() {
        return new Font(DEFAULT_FONT_NAME, Font.PLAIN, getLegendFontSize());

     * Adjust some Stroke/Grid parameters for <i>plot</i>. The chart
     * <i>Settings</i> are applied in this method.
     * @param plot
     *            The XYPlot which is adapted.
    protected void adjustPlot(final XYPlot plot) {
        final Stroke gridStroke = new BasicStroke(DEFAULT_GRID_LINE_WIDTH, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_MITER, 3.0f, new float[] { 3.0f }, 0.0f);

        final ChartSettings cs = getChartSettings();
        final boolean isGridVisible = cs != null ? isGridVisible(cs) : true;



        plot.setAxisOffset(new RectangleInsets(0d, 0d, 0d, 0d));

     * This helper method is used to extract the current locale from instance variable <i>context</i>.
     * @return the current locale.
    protected final Locale getLocale() {
        final CallMeta meta = this.context.getMeta();
        final PreferredLocale[] prefs = meta.getLanguages();

        final int len = prefs != null ? prefs.length : 0;

        final Locale[] locales = new Locale[len];

        for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
            locales[i] = prefs[i].getLocale();

        return meta.getPreferredLocale(locales);

     * Look up \param key in i18n dictionary.
     * @param key
     *            key for which to find i18nd version.
     * @param def
     *            default, returned if lookup failed.
     * @return value found in i18n dictionary, \param def if no value found.
    public final String msg(final String key, final String def) {
        return Resources.getMsg(this.context.getMeta(), key, def);

     * Look up \param key in i18n dictionary.
     * @param key
     *            key for which to find i18nd version.
     * @return value found in i18n dictionary, key itself if failed.
    public final String msg(final String key) {
        return Resources.getMsg(this.context.getMeta(), key, key);

    public final String msg(final String key, final String def, final Object... args) {
        return Resources.getMsg(this.context.getMeta(), key, def, args);

     * Add datasets stored in instance variable <i>datasets</i> to plot.
     * <i>datasets</i> actually stores instances of AxisDataset, so each of this
     * datasets is mapped to a specific axis as well.
     * @param plot
     *            plot to add datasets to.
    protected void addDatasets(final XYPlot plot) {

        // AxisDatasets are sorted, but some might be empty.
        // Thus, generate numbering on the fly.
        int axisIndex = 0;
        int datasetIndex = 0;

        for (final Map.Entry<Integer, AxisDataset> entry : this.datasets.entrySet()) {
            if (!entry.getValue().isEmpty()) {
                // Add axis and range information.
                final AxisDataset axisDataset = entry.getValue();
                final NumberAxis axis = createYAxis(entry.getKey());

                plot.setRangeAxis(axisIndex, axis);

                if (axis.getAutoRangeIncludesZero()) {
                    axisDataset.setRange(Range.expandToInclude(axisDataset.getRange(), 0d));

                setYBounds(axisIndex, expandPointRange(axisDataset.getRange()));

                // Add contained datasets, mapping to axis.
                for (final XYDataset dataset : axisDataset.getDatasets()) {
                    try {
                        plot.setDataset(datasetIndex, dataset);
                        plot.mapDatasetToRangeAxis(datasetIndex, axisIndex);

                        applyThemes(plot, dataset, datasetIndex, axisDataset.isArea(dataset));

                    catch (final RuntimeException re) {


     * Create Y (range) axis for given index.
     * Shall be implemented by subclasses.
    protected abstract NumberAxis createYAxis(final int index);

     * @param idx
     *            "index" of dataset/series (first dataset to be drawn has
     *            index 0), correlates with renderer index.
     * @param isArea
     *            true if the series describes an area and shall be rendered
     *            as such.
    private void applyThemes(final XYPlot plot, final XYDataset series, final int idx, final boolean isArea) {
        if (isArea)
            applyAreaTheme(plot, (StyledAreaSeriesCollection) series, idx);
            applyLineTheme(plot, series, idx);

     * Expands a given range if it collapses into one point.
     * @param range
     *            Range to be expanded if upper == lower bound.
     * @return Bounds of point plus 5 percent in each direction.
    private Bounds expandPointRange(final Range range) {
        if (range == null) {
            return null;
        } else if (range.getLowerBound() == range.getUpperBound()) {
            final Range expandedRange = ChartHelper.expandRange(range, 5d);
            return new DoubleBounds(expandedRange.getLowerBound(), expandedRange.getUpperBound());

        return new DoubleBounds(range.getLowerBound(), range.getUpperBound());

     * Creates a new instance of EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer.
     * @param plot
     *            The plot which is set for the new renderer.
     * @param idx
     *            This value is not used in the current implementation.
     * @return a new instance of EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer.
    private XYLineAndShapeRenderer createRenderer(final XYPlot plot, final int idx) {
        log.debug("Create EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer for idx: " + idx);

        final EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer r = new EnhancedLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false);


        return r;

     * This method applies the themes defined in the series itself. Therefore,
     * <i>StyledXYSeries.applyTheme()</i> is called, which modifies the renderer
     * for the series.
     * @param plot
     *            The plot.
     * @param dataset
     *            The XYDataset which needs to support Series objects.
     * @param idx
     *            The index of the renderer / dataset.
    private void applyLineTheme(final XYPlot plot, final XYDataset dataset, final int idx) {
        log.debug("Apply LineTheme for dataset at index: " + idx);

        final LegendItemCollection lic = new LegendItemCollection();
        final LegendItemCollection anno = plot.getFixedLegendItems();

        final Font legendFont = createLegendLabelFont();

        final XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = createRenderer(plot, idx);

        for (int s = 0, num = dataset.getSeriesCount(); s < num; s++) {
            final Series series = getSeriesOf(dataset, s);

            if (series instanceof StyledSeries) {
                final Style style = ((StyledSeries) series).getStyle();
                style.applyTheme(renderer, s);

            // special case: if there is just one single item, we need to enable
            // points for this series, otherwise we would not see anything in
            // the chart area.
            if (series.getItemCount() == 1) {
                renderer.setSeriesShapesVisible(s, true);

            LegendItem legendItem = renderer.getLegendItem(idx, s);
            if (legendItem.getLabel().endsWith(" ")) {
                legendItem = null;

            if (legendItem != null) {
            } else {
                log.warn("Could not get LegentItem for renderer: " + idx + ", series-idx " + s);

        if (anno != null) {


        plot.setRenderer(idx, renderer);

     * @param plot
     *            The plot.
     * @param area
     *            A StyledAreaSeriesCollection object.
     * @param idx
     *            The index of the dataset.
    private final void applyAreaTheme(final XYPlot plot, final StyledAreaSeriesCollection area, final int idx) {
        final LegendItemCollection lic = new LegendItemCollection();
        final LegendItemCollection anno = plot.getFixedLegendItems();

        final Font legendFont = createLegendLabelFont();

        log.debug("Registering an 'area'renderer at idx: " + idx);

        final StableXYDifferenceRenderer dRenderer = new StableXYDifferenceRenderer();

        if (area.getMode() == StyledAreaSeriesCollection.FILL_MODE.UNDER) {

        plot.setRenderer(idx, dRenderer);


        // i18n
        dRenderer.setAreaLabelNumberFormat(Formatter.getFormatter(this.context.getMeta(), 2, 4));

        dRenderer.setAreaLabelTemplate(Resources.getMsg(this.context.getMeta(), "area.label.template", "Area=%sm2"));

        final LegendItem legendItem = dRenderer.getLegendItem(idx, 0);
        if (legendItem != null) {
        } else {
            log.warn("Could not get LegentItem for renderer: " + idx + ", series-idx " + 0);

        if (anno != null) {


     * Returns a transparently textured paint.
     * @return a transparently textured paint.
    private static Paint createTransparentPaint() {
        // TODO why not use a transparent color?
        final BufferedImage texture = new BufferedImage(1, 1, BufferedImage.TYPE_4BYTE_ABGR);

        return new TexturePaint(texture, new Rectangle2D.Double(0d, 0d, 0d, 0d));

    private void preparePDFContext(final CallContext context) {
        final int[] dimension = getExportDimension();

        context.putContextValue("chart.width", dimension[0]);
        context.putContextValue("chart.height", dimension[1]);
        context.putContextValue("chart.marginLeft", 5f);
        context.putContextValue("chart.marginRight", 5f);
        context.putContextValue("chart.marginTop", 5f);
        context.putContextValue("chart.marginBottom", 5f);
        context.putContextValue("", ChartExportHelper.DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE);

    private void prepareSVGContext(final CallContext context) {
        final int[] dimension = getExportDimension();

        context.putContextValue("chart.width", dimension[0]);
        context.putContextValue("chart.height", dimension[1]);
        context.putContextValue("chart.encoding", ChartExportHelper.DEFAULT_ENCODING);

     * This method retrieves the chart subtitle by calling getChartSubtitle()
     * and adds it as TextTitle to the chart.
     * The default implementation of getChartSubtitle() returns the same
     * as getDefaultChartSubtitle() which must be implemented by derived
     * classes. If you want to add multiple subtitles to the chart override
     * this method and add your subtitles manually.
     * @param chart
     *            The JFreeChart chart object.
    protected void addSubtitles(final CallContext context, final JFreeChart chart) {
        final String subtitle = getChartSubtitle(this.context);

        if (subtitle != null && subtitle.length() > 0) {
            chart.addSubtitle(new TextTitle(subtitle));

    protected abstract String getChartSubtitle(CallContext context);

     * Adds a new AxisDataset which contains <i>dataset</i> at index <i>idx</i>.
     * @param dataset
     *            An XYDataset.
     * @param idx
     *            The axis index.
     * @param visible
     *            Determines, if the dataset should be visible or not.
    protected final void addAxisDataset(final XYDataset dataset, final int idx, final boolean visible) {
        if (dataset == null || idx < 0) {

        final AxisDataset axisDataset = getAxisDataset(idx);

        final Bounds[] xyBounds = ChartHelper.getBounds(dataset);

        if (xyBounds == null) {
            log.warn("Skip XYDataset for Axis (invalid ranges): " + idx);

        if (visible) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
                log.debug("Add new AxisDataset at index: " + idx);
                log.debug("X extent: " + xyBounds[0]);
                log.debug("Y extent: " + xyBounds[1]);


        combineXBounds(xyBounds[0], 0);
        combineYBounds(xyBounds[1], idx);

     * This method grants access to the AxisDatasets stored in <i>datasets</i>.
     * If no AxisDataset exists for index <i>idx</i>, a new AxisDataset is
     * created using <i>createAxisDataset()</i>.
     * @param idx
     *            The index of the desired AxisDataset.
     * @return an existing or new AxisDataset.
    protected final AxisDataset getAxisDataset(final int idx) {
        AxisDataset axisDataset = this.datasets.get(idx);

        if (axisDataset == null) {
            axisDataset = createAxisDataset(idx);
            this.datasets.put(idx, axisDataset);

        return axisDataset;

     * Returns the size of a chart export as array which has been specified by
     * the incoming request document.
     * @return the size of a chart as [width, height] or null if no width or
     *         height are given in the request document.
    protected final int[] getSize() {
        final int[] size = new int[2];

        final Element sizeEl = (Element) XMLUtils.xpath(this.request, XPATH_CHART_SIZE, XPathConstants.NODE, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE);

        if (sizeEl != null) {
            final String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI;

            final String w = sizeEl.getAttributeNS(uri, "width");
            final String h = sizeEl.getAttributeNS(uri, "height");

            if (w.length() > 0 && h.length() > 0) {
                try {
                    size[0] = Integer.parseInt(w);
                    size[1] = Integer.parseInt(h);
                catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
                    log.warn("Wrong values for chart width/height.");

        return size[0] > 0 && size[1] > 0 ? size : null;

     * This method returns the format specified in the <i>request</i> document
     * or <i>DEFAULT_CHART_FORMAT</i> if no format is specified in
     * <i>request</i>.
     * @return the format used to export this chart.
    private String getFormat() {
        final String format = (String) XMLUtils.xpath(this.request, XPATH_CHART_FORMAT, XPathConstants.STRING, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE);

        return format == null || format.length() == 0 ? DEFAULT_CHART_FORMAT : format;

     * Returns the X-Axis range as String array from request document.
     * If the (x|y)range elements are not found in request document, return
     * null (i.e. not zoomed).
     * @return a String array with [lower, upper], null if not in document.
    protected final String[] getDomainAxisRangeFromRequest() {
        final Element xrange = (Element) XMLUtils.xpath(this.request, XPATH_CHART_X_RANGE, XPathConstants.NODE, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE);

        if (xrange == null) {
            return null;

        final String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI;

        final String lower = xrange.getAttributeNS(uri, "from");
        final String upper = xrange.getAttributeNS(uri, "to");

        return new String[] { lower, upper };

     * Returns null if the (x|y)range-element was not found in
     * request document.
     * This usally means that the axis are not manually zoomed, i.e. showing
     * full data extent.
    protected final String[] getValueAxisRangeFromRequest() {
        final Element yrange = (Element) XMLUtils.xpath(this.request, XPATH_CHART_Y_RANGE, XPathConstants.NODE, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE);

        if (yrange == null) {
            return null;

        final String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI;

        final String lower = yrange.getAttributeNS(uri, "from");
        final String upper = yrange.getAttributeNS(uri, "to");

        return new String[] { lower, upper };

     * Returns the default size of a chart export as array.
     * @return the default size of a chart as [width, height].
    protected final int[] getDefaultSize() {
        return new int[] { DEFAULT_CHART_WIDTH, DEFAULT_CHART_HEIGHT };

     * This method returns the export dimension specified in ChartSettings as
     * int array [width,height].
     * @return an int array with [width,height].
    private int[] getExportDimension() {
        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        if (chartSettings == null)
            return new int[] { DEFAULT_CHART_WIDTH, DEFAULT_CHART_HEIGHT };

        final ExportSection export = chartSettings.getExportSection();
        final Integer width = export.getWidth();
        final Integer height = export.getHeight();

        if (width != null && height != null) {
            return new int[] { width, height };

        return new int[] { 600, 400 };

     * Returns the chart title provided by <i>settings</i>.
     * @param settings
     *            A ChartSettings object.
     * @return the title provided by <i>settings</i> or null if no
     *         <i>ChartSection</i> is provided by <i>settings</i>.
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *             if <i>settings</i> is null.
    private String getChartTitle(final ChartSettings settings) {
        final ChartSection cs = settings.getChartSection();
        return cs != null ? cs.getTitle() : null;

     * Returns the chart subtitle provided by <i>settings</i>.
     * @param settings
     *            A ChartSettings object.
     * @return the subtitle provided by <i>settings</i> or null if no
     *         <i>ChartSection</i> is provided by <i>settings</i>.
     * @throws NullPointerException
     *             if <i>settings</i> is null.
    protected final String getChartSubtitle(final ChartSettings settings) {
        final ChartSection cs = settings.getChartSection();
        return cs != null ? cs.getSubtitle() : null;

     * Returns the title of a chart. The return value depends on the existence
     * of ChartSettings: if there are ChartSettings set, this method returns the
     * chart title provided by those settings. Otherwise, this method returns
     * getDefaultChartTitle().
     * @return the title of a chart.
    protected String getChartTitle(final CallContext context) {
        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();

        if (chartSettings != null) {
            return getChartTitle(chartSettings);

        return getDefaultChartTitle(context);

     * This method always returns null. Override it in subclasses that require
     * subtitles.
     * @return null.
    protected String getDefaultChartSubtitle(final CallContext context) {
        // Override this method in subclasses
        return null;

    /** Where to place the logo. */
    protected final String logoHPlace() {
        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        if (chartSettings != null) {
            final ChartSection cs = chartSettings.getChartSection();
            final String place = cs.getLogoHPlacement();

            return place;
        return "center";

    /** Where to place the logo. */
    protected final String logoVPlace() {
        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        if (chartSettings != null) {
            final ChartSection cs = chartSettings.getChartSection();
            final String place = cs.getLogoVPlacement();

            return place;
        return "top";

    /** Return the logo id from settings. */
    private String showLogo(final ChartSettings chartSettings) {
        if (chartSettings != null) {
            final ChartSection cs = chartSettings.getChartSection();
            final String logo = cs.getDisplayLogo();

            return logo;
        return "none";

     * This method is used to determine if a logo should be added to the plot.
     * @return logo name (null if none).
    protected final String showLogo() {
        final ChartSettings chartSettings = getChartSettings();
        return showLogo(chartSettings);

     * This method is used to determine if the resulting chart should display
     * grid lines or not. <b>Note: this method always returns true!</b>
     * @return true, if the chart should display grid lines, otherwise false.
    protected final boolean isGridVisible() {
        return true;

    protected final void addAnnotationsToRenderer(final XYPlot plot) {

        final AnnotationRenderer annotationRenderer = new AnnotationRenderer(getChartSettings(), this.datasets, DEFAULT_FONT_NAME);
        annotationRenderer.addAnnotationsToRenderer(plot, this.annotations);

        doAddFurtherAnnotations(plot, this.annotations);

     * Allow further annotation processing, override to implement.
     * Does nothing by default.
    protected void doAddFurtherAnnotations(final XYPlot plot, final List<RiverAnnotation> annotations) {
