view flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/exports/ @ 4255:670e98f5a441

Fixed leak while merging facets. The ThemeList that is used by OutputHelper to sort the Facets for an Output now uses a list to store the ManagedFacets. The correct order is made up by sorting the List using Collections.sort() function of the Java JDK. Therfore, the ManagedFacet class implements the Comparable interface. The return value of its compareTo(other) method depends on the value of the 'position' field.
author Ingo Weinzierl <>
date Thu, 25 Oct 2012 14:01:46 +0200
parents 0c8a6145098b
children 67bbcee26e21
line wrap: on
line source
package de.intevation.flys.exports;


import java.util.Locale;

import de.intevation.artifacts.CallMeta;

import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.WQ;
import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.resources.Resources;

import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.UnivariateRealFunction;

import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation.SplineInterpolator;
import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.interpolation.LinearInterpolator;

import org.apache.commons.math.analysis.polynomials.PolynomialFunction;

import org.apache.commons.math.FunctionEvaluationException;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

public class ATWriter
    private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ATWriter.class);

    public static final int COLUMNS = 10;

    public static final String I18N_AT_HEADER =

    public static final String EMPTY = "         ";

    protected double minW;
    protected double maxW;
    protected double minQ;
    protected double maxQ;

    protected UnivariateRealFunction qFunc;

    public ATWriter() {

    public ATWriter(WQ wq) throws IllegalArgumentException {

        int [] bounds = wq.longestIncreasingWRangeIndices();

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("exporting w between indices " +
                bounds[0] + " and " + bounds[1] + " (" +
                wq.getW(bounds[0]) + ", " + wq.getW(bounds[1]));

        if (bounds[1]-bounds[0] < 1) { // Only first w can be written out.
            minW = maxW = wq.getW(bounds[0]);
            minQ = maxQ = wq.getQ(bounds[0]);
            // constant function
            qFunc = new PolynomialFunction(new double [] { minQ });

        double [] ws = new double[bounds[1]-bounds[0]];
        double [] qs = new double[ws.length];

        for (int i = 0; i < ws.length; ++i) {
            int idx = bounds[0]+i;
            ws[i] = wq.getW(idx);
            qs[i] = wq.getQ(idx);

        qFunc = ws.length < 3
            ? new LinearInterpolator().interpolate(ws, qs)
            : new SplineInterpolator().interpolate(ws, qs);

        minW = wq.getW(bounds[0]);
        maxW = wq.getW(bounds[1]);
        minQ = wq.getQ(bounds[0]);
        maxQ = wq.getQ(bounds[1]);

    public double getQ(double w) {

        try {
            return qFunc.value(w);
        catch (FunctionEvaluationException aode) {
            // should not happen
            logger.warn("spline interpolation failed", aode);
            return w <= minW ? minQ : maxQ;

    public static void printQ(PrintWriter out, double q) {
        String format;
             if (q <   1d) format = " % 8.3f";
        else if (q <  10d) format = " % 8.2f";
        else if (q < 100d) format = " % 8.1f";
        else {
            format = " % 8.0f";
            if (q > 1000d) q = Math.rint(q/10d)*10d;
        out.printf(Locale.US, format, q);

    protected static void printHeader(
        PrintWriter out,
        CallMeta    callMeta,
        String      river,
        double      km
    ) {
            new Object[] { river, km } ));

    public void write(Writer writer, CallMeta meta, String river, double km)
    throws IOException
        PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(writer);

        // a header is required, because the desktop version of FLYS will skip
        // the first row.
        printHeader(out, meta, river, km);

        double rest = (minW * 100.0) % 10.0;

        double startW = Math.rint((minW - rest*0.01)*10.0)*0.1;

        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("startW: " + startW);
            logger.debug("rest: " + rest);

        int col = 0;
        for (double w = startW; w <= maxW; w += 0.01) {
            if (col == 0) {
                out.printf(Locale.US, "%8d", (int)Math.round(w*100.0));

            if (w < minW) {
            else {
                printQ(out, getQ(w));

            if (++col >= COLUMNS) {
                col = 0;

        if (col > 0) {

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