Mercurial > dive4elements > river
view backend/doc/schema/postgresql-sinfo-uinfo.sql @ 8983:16df9f7a9815
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author | gernotbelger |
date | Fri, 06 Apr 2018 13:53:11 +0200 |
parents | 66471a3b3db2 |
children | 07dcedddf839 |
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BEGIN; CREATE TABLE bed_mobility ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, river_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cBedMobilityRivers REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, kmrange_info VARCHAR(32), filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, "comment" VARCHAR(256) ); COMMENT ON TABLE bed_mobility IS 'Longitudinal section of the bed mobility of a river' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN bed_mobility.kmrange_info IS 'File header line info "Strecke"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN bed_mobility.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN bed_mobility."comment" IS 'File header line info "weitere Bemerkungen"' ; CREATE SEQUENCE BED_MOBILITY_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE bed_mobility_values ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, bed_mobility_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cBedMobilityValuesBedMobility REFERENCES bed_mobility(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, station NUMERIC(7,3) NOT NULL, moving NUMERIC(1,0) DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL CHECK(moving IN (0,1)) ); COMMENT ON TABLE bed_mobility_values IS 'Bed mobility of a km' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN bed_mobility_values.station IS 'River km' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN bed_mobility_values.moving IS 'Whether the river bed at the station is moving' ; CREATE SEQUENCE BED_MOBILITY_VALUES_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE infrastructure ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, river_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cInfrastructureRivers REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, annotation_type_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cInfrastructureAnnotationType REFERENCES annotation_types(id), year NUMERIC(4,0) CHECK((year >= 1700) AND (year <= 2199)), dataprovider VARCHAR(256), evaluation_by VARCHAR(256), kmrange_info VARCHAR(32), filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, "comment" VARCHAR(256) ); COMMENT ON TABLE infrastructure IS 'Longitudinal section of infrastructures of a river and a type' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN infrastructure.year IS 'File header line info "Stand"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN infrastructure.dataprovider IS 'File header line info "Datenherkunft"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN infrastructure.evaluation_by IS 'File header line info "Auswerter"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN infrastructure.kmrange_info IS 'File header line info "Strecke"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN infrastructure.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN infrastructure."comment" IS 'File header line info "weitere Bemerkungen"' ; CREATE SEQUENCE INFRASTRUCTURE_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE infrastructure_values ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, infrastructure_id NUMERIC(9,0) CONSTRAINT cInfrastructureValuesInfrastructure REFERENCES infrastructure(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, station NUMERIC(7,3) NOT NULL, attribute_id integer CONSTRAINT cInfrastructureValuesAttributes REFERENCES attributes(id), height NUMERIC(6,2) ); COMMENT ON TABLE infrastructure_values IS 'Infrastructure at a river station' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN infrastructure_values.station IS 'River km' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN infrastructure_values.height IS 'Geodetic height of the top of the infrastructure in m' ; CREATE SEQUENCE INFRASTRUCTURE_VALUES_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE channel ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, river_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cChannelRivers REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, kmrange_info VARCHAR(32), filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, "comment" VARCHAR(256), year_from NUMERIC(4,0), year_to NUMERIC(4,0) ); COMMENT ON TABLE channel IS 'Longitudinal section of the navigable channel of a river' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN channel.kmrange_info IS 'File header line info "Strecke"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN channel.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN channel."comment" IS 'File header line info "weitere Bemerkungen"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN channel.year_from IS 'Start year of the period for which the channel values are valid, NULL when valid for the whole past'; COMMENT ON COLUMN channel.year_to IS 'End year of the period for which the channel values are valid, NULL when unlimited'; CREATE SEQUENCE CHANNEL_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE channel_values ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, channel_id NUMERIC(9,0) CONSTRAINT cChannelValuesChannel REFERENCES channel(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, station NUMERIC(7,3) NOT NULL, width NUMERIC(6,2), depth NUMERIC(6,2) ); COMMENT ON TABLE channel_values IS 'Nominal size of the navigable channel at a river station' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN channel_values.station IS 'River km' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN channel_values.width IS 'Nominal width of the channel in m' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN channel_values.depth IS 'Nominal depth of the channel in m' ; CREATE SEQUENCE CHANNEL_VALUES_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE collision_type ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL UNIQUE ); COMMENT ON TABLE collision_type IS 'Type of a ship collision' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Name of the collision type' ; CREATE SEQUENCE COLLISION_TYPE_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE collision ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, river_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cCollisionRivers REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, year NUMERIC(4,0) NOT NULL, kmrange_info VARCHAR(32), filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, "comment" VARCHAR(256) ); COMMENT ON TABLE collision IS 'Longitudinal section of ship collisions with the river bed' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN collision.year IS 'File header line info "Jahr"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN collision.kmrange_info IS 'File header line info "Strecke"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN collision.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN collision."comment" IS 'File header line info "weitere Bemerkungen"' ; CREATE SEQUENCE COLLISION_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE collision_values ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, collision_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cCollisionValueCollision REFERENCES collision(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, station NUMERIC(7,3) NOT NULL, event_date DATE NOT NULL, gauge_w NUMERIC(6,2), gauge_name VARCHAR(64), collision_type_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cCollisionValuesCollisionType REFERENCES collision_type(id) ); COMMENT ON TABLE collision_values IS 'Collision event' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN collision_values.station IS 'River km' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN collision_values.event_date IS 'Date of the collision' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN collision_values.gauge_w IS 'Waterlevel during the collision' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN collision_values.gauge_name IS 'Name of the gauge' ; CREATE SEQUENCE COLLISION_VALUES_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE tkh ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, river_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cTkhRivers REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, year NUMERIC(4,0) NOT NULL, kmrange_info VARCHAR(32), filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, sounding_info VARCHAR(64), evaluation_by VARCHAR(256), "comment" VARCHAR(256) ); COMMENT ON TABLE tkh IS 'Longitudinal section of computed Transportk�rperh�he of a river' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN tkh.year IS 'File header line info "Bezugsjahr"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN tkh.kmrange_info IS 'File header line info "Strecke"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN tkh.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN tkh.sounding_info IS 'File header line info "Peilung"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN tkh.evaluation_by IS 'File header line info "Auswerter"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN tkh."comment" IS 'File header line info "weitere Bemerkungen"' ; CREATE SEQUENCE TKH_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE tkh_column ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, tkh_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cTkhColumnTkh REFERENCES tkh(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL ); COMMENT ON TABLE tkh_column IS 'Longitudinal section of computed Transportk�rperh�he for a waterlevel series' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Name of the tkh computation column' ; CREATE SEQUENCE TKH_COLUMN_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE tkh_values ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, tkh_column_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cTkhValuesTkhColumn REFERENCES tkh_column(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, station NUMERIC(7,3) NOT NULL, tkheight NUMERIC(7,3) ); COMMENT ON TABLE tkh_values IS 'Transportk�rperh�he of a river station and referenced file column' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN tkh_values.station IS 'River km' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN tkh_values.tkheight IS 'Transportk�rperh�he of a river station computed for a waterlevel in m' ; CREATE SEQUENCE TKH_VALUES_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE flow_depth ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, river_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cFlowDepthRivers REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, year NUMERIC(4,0) NOT NULL, kmrange_info VARCHAR(32), filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, sounding_info VARCHAR(64), evaluation_by VARCHAR(255), "comment" VARCHAR(256) ); COMMENT ON TABLE flow_depth IS 'Longitudinal section of computed flow depth of a river' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN flow_depth.year IS 'File header line info "Bezugsjahr"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN flow_depth.kmrange_info IS 'File header line info "Strecke"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN flow_depth.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN flow_depth.sounding_info IS 'File header line info "Peilung"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN flow_depth.evaluation_by IS 'File header line info "Auswerter"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN flow_depth."comment" IS 'File header line info "weitere Bemerkungen"' ; CREATE SEQUENCE FLOW_DEPTH_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE flow_depth_column ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, flow_depth_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cFlowDepthColumnFlowDepth REFERENCES flow_depth(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, name VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL ); COMMENT ON TABLE flow_depth_column IS 'Longitudinal section of computed flow depth for a waterlevel series' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Name of the flow depth computation column' ; CREATE SEQUENCE FLOW_DEPTH_COLUMN_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE flow_depth_values ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, flow_depth_column_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cFlowDepthValuesFlowDepthColumn REFERENCES flow_depth_column(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, station NUMERIC(7,3) NOT NULL, depth NUMERIC(7,3) ); COMMENT ON TABLE flow_depth_values IS 'Flow depth of a river station and referenced file column' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN flow_depth_values.station IS 'River km' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN flow_depth_values.depth IS 'Flow depth of a river station computed for a waterlevel in m' ; CREATE SEQUENCE FLOW_DEPTH_VALUES_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE depth_evolution ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, river_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cDepthEvolutionRivers REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, reference_year NUMERIC(4,0) NOT NULL, start_year NUMERIC(4,0) NOT NULL, curr_sounding VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, old_sounding VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, kmrange_info VARCHAR(32), curr_glw VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, old_glw VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL, filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, "comment" VARCHAR(256) ); COMMENT ON TABLE depth_evolution IS 'Longitudinal section of the evolution of the flow depth of a river' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution.reference_year IS 'File header line info "Bezugsjahr" (GlW)' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution.start_year IS 'File header line info "Ausgangsjahr" (GlW)' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution.curr_sounding IS 'File header line info "Aktuelle Peilung / Epoche"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution.old_sounding IS 'File header line info "Historische Peilung / Epoche"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution.kmrange_info IS 'File header line info "Strecke"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution.curr_glw IS 'File header line info "Aktuelle Wasserspiegellage"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution.old_glw IS 'File header line info "Historische Wasserspiegellage"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution."comment" IS 'File header line info "weitere Bemerkungen"' ; CREATE SEQUENCE DEPTH_EVOLUTION_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE depth_evolution_values ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, depth_evolution_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cDepthEvolutionValuesDepthEvolution REFERENCES depth_evolution(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, station NUMERIC(7,3) NOT NULL, total_change NUMERIC(8,4), change_per_year NUMERIC(8,4) ); COMMENT ON TABLE depth_evolution_values IS 'Evolution of the flow depth of a river station in a referenced period of time' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution_values.station IS 'River km' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution_values.total_change IS 'Flow depth change of the whole period of time in m' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN depth_evolution_values.change_per_year IS 'Average yearly flow depth change in the referenced period of time in m' ; CREATE SEQUENCE DEPTH_EVOLUTION_VALUES_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE daily_discharge ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, gauge_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cDailyDischargeGauge REFERENCES gauges(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL ); COMMENT ON TABLE daily_discharge IS 'Daily discharge value series' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN daily_discharge.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; CREATE SEQUENCE DAILY_DISCHARGE_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE daily_discharge_values ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, daily_discharge_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cDailyDischargeValueDailyDischarge REFERENCES daily_discharge(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, day DATE NOT NULL, discharge NUMERIC(8,3) NOT NULL ); COMMENT ON TABLE daily_discharge_values IS 'Mean daily discharge of a date and a gauge' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'Date of the discharge value' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN daily_discharge_values.discharge IS 'Mean daily discharge in m^3/s' ; CREATE SEQUENCE DAILY_DISCHARGE_VALUES_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE salix ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, river_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cSalixRivers REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, evaluation_by VARCHAR(255), kmrange_info VARCHAR(32), filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, "comment" VARCHAR(256) ); COMMENT ON TABLE salix IS 'Longitudinal section of the salix line parameters of a river' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN salix.evaluation_by IS 'File header line info "Auswerter"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN salix.kmrange_info IS 'File header line info "Strecke"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN salix.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN salix."comment" IS 'File header line info "weitere Bemerkungen"' ; CREATE SEQUENCE SALIX_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE salix_values ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, salix_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cSalixValuesSalix REFERENCES salix(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, station NUMERIC(7,3) NOT NULL, factor NUMERIC(6,2) NOT NULL, mnw_mw_diff NUMERIC(6,2) ); COMMENT ON COLUMN salix_values.station IS 'River km' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN salix_values.factor IS 'Salix "factor" of the station in m' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN salix_values.mnw_mw_diff IS 'Difference between MNW and MW in m (less than zero)' ; CREATE SEQUENCE SALIX_VALUES_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE salix_rank ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, min_value NUMERIC(6,2), max_value NUMERIC(6,2), name VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO salix_rank (id, min_value, max_value, name) VALUES (1, NULL, -0.3, 'invalid'); INSERT INTO salix_rank (id, min_value, max_value, name) VALUES (2, -0.3, 0.3, 'very good'); INSERT INTO salix_rank (id, min_value, max_value, name) VALUES (3, 0.3, 0.5, 'good'); INSERT INTO salix_rank (id, min_value, max_value, name) VALUES (4, 0.5, 1.0, 'moderate'); INSERT INTO salix_rank (id, min_value, max_value, name) VALUES (5, 1.0, 1.5, 'bad'); INSERT INTO salix_rank (id, min_value, max_value, name) VALUES (6, 1.5, NULL, 'very bad'); CREATE TABLE vegetation_type ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO vegetation_type (id, name) VALUES (1, 'zonal forest'); INSERT INTO vegetation_type (id, name) VALUES (2, 'dry hartwood forest floodplain'); INSERT INTO vegetation_type (id, name) VALUES (3, 'wet hartwood forest floodplain'); INSERT INTO vegetation_type (id, name) VALUES (4, 'salix alba forest'); INSERT INTO vegetation_type (id, name) VALUES (5, 'salix shrubs'); INSERT INTO vegetation_type (id, name) VALUES (6, 'reed bed'); INSERT INTO vegetation_type (id, name) VALUES (7, 'bank pioneers'); INSERT INTO vegetation_type (id, name) VALUES (8, 'no vegetation'); INSERT INTO vegetation_type (id, name) VALUES (9, 'water'); CREATE TABLE vegetation ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, river_id integer NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cVegetationRivers REFERENCES rivers(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, name VARCHAR(256), filename VARCHAR(256) NOT NULL, "comment" VARCHAR(256) ); COMMENT ON TABLE vegetation IS 'Classification of the vegetation of a river' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN IS 'File header line info "Einteilung"' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN vegetation.filename IS 'Name without type extension of the imported file' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN vegetation."comment" IS 'File header line info "weitere Bemerkungen"' ; CREATE SEQUENCE VEGETATION_ID_SEQ ; CREATE TABLE vegetation_zone ( id NUMERIC(9,0) PRIMARY KEY, vegetation_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cVegetationZoneVegetation REFERENCES vegetation(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, vegetation_type_id NUMERIC(9,0) NOT NULL CONSTRAINT cVegetationZoneVegetationType REFERENCES vegetation_type(id) ON DELETE CASCADE, min_overflow_days NUMERIC(3,0) NOT NULL, max_overflow_days NUMERIC(3,0) NOT NULL ); COMMENT ON TABLE vegetation_zone IS 'Vegetation zone of a river station' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN vegetation_zone.min_overflow_days IS 'Minimum number (inclusive) of overflow days in a year for the zone type' ; COMMENT ON COLUMN vegetation_zone.max_overflow_days IS 'Maximum number (exclusive) of overflow days in a year for the zone type' ; CREATE SEQUENCE VEGETATION_ZONE_ID_SEQ ; COMMIT;