view flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/artifacts/model/ @ 4282:8b4988815974

Added marker for Ws and Qs in Historical Discharge WQ charts. Therefore, the XYChartGenerator got two new methods addDomainMarker(Marker, boolean) and addValueMarker(Marker, boolean). The boolean parameters determine, if the marker should be visible or not. This is analogous to addAxisSeries(XYSeries, int, boolean).
author Ingo Weinzierl <>
date Mon, 29 Oct 2012 05:59:27 +0100
parents b2ea89a665bc
children f4fd64a4d502
line wrap: on
line source
package de.intevation.flys.artifacts.model;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import net.sf.ehcache.Cache;
import net.sf.ehcache.Element;

import de.intevation.flys.artifacts.cache.CacheFactory;

import de.intevation.flys.backend.SessionHolder;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import de.intevation.flys.model.River;
import de.intevation.flys.model.Wst;

import org.hibernate.Session;
import org.hibernate.Query;
import org.hibernate.SQLQuery;

import org.hibernate.type.StandardBasicTypes;

 * Creates WstValueTable s from database.
 * WstValueTable s are used to interpolate given w/q/km values.
public class WstValueTableFactory
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(WstValueTableFactory.class);

    public static final int DEFAULT_KIND = 0;

    // TODO: put this into a property file

    public static final String HQL_WST =
        "from Wst where river=:river and kind=:kind";

    public static final String SQL_SELECT_NAMES_POS =
        "SELECT position, name FROM wst_columns " +
        "WHERE wst_id = :wst_id ORDER BY position";

    /** Select Qs for wst (view sorted by column). */
    public static final String SQL_SELECT_QS =
        "SELECT column_pos, q, a, b FROM wst_q_values " +
        "WHERE wst_id = :wst_id";

    // (sorted by km)
    public static final String SQL_SELECT_WS =
        "SELECT km, w, column_pos FROM wst_w_values " +
        "WHERE wst_id = :wst_id";

    /** Statement to query qranges of a single column. */
    public static final String SQL_SELECT_QS_AT_COL =
        "SELECT q, a, b FROM wst_q_values " +
        "WHERE wst_id = :wst_id AND column_pos = :column_pos";

    // (sorted by km)
    public static final String SQL_SELECT_WS_AT_COL =
        "SELECT km, w FROM wst_w_values " +
        "WHERE wst_id = :wst_id AND column_pos = :column_pos";

    private WstValueTableFactory() {

    public static WstValueTable getTable(River river) {
        return getTable(river, DEFAULT_KIND);

     * Get WstValueTable to interpolate values of a given Wst.
    public static WstValueTable getTable(int wst_id) {

        Cache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(WstValueTableCacheKey.CACHE_NAME);

        WstValueTableCacheKey cacheKey;

        if (cache != null) {
            // "-1" is the symbolic river-id for "no river, but wst_id".
            cacheKey = new WstValueTableCacheKey(-1, wst_id);
            Element element = cache.get(cacheKey);
            if (element != null) {
                log.debug("Got specific wst value table from cache");
                return (WstValueTable) element.getValue();
        else {
            cacheKey = null;

        Session session = SessionHolder.HOLDER.get();

        // Fetch data for one column only.

        WstValueTable.Column [] columns = loadColumns(session, wst_id);
        loadQRanges(session, columns, wst_id);
        List<WstValueTable.Row> rows = loadRows(session, wst_id, columns.length);

        WstValueTable valueTable = new WstValueTable(columns, rows);

        if (valueTable != null && cacheKey != null) {
            log.debug("Store wst value table in cache");
            Element element = new Element(cacheKey, valueTable);

        return valueTable;

     * Get Table for a specific column of a wst.
    public static WstValueTable getWstColumnTable(int wst_id, int col_pos) {

        Cache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(WstValueTableCacheKey.CACHE_NAME);

        WstValueTableCacheKey cacheKey;

        if (cache != null) {
            // A negaitve/negative number is the symbolic 'river-id' for
            // "no river and kind but wst_id and colpos".
            cacheKey = new WstValueTableCacheKey(-wst_id, -col_pos);
            Element element = cache.get(cacheKey);
            if (element != null) {
                log.debug("Got specific wst value table from cache");
                return (WstValueTable) element.getValue();
        else {
            cacheKey = null;

        Session session = SessionHolder.HOLDER.get();

        // Fetch data for one column only.

        WstValueTable.Column [] columns = loadColumn(session, wst_id, col_pos);
        loadQRanges(session, columns, wst_id, col_pos);
        List<WstValueTable.Row> rows = loadRowsOneColumn(session, wst_id, col_pos);

        WstValueTable valueTable = new WstValueTable(columns, rows);

        if (valueTable != null && cacheKey != null) {
            log.debug("Store wst value table in cache (wst: "
                + wst_id + "/ col: " + col_pos + ")");
            Element element = new Element(cacheKey, valueTable);

        return valueTable;

     * Get table for first wst of given kind at given river.
    public static WstValueTable getTable(River river, int kind) {

        Cache cache = CacheFactory.getCache(WstValueTableCacheKey.CACHE_NAME);

        WstValueTableCacheKey cacheKey;

        if (cache != null) {
            cacheKey = new WstValueTableCacheKey(river.getId(), kind);
            Element element = cache.get(cacheKey);
            if (element != null) {
                log.debug("got wst value table from cache");
                return (WstValueTable)element.getValue();
        else {
            cacheKey = null;

        WstValueTable valueTable = getTableUncached(river, kind);

        if (valueTable != null && cacheKey != null) {
            log.debug("store wst value table in cache");
            Element element = new Element(cacheKey, valueTable);

        return valueTable;

    public static WstValueTable getTableUncached(River river) {
        return getTableUncached(river, DEFAULT_KIND);

    public static WstValueTable getTableUncached(River river, int kind) {

        Session session = SessionHolder.HOLDER.get();

        Wst wst = loadWst(session, river, kind);

        if (wst == null) {
            return null;

        WstValueTable.Column [] columns = loadColumns(session, wst);

        loadQRanges(session, columns, wst);

        List<WstValueTable.Row> rows = loadRows(session, wst, columns.length);

        return new WstValueTable(columns, rows);

     * @param kind Kind of wst.
    protected static Wst loadWst(Session session, River river, int kind) {
        Query query = session.createQuery(HQL_WST);
        query.setParameter("river", river);
        query.setInteger("kind",    kind);

        List<Wst> wsts = query.list();

        // TODO Multiple wsts can match, why return just the first one?
        return wsts.isEmpty() ? null : wsts.get(0);

     * Load rows with a single columns result.
     * @param session    session to use for querying db.
     * @param wstId     id of wst (in db).
     * @param column_pos the column_pos (within the db) of the wst_value_table
     *                   of which the values shall be fetched.
     * @return resultant rows.
    protected static List<WstValueTable.Row> loadRowsOneColumn(
        Session session,
        int     wstId,
        int     column_pos
    ) {
        SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(SQL_SELECT_WS_AT_COL)
            .addScalar("km", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("w",  StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE);

        sqlQuery.setInteger("wst_id", wstId);
        sqlQuery.setInteger("column_pos", column_pos);

        List<Object []> results = sqlQuery.list();

        double [] ws = null;

        List<WstValueTable.Row> rows =
            new ArrayList<WstValueTable.Row>(results.size());

        // Walk over rows.
        for (Object [] result: results) {
            ws = new double[1];
            WstValueTable.Row row =
                new WstValueTable.Row((Double) result[0], ws);

            Double w = (Double) result[1];
            ws[0] = w != null ? w : Double.NaN;

        return rows;

    protected static List<WstValueTable.Row> loadRows(
        Session session,
        int     wst_id,
        int     numColumns
    ) {
        SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(SQL_SELECT_WS)
            .addScalar("km",         StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("w",          StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("column_pos", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER);

        sqlQuery.setInteger("wst_id", wst_id);

        List<Object []> results = sqlQuery.list();

        int lastColumn = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        double [] ws = null;

        ArrayList<WstValueTable.Row> rows = new ArrayList<WstValueTable.Row>();

        for (Object [] result: results) {
            int column = (Integer)result[2];
            if (column < lastColumn) {
                ws = new double[numColumns];
                Arrays.fill(ws, Double.NaN);
                WstValueTable.Row row =
                    new WstValueTable.Row((Double)result[0], ws);
            Double w = (Double)result[1];
            ws[column] = w != null ? w : Double.NaN;
            lastColumn = column;

        return rows;

    protected static List<WstValueTable.Row> loadRows(
        Session session,
        Wst     wst,
        int     numColumns
    ) {
        return loadRows(session, wst.getId(), numColumns);

    protected static WstValueTable.Column [] loadColumn(
        Session session,
        int wst_id,
        int col_pos
    ) {
        return new WstValueTable.Column [] {
            new WstValueTable.Column(WKmsFactory.getWKmsName(col_pos, wst_id))};

     * Get columns from wst-id.
    protected static WstValueTable.Column [] loadColumns(
        Session session,
        int wst_id
    ) {
        SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(SQL_SELECT_NAMES_POS)
            .addScalar("position",   StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
            .addScalar("name",       StandardBasicTypes.STRING);

        sqlQuery.setInteger("wst_id", wst_id);

        List<Object []> columnNames = sqlQuery.list();

        WstValueTable.Column [] columns =
            new WstValueTable.Column[columnNames.size()];

        for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) {
            columns[i] = new WstValueTable.Column(
        return columns;

     * Get columns from Wst.
    protected static WstValueTable.Column [] loadColumns(
        Session session,
        Wst     wst
    ) {
        return loadColumns(session, wst.getId());

     * Build a QRange-Tree.
    protected static void loadQRanges(
        Session                 session,
        WstValueTable.Column [] columns,
        int                     wst_id,
        int                     column_pos
    ) {
        SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(SQL_SELECT_QS_AT_COL)
            .addScalar("q", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("a", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("b", StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE);

        sqlQuery.setInteger("wst_id",     wst_id);
        sqlQuery.setInteger("column_pos", column_pos);

        List<Object []> qRanges = sqlQuery.list();

        int qSize = qRanges.size();

        QRangeTree qRangeTree = new QRangeTree(
            qRanges, QRangeTree.WITHOUT_COLUMN, 0, qSize);

    protected static void loadQRanges(
        Session                 session,
        WstValueTable.Column [] columns,
        int                     wst_id
    ) {
        SQLQuery sqlQuery = session.createSQLQuery(SQL_SELECT_QS)
            .addScalar("column_pos", StandardBasicTypes.INTEGER)
            .addScalar("q",          StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("a",          StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE)
            .addScalar("b",          StandardBasicTypes.DOUBLE);

        sqlQuery.setInteger("wst_id", wst_id);

        List<Object []> qRanges = sqlQuery.list();

        int     start      = -1;
        int     Q          = qRanges.size();
        Integer lastColumn = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < Q; ++i) {
            Object [] qRange = qRanges.get(i);
            Integer columnId = (Integer)qRange[0];
            if (lastColumn == null) {
                lastColumn = columnId;
                start = i;
            else if (!lastColumn.equals(columnId)) {
                QRangeTree qRangeTree = new QRangeTree(qRanges, start, i);
                lastColumn = columnId;
                start = i;

        if (start != -1) {
            QRangeTree qRangeTree = new QRangeTree(qRanges, start, Q);

        /* This is debug code to visualize the q ranges trees out = null;
        try {
            out = new
                    "/tmp/qranges" + System.currentTimeMillis() + ".dot"));

            out.println("graph \"Q ranges trees\" {");

            for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; ++i) {
                QRangeTree tree = columns[i].getQRangeTree();


        catch ( ioe) {
        finally {
            if (out != null) {


    protected static void loadQRanges(
        Session                 session,
        WstValueTable.Column [] columns,
        Wst                     wst
    ) {
        loadQRanges(session, columns, wst.getId());

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