view gwt-client/CHANGES @ 8349:7341bebc79d0

Let injectors be strictly distinct from each other and give more meaningful names (they know what they do, not where they will be used. The latter is configuration).
author Tom Gottfried <>
date Wed, 01 Oct 2014 12:23:39 +0200 (2014-10-01)
parents 5aa05a7a34b7
line wrap: on
line source
2011-09-19  RELEASE 2.5


        * Added new widgets:
          - DistancePanel: allows users to enter a km range.
          - ContinuePanel: offers a 'next' button only for states which do not require input data.
          - BooleanPanel: allows users to answer for yes/no questions.
          - TextProvider: allows users to enter text strings.
          - AutoIntegerPanel: allows users to enter integer values or the value 'auto'.
          - WaterlevelGroundPanel: allows users to enter three integer values for "from", "to", and "diff" used for floodmaps.
          - DatacagePanel: displays a datacage widget, that allows users to select items from datacage.
          - MapPanel: displays a Gwt-OpenLayers based map and a MapToolbar.
          - DatacageWidget: reads XML documents from MetaDataService and displays the result as tree.
          - DigitizePanel: allows users to digitize spatial geometries using a map based on Gwt-OpenLayers.
          - DatacageTwinPanel: allows users to select items from two parallel datacage widgets.

        * Added RPC services to:
          - create new Artifacts based on a model Artifact (ArtifactService).
          - read XML documents from MetaDataService (MetaDataService).
          - read map information (as srid, extent) from MapInfoService (MapInfoService).
          - feed an Artifact only (without forwarding into a new state) (FeedService).
          - fetch the description of an Artifact only (DescribeArtifactService).
          - create new Artifacts based on Recommendation objects and add them to
            current Collection (LoadArtifactService).

        * The DatacageWindow in charts now allows adding new themes to charts.

        * Introduced a Recommendation mechanism in the CollectionView that loads Artifacts to the
          current Collection based on the recommendations in the Artifact description of the master

        * Extract background state/messages of master Artifacts. Lock CollectionView window if
          master Artifacts have started background threads that have not finished yet and display
          status messages in the lock screen.

        * Added support to clone existing projects in the project list.

        * Introduced copy&paste support in calculation result tables.

        * Added new OutputTab MapOutputTab. This tab initializes map based on Gwt-OpenLayers.
          The layers added to the map depend on the facets of the output.

        * Added a CrossSectionChartThemePanel. This ThemePanel offers a spinner right besides the
          theme name to modify the current km.

        * Added a MapToolbar that offers controls for working with a map based on Gwt-OpenLayers.

        * UI improvements:
          - Stepping back/forward in parameterization no longer redraws the whole CollectionView.
          - set the title of CollectionView windows when the name of a collection is modified in the project list.
          - introduced "find-as-you-type" search in most input tables.

        * Distinguish between 'chart' and 'map' output modes to create ChartOutputTabs or MapOutputTabs.

        * Bumped GWT up to 2.3.0.


        * flys/issue159 (WINFO: Radiobutton - Ortsauswahl bei "W für ungleichwertigen Abflusslängsschnitt" entfernen)

        * flys/issue166 (Projektname in die Fensterleiste übernehmen)

        * flys/issue181 (Erstes Thema in der Themenliste wählt sich automatisch wieder an)

        * flys/issue185 (IE8 + Chromium: Kein Zoomen von Diagrammen möglich)

        * flys/issue194 (Wasserspiegellagen: Hauptwerte Q/D Spaltenbezeichnung "Kenzeichnender Abfluss")

        * flys/issue195 (Wasserspiegellagen: Q/D-Panel Spaltenbezeichnung "W/Q/D" -> "Q/D")

        * flys/issue199 (Berechnete Abflusskurve / Dauerzahlen: Freies Textfeld akzeptiert mehr als einen Ort.)

        * flys/issue203 (W-INFO: Wasserspiegellagenberechnung / Auswahlunterstützung Abfluss)

        * flys/issue234 (W-INFO: Projektverwaltung)

        * flys/issue239 (W-INFO: Wasserspiegellagenberechnung / Auswahlunterstützung Ort bzw. Strecke)

        * flys/issue240 (W-INFO: Projektverwaltung / Einstellung dauerhaft)

        * flys/issue259 (Daten aus Datenkorb in Diagramm einladen)

        * flys/issue266 (Projektverwaltung: Duplizieren von Projekten)

        * flys/issue282 (Karte: Abstand interpolierte Profile - Default wert)

        * flys/issue285 (Projektverwaltung: Suche auf den Titeln)

        * flys/issue286 (Karte: Tooltips für die Werkzeugleiste)

        * flys/issue289 (Karte: Messen von Strecken und Flächen in falscher Dimension)

        * flys/issue299 (Karte: Einige Farben vereinheitlichen)

        * flys/issue293 (Karte: Farbliche Anpassung der digitalisierten Objekte)

        * flys/issue305 (Suche: Löschen der Eingabe nach einem Wechseln des Tabs Strecke -> Ort)

        * flys/issue309 (Querprofil: Manuelle Eingabe funktioniert nicht nach Return (nur nach Tab))

        * flys/issue311 (Querprofil: i18n)

        * flys/issue313 ("AssertionError" beim Wechsel von Deutsch zu Englisch in der Projektliste)

2011-06-27  RELEASE 2.4


        * Introduced:
          - a theme panel on the left of the chart. It allows to change
            the state and order of the themes in the chart.
          - a panel that displays the current mouse position in chart
          - a Zoombox-Control that allows zooming in charts via zoombox.
          - a control to zoom out for 10%.
          - a control to zoom to the max extent of the chart.
          - a control to pan charts.
          - a panel that displays reports generated by calculations.
          - a client side validation of user input.

        * Improved the project list. The user can now rename projects and set
          favorite projects that will never be deleted.

        * Improved the chart output service to support zoom values.

        * Added new services to:
          - set the Collection's attribute to a new value
          - set the name of a project
          - set the time-to-live of a project
          - delete a project
          - retrieve meta information of the current chart
            This service returns a ChartInfo object that stores information about
            the axes ranges, data ranges and a transformation matrix to transform
            image coordinates into chart coordinates
          - fetch calculation reports

        * flys/issue40 Input fields will show former selected values.


        * flys/issue21 Projects cannot be opened twice but if a projects is
          already open, it is brought to foreground.

        * flys/issue22 Introduced a polling for user projects. Dead projects are
          automatically removed.

        * flys/issue43 I18N adjustments.

        * flys/issue85 Location/Distance panel now distinguishes between these
          two modes. Two (or more) locations will no longer end up in a distance.

        * flys/issue88 I18N adjustments in the location/distance panel.

        * flys/issue91 The WQ panel's initial mode is Q.

        * flys/issue103 Append units in WQ panel.

        * flys/issue104 The selected WQ mode is displayed in the static panel

        * flys/issue117 DoubleArrayPanel and DoubleRangePanel will no longer
          return duplicate values.

        * flys/issue118 The WQ panel has three modes now: W at gauge, Q at
          gauge and Q free.

        * flys/issue122 The values in the table displaying W values are no
          longer selectable.

        * flys/issue132 The initial location/distance mode is now distance.

        * flys/issue139 Fixed NPE while initialising user values in the adapted
          WQ panel.

        * flys/issue140 Splitted the table - displaying W, Q and D values - up
          in two tables for W (no longer selectable) and for QD.

        * flys/issue156 The report panel is not displayed as tab besides the
          chart tabs.

        * flys/issue165 Limit the length of new project names to 50 characters.

        * flys/issue170 Fixed broken initial chart info.

2011-05-19  RELEASE 2.3.1


        * Enabled the UI to display more export modes that a single one.

        * Added tooltips for export buttons.


        * flys/issue23 (Doppel-Click auf Eintrag in der Projektliste sollte ein Projekt öffnen)

        * flys/issue35 The project window is maximizable with a 'maximize' button.

        * flys/issue38 (WINFO: Vorbelegung der Berechnungsart auf "Wasserstand/Wasserspiegellagen")

        * flys/issue39 (WINFO: Auswahl einer Strecke in bei Eingabeunterstützung liefert nicht die richtigen Werte)

        * flys/issue43 (i18n: Einige Verbesserungen)

        * flys/issue44 (WINFO: Unterstützungstabellen werden in fester Fensterbreite angezeigt)

        * flys/issue45 (WINFO: Ladedialog bei Laden der Daten in Unterstützungstabellen anzeigen)

        * flys/issue48 (Diagramm: Bereiche für Themensteuerung und Werkzeugleiste vorgeben.)

        * flys/issue56: (Knopf zum Exportieren der Berechnungsergebnissen nach CSV in GUI einbauen)

2011-05-13  RELEASE 2.3


        * Initial GWT/Ajax based Web-Client for the REST based artifact system:
          - Renderer for states specific for WINFO artifact
          - Panels for W/Q selection
          - Panels for Range selection
          - Chart panels for chart output creation
          - Export panels that provides download links for exporting computation
          - Project list displays former projects that might be opened by
            double click
          - Datacage (dt. 'Datenkorb') UI that displays loadable data for charts

        * RPC-services enable data exchange between client and server

        * Connection settings are configured in config.xml

        * I18N is splitted into two parts and support English and German:
          - GUI elements are translated using the GWT i18n mechanism
          - Information/data served by the artifact system is translated by the
            artifact server


        * Language switch drops the current session

        * Charts served by the artifact system are rendered as PNG only

        * Theme control for charts is not implemented yet.

        * Data served by the datacage can't be added to projects/charts


    The version number of this release depends on an existing desktop variant of
    this software that is in version 2.1.


2011-03-30  RELEASE 0.1