view flys-client/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/client/client/ @ 1620:4a86c250d6a5

Fix flys/issue481 (i18n: Datenkorb). flys-client/trunk@4007 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author Felix Wolfsteller <>
date Thu, 09 Feb 2012 15:49:55 +0000
parents 592751b635e3
children 114fea2de638
line wrap: on
line source
title = FLYS-3.0
fullname = Flusshydrologische Software
user = User:
guest = guest
logout = Logout
projects = Projects
open_project = Open Project
delete_project = Delete Project
rename_project = Rename Project
clone_project = Clone Project
copy_of = Copy
manage_projects = Manage Projects
favorite_tooltip = Permanently store?
favorite_tooltip_meaning = Golden star: stored
projectlist_creationTime = Creation time
projectlist_title = Title
projectlist_favorite = Permanent
really_delete = Do you really want to delete this project?
project_name_too_long = The entered project name is too long. Max length is $LEN characters.
switch_language = German
info = Info
warning = Attention
warning_language = Choosing a new language starts a new session. All open windows will be closed.
no_projects = No existing calculations found.
load_projects = Load calculations...
empty_table = Loading data...
empty_filter = No data found.
date_format = yyyy-MM-dd
datetime_format = yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm
new_project = New Project
new_calculation = New Calculation
module_selection = Module
river_selection = Rivers
winfo = WINFO
minfo = MINFO
new_map = New Map
map = Map
new_chart = New Chart
diagram = Chart
axes = Axes
legend = Legend
chart_title = Title
chart_subtitle = Subtitle
grid = Grid
antialiasing = Antialiasing
axis_name = Name
chart_start = start
chart_end = end
x_axis = X-Axis
y1_axis = Y1-Axis
y2_axis = Y2-Axis
y3_axis = Y3-Axis
legend_name = Name
show_legend = Show
scale = Scale
databasket = Databasket
next = Next
location_distance_state = Choose calculation location(s) / range [km]
distance_state = Choose calculation range [km]
waterlevel_ground_state = Choose differences betweeen waterlevel and ground [m]
location = Location(s)
locations = Locations
distance = Range
unitFrom = km
unitTo = km a
unitWidth = m
search = Search
discharge = FIXME(Name)
properties = Properties
activateTheme = Activate
deactivateTheme = Deactivate
removeTheme = Remove
label_ok = Ok
label_cancel = Cancel
cancelCalculationLabel = Stop the current calculation.
calculationCanceled = The calculation has been canceled.
range = Range
resultCount = Hits
start_year = Start
end_year = End

# Header images
flysLogo = images/flys_logo.gif
bfgLogo = images/bfg_logo.gif

# Images
downloadPNG = images/downloadPNG.png
downloadPDF = images/downloadPDF.png
downloadSVG = images/downloadSVG.png
downloadCSV = images/save.gif
loadingImg = images/loading.gif
cancelCalculation = images/cancelCalculation.png
markerRed = images/marker_red.png
markerGreen = images/marker_green.png
riverMap = images/gewkarte.png
properties_ico = images/properties.gif

dpLabelFrom = From
dpUnitFrom = km
dpLabelTo = To
dpUnitTo = km
dpLabelStep = a
dpUnitStep = m

wgLabelFrom = From
wgUnitFrom = m
wgLabelTo = To
wgUnitTo = m
wgLabelStep = a
wgUnitStep = m

unitFromInM = From [m]:
unitToInM = To [m]:
unitDiffInM = Diff [m]:
unitLocation = km
wrongFormat = Wrong format
atLeastOneValue = You need to insert at least one value.
missingInput = You need to enter a value.
too_many_values = Only one value allowed

description = Description
from = From
to = To
riverside = Riverside
bottom_edge = Bottom edge
top_edge = Top edge
name = Name
type = Type
wq_value = Q/D
river_km = River-Km
uesk_profile_distance = Distance [m]

wqTitle = Input for W/Q Data
wqadaptedTitle = Input for W/Q Data
wqHistorical = Selection of Analyse Type
calcTableTitle = Calculated Output
helperPanelTitle = Input Support
wqW = W at Gauge [cm]
wqQ = Q [m\u00b3/s]
wqWFree = W free position [m+NHN]
wqQGauge = Discharge at Gauge
wqSingle = Single values
wqRange = Range
unitWNN = W [NN+m]
unitWSingle = cm
unitWFrom = cm&nbsp;-
unitWTo = cm&nbsp;a
unitWStep = cm
unitQSingle = m³/s
unitQFrom = m³/s&nbsp;-
unitQTo = m³/s&nbsp;a
unitQStep = m³/s
footerHome = Home
footerContact = Kontakt
footerImpressum = Impressum

buttonNext = Next
imageBack = images/back_en.png
imageSave = images/save.gif
theme_top = images/theme_top.png
theme_up = images/theme_up.png
theme_down = images/theme_down.png
theme_bottom = images/theme_bottom.png
zoom_all = images/zoom-1.png
zoom_in = images/zoom-in.png
zoom_out = images/zoom-out.png
zoom_back = images/zoom-back.png
pan = images/pan.png
askThemeRemove = Are you sure that you want to remove the selected theme / themes?

discharge_curve = Discharge Curves at Gauges
computed_discharge_curve = Discharge Curve
longitudinal_section = Longitudinal Section Curve
duration_curve = Duration Curve
discharge_longitudinal_section = Discharge Longitudinal Section
floodmap = Floodmap
historical_discharge = Historical Discharge Curves
cross_section = Cross Section
cross_sections = Cross Sections
w_differences = Differences
w_differences_export = Differences Export
reference_curve_export = Reference Curve Export
historical_discharge_export = Historical Discharge Curve Export

waterlevel_export = Waterlevel Export
waterlevel_report = Waterlevel Report
computed_dischargecurve_export = Discharge Curve Export
computed_dischargecurve_report = Discharge Curve Report
discharge_longitudinal_section_export = Discharge Longitudinal Section Export
discharge_longitudinal_section_report = Discharge Longitudinal Section Report
durationcurve_export = Duration Curve Export
durationcurve_report = Duration Curve Report
dataexport = Datenexport
csv = CSV
wst = WST
at = AT
pdf = PDF
computed_dischargecurve_at_export = AT Export

chart_themepanel_header_themes = Theme
chart_themepanel_header_actions = Actions
chart_themepanel_snychron = Navigate synchronously
chart_themepanel_asnychron = Navigate independently
chart_themepanel_set_master = Reference
chart_themepanel_new_area = New Area...
chart_themepanel_area_under = under ...
chart_themepanel_area_over = over ...
chart_themepanel_area_between = between ...
against_x_axis = Over X-Axis

ele_window_title = Elevation Node
ele_window_label = Elevation settings in m \u00fc. NN.
ele_window_x_col = X
ele_window_y_col = Y
ele_window_z_col = Z-Coordinate
ele_window_ok_button = Set elevations
ele_window_cancel_button = Cancel
ele_window_format_error = The elevation you have entered is invalid:
ele_window_save_error = Error while saving elevations.
ele_window_geometry_error = The geometry is not supported:

unexpected_exception = There occured an unexpected exception
error_read_minmax_values = Error while reading min/max values for the location input.
error_validate_range = The value $1 needs to be smaller than $3 and bigger than $2.
error_validate_lower_range = The lower value $1 needs to be bigger than $2.
error_validate_upper_range = The upper value $1 needs to be smaller than $2.
error_empty_state = Required inputs are missing.
error_invalid_double_value = Wrong format for a floating point number.
error_create_artifact = Error while creating new project.
error_describe_artifact = Error while loading the parameterization.
error_feed_data = Error while inserting new data.
error_advance_artifact = Error while changing the project's state.
error_add_artifact = Error while inserting new data.
error_remove_artifact = Error while removing data.
error_create_collection = Error while creating a new collection.
error_describe_collection = Error while fetching the projects state.
error_no_rivers_found = Error while reading supported rivers.
error_no_such_user = Error - no such user found.
error_no_waterlevel_pair_selected = Error - no waterlevel pair for building differences selected.
error_same_waterlevels_in_pair = Error - minuend and subtrahend have to differ.
error_not_logged_in = You need to log in before you are allowed to start your work.
error_load_parameterization = Could not load the parameterization.

error_feed_no_data = No input data found.
error_feed_from_out_of_range = The lower value is bigger than the upper value.
error_feed_to_out_of_range = The upper value is out or the valid range.
error_feed_from_bigger_to = The lower value is bigger than the upper value.
error_feed_invalid_wq_mode = Invalid WQ-Mode selected.
error_feed_number_format_float = The inserted value is no floating point number.
error_feed_invalid_calculation_mode = The chosen calculation method is invalid.
error_feed_no_calculation_mode = No calculation method chosen.
error_feed_no_such_river = The selected river is not provided.
error_feed_no_river_selected = No river selected.
error_feed_no_wq_mode_selected = No W/Q mode selected.
error_feed_q_values_invalid = Selected Q values are outside the valid range.
error_feed_w_values_invalid = Selected W values are outside the valid range.
error_chart_info_service = Could not fetch meta information of the chart.
error_no_meta_data_found = No meta data found.
error_load_artifact = Error while adding data to the current project.
error_no_calc_result=No calculation results found.
error_no_theme_styles_found=No style for the selected theme found.
error_no_feature_selected = No object selected.
error_no_map_config = No Map configuration found.
error_no_map_output_type = No Map output found.
warning_use_first_feature = You have more that one object selected. The first one is used.
error_no_valid_gfi_url = No valid GetFeatureInfo response found.
error_gfi_req_failed = GetFeatureInfo request failed.
error_gfi_parsing_failed = Failed to read GetFeatureInfo response.
error_gc_req_failed = Error while loading Capabilities document.
error_gc_doc_not_valid = Capabilities document is not valid.
error_malformed_url = The URL you have entered is not valid.
error_no_dgm_selected = No DEM selected.
error_invalid_dgm_selected = You have selected an invalid DEM.
error_bad_dgm_range = You have selected a DEM with an invalid range.
error_bad_dgm_river = You have selected a DEM for a wrong river.
error_dialog_not_valid = One or more values are not valid.

## map related strings
digitize = images/digitize.png
pipe1 = Pipe1
pipe2 = Pipe12
ditch = Ditch
dam = Dam
ring_dike = Ringdike
selectFeature = images/selectFeature.png
removeFeature = images/removeFeature.png
getFeatureInfo = images/getFeatureInfo.png
getFeatureInfoTooltip = Information Tool
getFeatureInfoWindowTitle = Informations for Map Layers.
addWMS = images/addWMS.png
addWMSTooltip = Load layers from external WMS service.
adjustElevation = images/adjustElevation.png
measureLine = images/measureLine.png
measurePolygon = images/measurePolygon.png
step = Step
calculationStarted = Calculation started.
zoomMaxExtent = Max extent
zoomIn = Zoom in
zoomOut = Zoom out
zoomLayer = Zoom to layer
moveMap = Move
digitizeObjects = Creation of pipes, ditches, dams and ringdikes
selectObject = Select tool
removeObject = Remove selected object
adjustElevationTooltip = Define elevations for barriers
measureDistance = Measure line
measureArea = Measure area
map_themepanel_header_style = Style
zoomToLayer = Layer-Zoom
requireDGM = You need to choose a DEM.

# data cage
waterlevels = Waterlevels
old_calculations = Former Calculations
datacageAdd = Add data
heightmarks = Height Marks
basedata = Base Data
fixations = Fixations
flood_protections = Flood Protections
columns = Columns
annotation = Annotations
additionals = Additional Longitudinal Section Curves
differences = Differences
kilometrage = Kilometrage
riveraxis = Riveraxis
km = Km
qps = Crosssection Tracks
hws = Floodplain Protection Work
catchments = Catchments
floodplain = Floodplain
lines = Lines
buildings = Buildings
fixpoints = Fixpoints
rastermap = Rastermap
background = Background Map
discharge_table_nn = Discharge Tables at Gauge
discharge_table_gauge = Discharge Table at Gauge
mainvalue = Mainvalue

# capabilities information panel
addwmsInputTitle = Base URL of WMS service
addwmsInfoTitle = Information about WMS service
addwmsLayerTitle = Choose Layer
addwmsBack = Back
addwmsContinue = Continue
addwmsCancel = Cancel
addwmsInvalidURL = The URL is not valid.
capabilitiesHint = Please notice the information of the WMS service.
capabilitiesTitle = Title
capabilitiesURL = URL
capabilitiesAccessConstraints = Access Constraints
capabilitiesFees = Fees
capabilitiesContactInformation = Further Information
capabilitiesEmail = Email
capabilitiesPhone = Phone

#Properties dialog
chart = Chart
export = Export
width = Width
height = Height
visibility = Visibility
upper = to
lower = from
fixation = Fix
font_size = Fontsize
label = Title
title = Title
subtitle = Subtitle
display_grid = Display grid

linetype = Linetype
textstyle = Textstyle
linecolor = Linecolor
textcolor = Textcolor
textsize = Textsize
font = Font
showpoints = Show points
showbackground = Show background
backgroundcolor = Backgroundcolor
textorientation = Textorientation
linesize = Linesize
pointsize = Pointsize
showlines = Show lines
showminimum = Show minimum
showmaximum = Show maximum
showborder = Show line
transparent = Transparency
showarea = Show Area
fillcolor = Fill Color

# Manual Points Editor
addpoints = Add points
pointname = Name
removepoint = Remove
newpoint = New Point
standby = Creating Artifact ... please wait.
points = Points
editpoints = Edit Points
selection = Selection

# Reference Curves
reference_curve = Reference Curve
reference_curve_normalized = Reduced Reference Curve
reference_startpoint = Point of reference
reference_endpoint = Point(s) of projection