view flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/artifacts/states/ @ 2089:0da8874bd378

Added initial state to map artifact to be able to advance and step back. The map artifact overrides describe() to have the complete UI information in the describe response document. flys-artifacts/trunk@3613 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Raimund Renkert <>
date Fri, 06 Jan 2012 12:02:10 +0000
parents 61667c3a0003
children 19518116a49a
line wrap: on
line source
package de.intevation.flys.artifacts.states;

import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;
import org.w3c.dom.Node;

import de.intevation.artifacts.Artifact;
import de.intevation.artifacts.ArtifactNamespaceContext;
import de.intevation.artifacts.CallContext;
import de.intevation.artifacts.CallMeta;

import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils;
import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils.ElementCreator;

import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.ProtocolUtils;


import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.state.AbstractState;
import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.state.Facet;

import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.FLYSArtifact;

import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.resources.Resources;

 * @author <a href="">Ingo Weinzierl</a>
public abstract class DefaultState extends AbstractState {

    /** The logger that is used in this class. */
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(DefaultState.class);

    /** Determines, if the DESCRIBE document should contain default values or
     * not. */
    public static final boolean USE_DEFAULTS =

    /** The three possible compute types. */
    public static enum ComputeType {

    protected StateData getData(FLYSArtifact artifact,  String name) {
        return artifact.getData(name);

     * Append to a node and return xml description relevant for gui.
    public Element describeStatic(
        Artifact    artifact,
        Document    document,
        Node        root,
        CallContext context,
        String      uuid)
        ElementCreator creator = new ElementCreator(

        CallMeta meta = context.getMeta();

        String label = Resources.getMsg(meta, getID(), getID());
        Element ui   = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
            creator, "state",
            new String[] { "name", "uiprovider", "label" },
            new String[] { getID(), getUIProvider(), label });

        Map<String, StateData> theData = getData();
        if (theData == null) {
            return ui;

        Iterator<String> iter = theData.keySet().iterator();
        FLYSArtifact     flys = (FLYSArtifact) artifact;

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            String name =;
            appendStaticData(flys, context, creator, ui, name);

        return ui;

    protected void appendStaticData(
        FLYSArtifact   flys,
        CallContext    context,
        ElementCreator cr,
        Element        ui,
        String         name
    ) {
        StateData data  = getData(flys, name);
        String    value = (data != null) ? (String) data.getValue() : null;

        if (value == null) {

        logger.debug("Append element '" + name + "' (" + value + ")");

        Element e = createStaticData(
            flys, cr, context, name, value, data.getType());



     * Creates a <i>data</i> element used in the static part of the DESCRIBE
     * document.
     * @param creator The ElementCreator that is used to build new Elements.
     * @param meta The CallMeta object used for i18n.
     * @param name The name of the data item.
     * @param value The value as string.
     * @return an Element.
    protected Element createStaticData(
        FLYSArtifact   flys,
        ElementCreator creator,
        CallContext    cc,
        String         name,
        String         value,
        String         type
    ) {
        CallMeta meta = cc.getMeta();

        Element dataElement = creator.create("data");
        creator.addAttr(dataElement, "name", name, true);
        creator.addAttr(dataElement, "type", type, true);

        Element itemElement = creator.create("item");
        creator.addAttr(itemElement, "value", value, true);

        String attrValue = "";
        try {
            // XXX A better way to format the output would be to use the
            // 'type' value of the data objects.
            double doubleVal = Double.valueOf(value);
            Locale         l = Resources.getLocale(meta);
            NumberFormat  nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(l);

            attrValue = nf.format(doubleVal);
        catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            attrValue = Resources.getMsg(meta, value, value);

        creator.addAttr(itemElement, "label", attrValue, true);

        return dataElement;

    public Element describe(
        Artifact    artifact,
        Document    document,
        Node        root,
        CallContext context,
        String      uuid)
        ElementCreator creator = new ElementCreator(

        Element ui        = null;
        String uiprovider = getUIProvider();
        if (uiprovider != null) {
            ui = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
                creator, "dynamic",
                new String[] { "uiprovider" },
                new String[] { uiprovider });
        else {
            ui = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(creator, "dynamic", null, null);

        Map<String, StateData> theData = getData();
        if (theData == null) {
            return ui;

        Iterator<String> iter = theData.keySet().iterator();
        FLYSArtifact     flys = (FLYSArtifact) artifact;

        while (iter.hasNext()) {
            String    name =;
            StateData data = getData(flys, name);

            data = data != null ? data : getData(name);

            Element select = createData(creator, artifact, data, context);

            if (USE_DEFAULTS) {
                String defValue = (String) data.getValue();
                String defDesc  = null;

                if (defValue != null && defValue.length() > 0) {
                    defDesc = Resources.getMsg(

                if (defValue != null && defDesc != null) {
                    creator.addAttr(select, "defaultValue", defValue, true);
                    creator.addAttr(select, "defaultLabel", defDesc, true);

            Element choices = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
            creator, "choices", null, null);


            Element[] items = createItems(creator, artifact, name, context);
            if (items != null) {
                for (Element item: items) {

        return ui;

     * This method creates the root node that contains the list of selectable
     * items.
     * @param cr The ElementCreator.
     * @param name The name of the amount of data.
     * @return the root node of the item list.
    protected Element createData(
        ElementCreator cr,
        Artifact    artifact,
        StateData   data,
        CallContext context)
        Element select = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
            cr, "select", null, null);
        cr.addAttr(select, "name", data.getName(), true);

        Element label = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(
            cr, "label", null, null);



        return select;

     * This method creates a list of items. These items represent the amount of
     * input data that is possible for this state.
     * @param cr The ElementCreator.
     * @param name The name of the amount of data.
     * @return a list of items.
    protected Element[] createItems(
        ElementCreator cr,
        Artifact    artifact,
        String      name,
        CallContext context
    ) {
        return null;

     * This method is used to create an <i>item</i> Element that contains two
     * further elements <i>label</i> and <i>value</i>. The label and value
     * elements both have text nodes.
     * @param cr The ElementCreator used to build new Elements.
     * @param obj This implementation awaits a String array with [0] = label and
     * [1] = value.
     * @return an Element.
    protected Element createItem(XMLUtils.ElementCreator cr, Object obj) {
        Element item  = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(cr, "item", null, null);
        Element label = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(cr, "label", null, null);
        Element value = ProtocolUtils.createArtNode(cr, "value", null, null);

        String[] arr = (String[]) obj;



        return item;

     * This method transform a given value into a StateData object.
     * @param flys The FLYSArtifact.
     * @param name The name of the data object.
     * @param val The value of the data object.
     * @return a StateData object with <i>name</i> and <i>val</i>ue.
    public StateData transform(
        FLYSArtifact flys,
        CallContext  cc,
        String       name,
        String       val
    ) {
        logger.debug("Transform data ('" + name + "','" + val + "')");
        return new DefaultStateData(name, null, null, val);

     * This method validates the inserted data and returns true, if everything
     * was correct, otherwise an exception is thrown.
     * @param artifact A reference to the owner artifact.
     * @return true, if everything was fine.
    public boolean validate(Artifact artifact)
    throws IllegalArgumentException
        return true;

     * Returns which UIProvider shall be used to aid user input.
    protected String getUIProvider() {
        return null;

    public Object computeAdvance(
        FLYSArtifact artifact,
        String       hash,
        CallContext  context,
        List<Facet>  facets,
        Object       old
    ) {
        return null;

    public Object computeFeed(
        FLYSArtifact artifact,
        String       hash,
        CallContext  context,
        List<Facet>  facets,
        Object       old
    ) {
        return null;

    public Object computeInit(
        FLYSArtifact artifact,
        String       hash,
        Object       context,
        CallMeta     meta,
        List<Facet>  facets)
        return null;
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