view artifacts/src/main/java/org/dive4elements/river/artifacts/model/minfo/ @ 8750:69b0a71b4845

(issue1448) Make sq time intervals distinct only for non epoch loads Previously it was random if the loads choosen to be part of the distinct sq time interval loads set were epoch loads or not. This led to wrong results beeing removed in the isEpoch check afterwards.
author Andre Heinecke <>
date Fri, 19 Jun 2015 16:35:13 +0200
parents 665c8326b1a6
children 5e38e2924c07
line wrap: on
line source
/* Copyright (C) 2014 by Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
 * Software engineering by Intevation GmbH
 * This file is Free Software under the GNU AGPL (>=v3)
 * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out the
 * documentation coming with Dive4Elements River for details.
package org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.model.minfo;

import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;

import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.model.RiverFactory;
import org.dive4elements.river.artifacts.cache.CacheFactory;
import org.dive4elements.river.backend.SessionHolder;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;
import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;

public class SedimentLoadDataFactory
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SedimentLoadDataFactory.class);

    public static final String CACHE_NAME = "sediment-load-data";

    public static final String SUSPENDED_STRING = "Schwebstoff";

    public static final String SQL_LOAD_RIVER_SEDIMENT_LOADS =
        "WITH load_at_river AS (" +
          "SELECT DISTINCT, " +
            "sl.kind, " +
            "sl.description, " +
            "sl.time_interval_id, " +
            "sl.grain_fraction_id, " +
            "sl.sq_time_interval_id " +
          "FROM sediment_load sl " +
            "JOIN sediment_load_values slv ON = slv.sediment_load_id " +
            "JOIN measurement_station ms ON = slv.measurement_station_id " +
            "JOIN ranges rs ON = ms.range_id " +
            "JOIN rivers r ON = rs.river_id " +
          "WHERE = :river) " +
        "SELECT " +
          " AS sl_id, " +
          "sl.kind AS sl_kind, " +
          "sl.description AS sl_description, " +
          "ti.start_time AS ti_start_time, " +
          "ti.stop_time AS ti_stop_time, " +
          "sqti.start_time AS sq_start_time, " +
          "sqti.stop_time AS sq_stop_time, " +
          " AS sq_ti_id, " +
          "slv.value AS slv_value, " +
          " AS gf_name, " +
          " AS ms_id, " +
          "CASE WHEN r.km_up = 1 THEN rs.b ELSE rs.a END AS ms_station, " +
          "ms.measurement_type AS ms_type " +
        "FROM load_at_river sl " +
          "CROSS JOIN measurement_station ms " +
          "JOIN ranges rs ON ms.range_id = " +
          "JOIN rivers r ON rs.river_id = " +
          "JOIN time_intervals ti ON sl.time_interval_id = " +
          "LEFT JOIN time_intervals sqti ON sl.sq_time_interval_id = " +
          "JOIN grain_fraction gf ON sl.grain_fraction_id = " +
          "LEFT JOIN sediment_load_values slv " +
             "ON AND " +
        "WHERE (" +
          "(ms.measurement_type='Geschiebe' AND IN " +
             "('coarse', 'fine_middle', 'sand', 'susp_sand', " +
              "'susp_sand_bed', 'bed_load', 'bed_load_susp_sand', " +
              "'suspended_load', 'total')) " +
          "OR " +
          "(ms.measurement_type='Schwebstoff' AND IN " +
             "('suspended_sediment', 'suspended_load', 'total'))) " +
        "AND rs.b IS NOT NULL " +
        "AND = :river " +
        "ORDER BY";

    public static final SedimentLoadDataFactory INSTANCE =
        new SedimentLoadDataFactory();

    private SedimentLoadDataFactory() {

    public synchronized SedimentLoadData getSedimentLoadData(String river) {
        boolean debug = log.isDebugEnabled();

        if (debug) {
                "Looking for sediment load data for river '" + river + "'");

        Cache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(CACHE_NAME);

        if (cache == null) {
            if (debug) {
                log.debug("Cache not configured.");
            return getUncached(river);

        String key = "sediment-load-" + river;

        Element element = cache.get(key);

        if (element != null) {
            if (debug) {
                log.debug("Sediment load data found in cache");
            return (SedimentLoadData)element.getValue();

        SedimentLoadData sedimentLoad = getUncached(river);

        if (sedimentLoad != null) {
            if (debug) {
                log.debug("Store sediment load data in cache.");
            cache.put(new Element(key, sedimentLoad));

        return sedimentLoad;

    public SedimentLoadData getUncached(String river) {

        Session session = SessionHolder.HOLDER.get();

        SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(SQL_LOAD_RIVER_SEDIMENT_LOADS)
            .addScalar("sl_id",          StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
            .addScalar("sl_kind",        StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
            .addScalar("sl_description", StandardBasicTypes.STRING)
            .addScalar("ti_start_time",  StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP)
            .addScalar("ti_stop_time",   StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP)
            .addScalar("sq_start_time",  StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP)
            .addScalar("sq_stop_time",   StandardBasicTypes.TIMESTAMP)
            .addScalar("sq_ti_id",       StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
            .addScalar("slv_value",      StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("gf_name",        StandardBasicTypes.STRING)
            .addScalar("ms_id",          StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
            .addScalar("ms_station",     StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("ms_type",        StandardBasicTypes.STRING);

        sqlQuery.setString("river", river);

        SedimentLoadData.Load load = null;
        int grainFractionIndex = SedimentLoadData.GF_UNKNOWN;

        HashMap<Integer, SedimentLoadData.Station> id2station
            = new HashMap<Integer, SedimentLoadData.Station>();

        List<Object[]> list = sqlQuery.list();

        for (Object [] row: list) {

            // Load
            Integer   sl_id            = (Integer)row[0];
            Integer   sl_kind          = (Integer)row[1];
            String    sl_description   = (String)row[2];
            Timestamp ti_start_time    = (Timestamp)row[3];
            Timestamp ti_stop_time     = (Timestamp)row[4];
            Timestamp sq_start_time    = (Timestamp)row[5];
            Timestamp sq_stop_time     = (Timestamp)row[6];
            Integer   sq_id            = (Integer)row[7];

            // Value
            Double    slv_value        = (Double)row[8];
            String    gf_name          = (String)row[9];

            // Station
            Integer   ms_id            = (Integer)row[10];
            Double    ms_station       = (Double)row[11];
            String    ms_type          = (String)row[12];

            if (load == null || load.getId() != sl_id) {
                load = new SedimentLoadData.Load(
                    sl_id, sl_kind, sl_description,
                    ti_start_time, ti_stop_time, sq_id,
                    sq_start_time, sq_stop_time);

                // Grain fractions only change when a new sediment load starts.
                grainFractionIndex =

                if (grainFractionIndex == SedimentLoadData.GF_UNKNOWN) {
                    log.error("Unknown grain fraction type: " + gf_name);

            SedimentLoadData.Station station = id2station.get(ms_id);
            if (station == null) {
                int type = ms_type.equalsIgnoreCase(SUSPENDED_STRING)
                    ? SedimentLoadData.Station.SUSPENDED
                    : SedimentLoadData.Station.BED_LOAD;

                station = new SedimentLoadData.Station(type, ms_station);
                id2station.put(ms_id, station);

                new SedimentLoadData.Value(load, slv_value == null
                    ? Double.NaN
                    : slv_value));

        SedimentLoadData sld = new SedimentLoadData(id2station.values(),

        return sld;
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