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view flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/artifacts/states/ @ 1929:6b0ae0f2cae6
(Minor) cosmetics, docs.
flys-artifacts/trunk@3309 c6561f87-3c4e-4783-a992-168aeb5c3f6f
author | Felix Wolfsteller <> |
date | Wed, 23 Nov 2011 14:04:01 +0000 |
parents | 06c157848c8f |
children | ccf2235035d6 |
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package de.intevation.flys.artifacts.states; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.LineString; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureType; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollection; import org.geotools.feature.FeatureCollections; import org.geotools.feature.simple.SimpleFeatureBuilder; import de.intevation.artifacts.Artifact; import de.intevation.artifacts.CallContext; import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.FileTools; import de.intevation.artifactdatabase.state.Facet; import de.intevation.flys.model.CrossSectionTrack; import de.intevation.flys.model.DGM; import de.intevation.flys.model.Floodplain; import de.intevation.flys.model.RiverAxis; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.FLYSArtifact; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.CalculationMessage; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.CalculationResult; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.FacetTypes; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.WQKms; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.WSPLGENCalculation; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.WSPLGENJob; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model.WSPLGENReportFacet; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.resources.Resources; import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.states.DefaultState.ComputeType; import de.intevation.flys.exports.WstWriter; import de.intevation.flys.utils.FLYSUtils; import de.intevation.flys.utils.MapfileGenerator; import de.intevation.flys.utils.GeometryUtils; import de.intevation.flys.wsplgen.FacetCreator; import de.intevation.flys.wsplgen.JobObserver; import de.intevation.flys.wsplgen.Scheduler; public class FloodMapState extends DefaultState implements FacetTypes { /** The logger that is used in this state. */ private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FloodMapState.class); public static final String KEEP_ARTIFACT_DIR = System.getProperty("flys.uesk.keep.artifactsdir", "false"); public static final String WSP_ARTIFACT = "wsp"; public static final String WINFO_WSP_STATE_ID = "state.winfo.waterlevel"; public static final String WSPLGEN_PARAMETER_FILE = "wsplgen.par"; public static final String WSPLGEN_BARRIERS_LINES = "barrier_lines.shp"; public static final String WSPLGEN_BARRIERS_POLY = "barrier_polygons.shp"; public static final String WSPLGEN_AXIS = "axis.shp"; public static final String WSPLGEN_QPS = "qps.shp"; public static final String WSPLGEN_FLOODPLAIN = "talaue.shp"; public static final String WSPLGEN_WSP_FILE = "waterlevel.wst"; public static final String WSPLGEN_OUTPUT_FILE = "wsplgen.shp"; public static final int WSPLGEN_DEFAULT_OUTPUT = 0; @Override public Object computeAdvance( FLYSArtifact artifact, String hash, CallContext context, List<Facet> facets, Object old ) { logger.debug("FloodMapState.computeAdvance"); File artifactDir = getDirectory(artifact); if (artifactDir == null) { logger.error("Could not create directory for WSPLGEN results!"); return null; } WSPLGENCalculation calculation = new WSPLGENCalculation(); FacetCreator facetCreator = new FacetCreator( artifact, context, hash, getID(), facets); WSPLGENJob job = prepareWSPLGENJob( artifact, facetCreator, artifactDir, context, calculation); CalculationResult res = new CalculationResult(null, calculation); WSPLGENReportFacet report= new WSPLGENReportFacet( ComputeType.ADVANCE, hash, getID(), res); facets.add(report); if (job == null) { if (KEEP_ARTIFACT_DIR.equals("false")) { removeDirectory(artifact); } calculation.addError(-1, Resources.getMsg( context.getMeta(), "wsplgen.job.error", "wsplgen.job.error")); logger.error("No WSPLGEN processing has been started!"); return null; } context.afterCall(CallContext.BACKGROUND); context.addBackgroundMessage(new CalculationMessage( JobObserver.STEPS.length, 0, Resources.getMsg( context.getMeta(), "wsplgen.job.queued", "wsplgen.job.queued") )); Scheduler scheduler = Scheduler.getInstance(); scheduler.addJob(job); return null; } /** * Returns (and creates if not existing) the directory for storing WSPLEN * data for the owner artifact. * * @param artifact The owner Artifact. * * @return the directory for WSPLEN data. */ protected File getDirectory(FLYSArtifact artifact) { String shapePath = FLYSUtils.getXPathString( FLYSUtils.XPATH_SHAPEFILE_DIR); File artifactDir = FileTools.getDirectory( shapePath, artifact.identifier()); return artifactDir; } /** * Removes the directory and all its content where the required data and the * results of WSPLGEN are stored. Should be called in endOfLife(). */ protected void removeDirectory(FLYSArtifact artifact) { String shapePath = FLYSUtils.getXPathString( FLYSUtils.XPATH_SHAPEFILE_DIR); File artifactDir = new File(shapePath, artifact.identifier()); if (artifactDir.exists()) {"Delete directory: " + artifactDir.getAbsolutePath()); boolean success = FileTools.deleteRecursive(artifactDir); } else { logger.debug("There is no directory to remove."); } } @Override public void endOfLife(Artifact artifact, Object callContext) {"FloodMapState.endOfLife: " + artifact.identifier()); FLYSArtifact flys = (FLYSArtifact) artifact; removeDirectory(flys); MapfileGenerator.getInstance().update(); } protected WSPLGENJob prepareWSPLGENJob( FLYSArtifact artifact, FacetCreator facetCreator, File artifactDir, CallContext context, WSPLGENCalculation calculation ) { logger.debug("FloodMapState.prepareWSPLGENJob"); WSPLGENJob job = new WSPLGENJob( artifact, artifactDir, facetCreator, context, calculation); File paraFile = new File(artifactDir, WSPLGEN_PARAMETER_FILE); setOut(artifact, job); setRange(artifact, job); setDelta(artifact, job); setGel(artifact, job); setDist(artifact, job); setLine(artifact, facetCreator, artifactDir, job); setAxis(artifact, artifactDir, job); setPro(artifact, artifactDir, job); setDgm(artifact, job); setArea(artifact, artifactDir, job); setOutFile(artifact, job); setWsp(artifact, context, artifactDir, job); // WSP // TODO // setWspTag(artifact, job); try { job.toFile(paraFile); return job; } catch (IOException ioe) { logger.warn("Cannot write PAR file: " + ioe.getMessage()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { logger.warn("Cannot write PAR file: " + iae.getMessage()); } return null; } protected void setOut(FLYSArtifact artifact, WSPLGENJob job) { job.setOut(WSPLGEN_DEFAULT_OUTPUT); } protected void setRange(FLYSArtifact artifact, WSPLGENJob job) { double[] range = FLYSUtils.getKmRange(artifact); job.setStart(range[0]); job.setEnd(range[1]); } protected void setDelta(FLYSArtifact artifact, WSPLGENJob job) { String from = artifact.getDataAsString("diff_from"); String to = artifact.getDataAsString("diff_to"); String diff = artifact.getDataAsString("diff_diff"); try { job.setFrom(Double.parseDouble(from)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } try { job.setTo(Double.parseDouble(to)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } try { job.setDiff(Double.parseDouble(diff)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { } } protected void setGel(FLYSArtifact artifact, WSPLGENJob job) { String gel = artifact.getDataAsString("use_floodplain"); if (gel != null && gel.length() > 0) { boolean use = Boolean.parseBoolean(gel); if (use) { job.setGel(WSPLGENJob.GEL_SPERRE); } else { job.setGel(WSPLGENJob.GEL_NOSPERRE); } } } protected void setDist(FLYSArtifact artifact, WSPLGENJob job) { String dist = artifact.getDataAsString("profile_distance"); try { job.setDist(Double.parseDouble(dist)); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // nothing to do here } } protected void setLine( FLYSArtifact artifact, FacetCreator facetCreator, File dir, WSPLGENJob job ) { String geoJSON = artifact.getDataAsString("uesk.barriers"); String srid = FLYSUtils.getRiverSrid(artifact); String srs = "EPSG:" + srid; if (geoJSON == null || geoJSON.length() == 0) { logger.debug("No barrier features in parameterization existing."); return; } SimpleFeatureType ft = getBarriersFeatureType( "barriers", srs, Geometry.class); List<SimpleFeature> features = GeometryUtils.parseGeoJSON(geoJSON, ft); if (features == null || features.size() == 0) { logger.debug("No barrier features extracted."); return; } FeatureCollection[] fcs = splitLinesAndPolygons(features); File shapeLines = new File(dir, WSPLGEN_BARRIERS_LINES); File shapePolys = new File(dir, WSPLGEN_BARRIERS_POLY); Object[][] obj = new Object[][] { new Object[] { "typ", String.class } }; boolean l = GeometryUtils.writeShapefile( shapeLines, GeometryUtils.buildFeatureType("lines", srs, LineString.class, obj), fcs[0]); if (l) { logger.debug( "Successfully created barrier line shapefile. " + "Write shapefile path into WSPLGEN job."); job.addLin(shapeLines.getAbsolutePath()); } boolean p = GeometryUtils.writeShapefile( shapePolys, GeometryUtils.buildFeatureType("polygons", srs, Polygon.class, obj), fcs[1]); if (p) { logger.debug( "Successfully created barrier polygon shapefile. " + "Write shapefile path into WSPLGEN job."); job.addLin(shapePolys.getAbsolutePath()); } if (p || l) { facetCreator.createBarrierFacet(); } } protected SimpleFeatureType getBarriersFeatureType( String name, String srs, Class type ) { Object[][] attrs = new Object[3][]; attrs[0] = new Object[] { "typ", String.class }; attrs[1] = new Object[] { "elevation", Double.class }; attrs[2] = new Object[] { "mark.selected", Integer.class }; return GeometryUtils.buildFeatureType(name, srs, type, attrs); } protected FeatureCollection[] splitLinesAndPolygons(List<SimpleFeature> f) { FeatureCollection lines = FeatureCollections.newCollection(); FeatureCollection polygons = FeatureCollections.newCollection(); for (SimpleFeature feature: f) { Geometry geom = (Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry(); if (geom instanceof LineString) { geom = applyElevationAttribute(feature, (LineString) geom); lines.add(feature); } else if (geom instanceof Polygon) { geom = applyElevationAttribute(feature, (Polygon) geom); polygons.add(feature); } else { logger.warn("Feature not supported: " + geom.getClass()); } } logger.debug("Found " + lines.size() + " barrier lines."); logger.debug("Found " + polygons.size() + " barrier polygons."); return new FeatureCollection[] { lines, polygons }; } protected static Geometry applyElevationAttribute( SimpleFeature feature, Geometry geom ) { logger.debug("Apply elevations for: " + geom.getClass()); List<Double> elevations = extractElevations(feature); int numPoints = geom.getNumPoints(); int numElevation = elevations.size(); String typ = (String) feature.getAttribute("typ"); if (numPoints > numElevation) { logger.warn("More vertices in Geometry than elevations given."); } Coordinate[] c = geom.getCoordinates(); for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) { if (i < numElevation) { c[i].z = elevations.get(i); } else if (typ != null && typ.equals("Graben")) { c[i].z = -9999d; } else { c[i].z = 9999d; } } return geom; } protected static List<Double> extractElevations(SimpleFeature feature) { String tmp = (String) feature.getAttribute("elevation"); String typ = (String) feature.getAttribute("typ"); String[] elevations = tmp == null ? null : tmp.split(" "); int num = elevations != null ? elevations.length : 0; List<Double> list = new ArrayList<Double>(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { try { list.add(Double.parseDouble(elevations[i])); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { logger.warn("Error while parsing elevation at pos: " + i); if (typ != null && typ.equals("Graben")) { list.add(new Double(-9999.0)); } else { list.add(new Double(9999.0)); } } } return list; } protected void setAxis(FLYSArtifact artifact, File dir, WSPLGENJob job) { String river = artifact.getDataAsString("river"); String srid = FLYSUtils.getRiverSrid(artifact); String srs = "EPSG:" + srid; RiverAxis axis = RiverAxis.getRiverAxis(river); if (axis == null) { logger.warn("Could not find river axis for: '" + river + "'"); return; } Geometry geom = axis.getGeom(); SimpleFeatureType ft = GeometryUtils.buildFeatureType( "axis", srs, LineString.class); SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(ft); builder.add(geom); FeatureCollection collection = FeatureCollections.newCollection(); collection.add(builder.buildFeature("0")); File axisShape = new File(dir, WSPLGEN_AXIS); boolean a = GeometryUtils.writeShapefile( axisShape, GeometryUtils.buildFeatureType("axis", srs, LineString.class), collection); if (a) { job.setAxis(axisShape.getAbsolutePath()); } } protected void setPro(FLYSArtifact artifact, File dir, WSPLGENJob job) { String river = artifact.getDataAsString("river"); String srid = FLYSUtils.getRiverSrid(artifact); String srs = "EPSG:" + srid; List<CrossSectionTrack> cst = CrossSectionTrack.getCrossSectionTrack(river); logger.debug("Found " + cst.size() + " CrossSectionTracks."); Object[][] attrs = new Object[2][]; attrs[0] = new Object[] { "ELEVATION", Double.class }; attrs[1] = new Object[] { "KILOMETER", Double.class }; SimpleFeatureType ft = GeometryUtils.buildFeatureType( "qps", srs, LineString.class, attrs); SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(ft); FeatureCollection collection = FeatureCollections.newCollection(); int i = 0; for (CrossSectionTrack track: cst) { builder.reset(); builder.add(track.getGeom()); builder.add(track.getZ().doubleValue()); builder.add(track.getKm().doubleValue()); collection.add(builder.buildFeature(String.valueOf(i++))); } File qpsShape = new File(dir, WSPLGEN_QPS); boolean q = GeometryUtils.writeShapefile( qpsShape, GeometryUtils.buildFeatureType("qps", srs, LineString.class, attrs), collection); if (q) { job.setPro(qpsShape.getAbsolutePath()); } } protected void setDgm(FLYSArtifact artifact, WSPLGENJob job) { String dgm_id = artifact.getDataAsString("dgm"); int id = -1; try { id = Integer.parseInt(dgm_id); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { /* do nothing */ } DGM dgm = DGM.getDGM(id); if (dgm == null) { logger.warn("Could not find specified DGM."); return; } job.setDgm(dgm.getPath()); } protected void setArea(FLYSArtifact artifact, File dir, WSPLGENJob job) { String river = artifact.getDataAsString("river"); String srid = FLYSUtils.getRiverSrid(artifact); String srs = "EPSG:" + srid; Floodplain plain = Floodplain.getFloodplain(river); SimpleFeatureType ft = GeometryUtils.buildFeatureType( "talaue", srs, Polygon.class); SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(ft); builder.add(plain.getGeom()); FeatureCollection collection = FeatureCollections.newCollection(); collection.add(builder.buildFeature("0")); File talaueShape = new File(dir, WSPLGEN_FLOODPLAIN); boolean t = GeometryUtils.writeShapefile( talaueShape, GeometryUtils.buildFeatureType("talaue", srs, Polygon.class), collection); if (t) { job.setArea(talaueShape.getAbsolutePath()); } } protected void setOutFile(FLYSArtifact artifact, WSPLGENJob job) { job.setOutFile(WSPLGEN_OUTPUT_FILE); } protected WQKms getWQKms(FLYSArtifact flys, CallContext cc) { String wspString = flys.getDataAsString(WSP_ARTIFACT); String[] parts = wspString.split(";"); String otherArtifact = parts[0]; int idx = -1; try { idx = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { /* do nothing */ } FLYSArtifact src = otherArtifact != null ? FLYSUtils.getArtifact(otherArtifact, cc) : flys; logger.debug("Use waterlevel provided by Artifact: " + src.identifier()); CalculationResult rawData = (CalculationResult) src.compute( cc, null, WINFO_WSP_STATE_ID, ComputeType.ADVANCE, false); WQKms[] wqkms = (WQKms[]) rawData.getData(); return wqkms == null || idx == -1 || idx >= wqkms.length ? null : wqkms[idx]; } protected void setWsp( FLYSArtifact artifact, CallContext context, File dir, WSPLGENJob job) { logger.debug("FloodMapState.setWsp"); WQKms data = getWQKms(artifact, context); if (data == null) { logger.warn("No WST data found!"); return; } WstWriter writer = new WstWriter(1); // TODO REMOVE job.setWspTag(...) This is only used until the user is // able to select the WSP column himself! boolean writeWspTag = true; double[] buf = new double[4]; logger.debug("Add WST column: " + data.getName()); writer.addColumn(data.getName()); if (writeWspTag) { job.setWspTag(data.getName()); writeWspTag = false; } for (int i = 0, num = data.size(); i < num; i++) { data.get(i, buf); writer.add(buf); } FileOutputStream fout = null; try { File wspFile = new File(dir, WSPLGEN_WSP_FILE); fout = new FileOutputStream(wspFile); writer.write(fout); job.setWsp(wspFile.getAbsolutePath()); } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) { logger.warn("Error while writing wsp file: " + fnfe.getMessage()); } finally { if (fout != null) { try { fout.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { /* do nothing */ } } } } } // vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf-8 :