view gwt-client/src/test/java/test/bundu/ @ 9567:86e522bc7f36

jUnit-Tests completed
author gernotbelger
date Mon, 05 Nov 2018 13:21:57 +0100
parents 173f188569c6
children 531a60b7af95
line wrap: on
line source
/** Copyright (C) 2017 by Bundesanstalt für Gewässerkunde
 * Software engineering by
 *  Björnsen Beratende Ingenieure GmbH
 *  Dr. Schumacher Ingenieurbüro für Wasser und Umwelt
 * This file is Free Software under the GNU AGPL (>=v3)
 * and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY! Check out the
 * documentation coming with Dive4Elements River for details.
package test.bundu;

import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.dive4elements.artifacts.httpclient.exceptions.ConnectionException;
import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.exceptions.ServerException;
import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.Data;
import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.DataItem;
import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.DefaultDataItem;
import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.IntDataItem;
import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.IntegerArrayData;
import org.dive4elements.river.client.shared.model.StringOptionsData;

import test.AbstractBerechnungsartenTester.River;
import test.AbstractModuleRunner;

 * @author Domenico Nardi Tironi
class BunduBezugswstRunner extends AbstractModuleRunner {

    private final String fixationChoice;
    private final int bezugsjahr;
    private final int years_length;

    private final boolean fehlvolumina;
    private final String sounding;

    private final String calcChoice;
    private final double step;
    private final List<Segment> segments;
    private final String qSectorStart;
    private final String qSectorEnd;
    private final int[] events;
    private final String function;
    private final Double fehlVolFrom;
    private final Double fehlVolTo;
    private final boolean preprocessing;

    public BunduBezugswstRunner(final double from, final double to, final double step, final River river, final int bezugsjahr, final String fixationChoice,
            final String function, final String abflussklasseFrom, final String abflussklasseTo, final int[] events, final int years_length,
            final List<Segment> segments, final String calcChoice, final boolean preprocessing, final boolean fehlvolumina, final Double fehlVolFrom,
            final Double fehlVolTo, final String sounding) throws ConnectionException, ServerException {
        super(AbstractModuleRunner.Infotype.bundu, test.bundu.BunduBerechnungsartenTester.CalcMode.bundu_bezugswst, from, to, river);
        this.fixationChoice = fixationChoice;
        this.qSectorStart = abflussklasseFrom;
        this.qSectorEnd = abflussklasseTo;
        this.bezugsjahr = bezugsjahr;
        this.years_length = years_length;
        this.fehlvolumina = fehlvolumina;
        this.fehlVolFrom = fehlVolFrom;
        this.fehlVolTo = fehlVolTo;
        this.sounding = sounding;
        this.calcChoice = calcChoice;
        this.preprocessing = preprocessing;
        this.step = step;
        this.segments = segments; = events;
        this.function = function;


    public void runTest() throws ServerException, IOException {
        /* Select River */

        /* Select ICalcMode */

        /* Select Range with step */
        final Data[] temp = super.makeFromToData("ld_from", "ld_to", this.getFrom(), this.getTo());
        final String stepStr = String.valueOf(this.step);
        final Data[] data = super.addItemToExistingData(temp,
                new StringOptionsData("ld_step", "ld_step", new DataItem[] { new DefaultDataItem(stepStr, stepStr, stepStr) }));

        super.feedAndGo(data, 0);

        /* bezugsjahr */
        final String bezugsjahr = String.valueOf(this.bezugsjahr);

        final IntDataItem[] eventArray = new IntDataItem[];
        for (int i = 0; i <; i++) {
            eventArray[i] = new IntDataItem("id", "id",[i]);

        final IntegerArrayData iadTemp = new IntegerArrayData("events_temp", "events_temp", eventArray);

        super.feedAndGo(new Data[] { super.getSimpleTextInput("singleyear", bezugsjahr), iadTemp }, 0);

        /* fixierungsauswahl - auto oder manuell */
        // AUTO: 0, 3
        final Data q1 = super.getSimpleTextInput("q1", this.qSectorStart);
        final Data q2 = super.getSimpleTextInput("q2", this.qSectorEnd);
        final Data fixChoice = super.getSimpleTextInput("fix_choice", this.fixationChoice);
        // start, end (missing)
        // final DateTimeFormat df = DateTimeFormat.getFormat("dd.MM.yyyy");
        final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
        cal.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getDefault());// TODO: TimeZoneHandling
        cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, (this.bezugsjahr - 5));
        cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 1);

        final Data startData = super.getSimpleTextInput("start", String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getTime()));
        cal.set(Calendar.YEAR, (this.bezugsjahr - 5));
        cal.set(Calendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, 365);
        final Data endData = super.getSimpleTextInput("end", String.valueOf(cal.getTime().getTime()));
        final IntegerArrayData iad = new IntegerArrayData("events", "events", eventArray);

        super.feedAndGo(new Data[] { q1, q2, iad, fixChoice, startData, endData }, 0);

        if (this.fixationChoice.equals("state.bundu.wst.fix.manual")) {
            super.feedAndGo(new Data[] { q1, q2 }, 0); // ein State extra im workflow

        /* Länge der Abflusszeitreihe */
        super.feedAndGoSimpleTextInput("year_input_q_series", String.valueOf(this.years_length));

        /* (W)Q-Input / UD Input */

        final Data[] wqData = Segment.getDataforFeed("wq_values", this.segments);
        final Data[] wqAndMode = super.addItemToExistingData(wqData,
                new StringOptionsData("bundu.wst.mode", "bundu.wst.mode", new DataItem[] { new DefaultDataItem("Q", "Q", "Q") }));

        super.feedAndGo(wqAndMode, //
                0);// reachable state index

        /* calc_choice */
        final Data preprocessingData = super.getSimpleTextInput("preprocessing", String.valueOf(this.preprocessing));
        final Data functionData = super.getSimpleTextInput("function", this.function);
        final Data calcChoice = super.getSimpleTextInput("calc_choice", this.calcChoice);
        super.feedAndGo(new Data[] { calcChoice, preprocessingData, functionData }, 0);

        if (this.calcChoice.equals("state.bundu.wst.calc.manual")) {
            super.feedAndGo(new Data[] { functionData }, 0); // extra states im workflow
            super.feedAndGo(new Data[] { preprocessingData }, 0);

        /* missing_volume */
        final Data missingVolume = super.getSimpleTextInput("missing_volume", String.valueOf(this.fehlvolumina));
        super.feedAndGo(new Data[] { missingVolume }, 0);

        if (this.fehlvolumina) {
            super.makeKmRange(this.fehlVolFrom, this.fehlVolTo, "ld_from_part", "ld_to_part");
            super.feedAndGoSimpleTextInput("soundings", this.sounding);
