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view flys-client/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/client/server/ @ 5000:99b452967737
author | Felix Wolfsteller <> |
date | Fri, 15 Feb 2013 12:47:15 +0100 |
parents | fac54537db5b |
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package de.intevation.flys.client.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.NamedNodeMap; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import de.intevation.artifacts.common.ArtifactNamespaceContext; import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.ClientProtocolUtils; import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils; import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils.ElementCreator; import de.intevation.artifacts.httpclient.exceptions.ConnectionException; import de.intevation.artifacts.httpclient.http.HttpClient; import de.intevation.artifacts.httpclient.http.HttpClientImpl; import de.intevation.artifacts.httpclient.http.response.DocumentResponseHandler; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.exceptions.ServerException; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Artifact; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.AttributedTheme; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.ChartMode; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Collection; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.CollectionItem; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.DefaultCollection; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.DefaultCollectionItem; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.DefaultFacet; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.ExportMode; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Facet; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.MapMode; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.OutputMode; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.OverviewMode; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.ReportMode; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Recommendation; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Theme; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.ThemeList; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Settings; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Property; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.PropertyGroup; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.PropertySetting; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.StringProperty; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.DoubleProperty; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.IntegerProperty; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.BooleanProperty; import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.OutputSettings; //temporary /** * @author <a href="">Ingo Weinzierl</a> */ public class CollectionHelper { private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CollectionHelper.class); public static final String ERROR_ADD_ARTIFACT = "error_add_artifact"; public static final String ERROR_REMOVE_ARTIFACT = "error_remove_artifact"; public static final String XPATH_FACETS = "art:facets/art:facet"; public static final String XPATH_LOADED_RECOMMENDATIONS = "/art:artifact-collection/art:attribute/art:loaded-recommendations/art:recommendation"; public static Document createAttribute(Collection collection) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.createAttribute"); Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument(); ElementCreator cr = new ElementCreator( doc, ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI, ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_PREFIX); Element attr = cr.create("attribute"); doc.appendChild(attr); Map<String, OutputMode> tmpOuts = collection.getOutputModes(); Element outs = createOutputElements(cr, collection, tmpOuts); Element recs = createRecommendationsElements(cr, collection); if (outs != null) { attr.appendChild(outs); } if (recs != null) { attr.appendChild(recs); } return doc; } /** * Creates a whole block with art:output nodes. * * @param cr The ElementCreator used to create new elements. * @param c The collection. * @param modes The OutputModes that should be included. * * @return an element with output modes. */ protected static Element createOutputElements( ElementCreator cr, Collection c, Map<String, OutputMode> mmodes) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.createOutputElements"); java.util.Collection<OutputMode> modes = mmodes != null ? mmodes.values() : null; if (modes == null || modes.size() == 0) { logger.debug("Collection has no modes: " + c.identifier()); return null; } Element outs = cr.create("outputs"); for (OutputMode mode: modes) { Element out = createOutputElement(cr, c, mode); if (out != null) { outs.appendChild(out); } } return outs; } /** * Create a node art:output that further consist of art:theme nodes. * * @param cr The ElementCreator used to create new elements. * @param c The collection. * @param mode The OutputMode. * * @return an element that represents an output mode with its themes. */ protected static Element createOutputElement( ElementCreator cr, Collection collection, OutputMode mode) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.createOutputElement"); Element out = cr.create("output"); cr.addAttr(out, "name", mode.getName(), false); ThemeList themeList = collection.getThemeList(mode.getName()); List<Theme> themes = themeList != null ? themeList.getThemes() : null; if (themes == null || themes.size() == 0) { logger.debug("No themes for output mode: " + mode.getName()); return null; } for (Theme theme: themes) { Element t = createThemeElement(cr, collection, theme); if (t != null) { out.appendChild(t); } } Document doc = out.getOwnerDocument(); ElementCreator settingscr = new ElementCreator(doc, "", ""); Settings settings = collection.getSettings(mode.getName()); if (settings == null || settings.getCategories().size() == 0) { logger.debug("No settings for output mode: " + mode.getName()); } else { Element s = createSettingsElement(settingscr, collection, settings); if (s != null) { out.appendChild(s); } }; return out; } /** * Creates a theme node art:theme that represents a curve in a chart or map. * * @param cr The ElementCreator used to create new elements. * @param collection The collection. * @param theme The theme whose attributes should be written to an element. * * @return an element that contains the informtion of the given theme. */ protected static Element createThemeElement( ElementCreator cr, Collection collection, Theme theme) { if (theme == null) { return null; } Element t = cr.create("facet"); if (theme instanceof AttributedTheme) { AttributedTheme at = (AttributedTheme) theme; Set<String> keys = at.getKeys(); for (String key: keys) { cr.addAttr(t, key, at.getAttr(key), true); } } else { cr.addAttr(t, "active", Integer.toString(theme.getActive()), true); cr.addAttr(t, "artifact", theme.getArtifact(), true); cr.addAttr(t, "facet", theme.getFacet(), true); cr.addAttr(t, "pos", Integer.toString(theme.getPosition()), true); cr.addAttr(t, "index", Integer.toString(theme.getIndex()), true); cr.addAttr(t, "description", theme.getDescription(), true); cr.addAttr(t, "visible", Integer.toString(theme.getVisible()), true); } return t; } /** * Creates a whole block with art:loaded-recommendations nodes. * * @param cr The ElementCreator used to create new elements. * @param c The collection. * * @return an element with loaded recommendations. */ protected static Element createRecommendationsElements( ElementCreator cr, Collection c) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.createRecommendationsElements"); List<Recommendation> rs = c.getRecommendations(); if (rs == null || rs.size() == 0) { logger.debug("Collection did not load recommendations: " + c.identifier()); return null; } Element loaded = cr.create("loaded-recommendations"); for (Recommendation r: rs) { Element recommendation = createRecommendationElement(cr, c, r); if (recommendation != null) { loaded.appendChild(recommendation); } } return loaded; } /** * Create a node art:recommended. * * @param cr The ElementCreator used to create new elements. * @param c The collection. * @param r The Recommendation. * * @return an element that represents an output mode with its themes. */ protected static Element createRecommendationElement( ElementCreator cr, Collection c, Recommendation r) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.createRecommendationElement"); Element recommendation = cr.create("recommendation"); cr.addAttr(recommendation, "factory", r.getFactory(), true); cr.addAttr(recommendation, "ids", r.getIDs(), true); return recommendation; } /** * */ protected static Element createSettingsElement( ElementCreator cr, Collection c, Settings s) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.createSettingsElement"); Element settings = cr.create("settings"); List<String> categories = s.getCategories(); for (String category: categories) { Element cat =cr.create(category); settings.appendChild(cat); List<Property> props = s.getSettings(category); for (Property p: props) { if (p instanceof PropertyGroup) { Element prop = createPropertyGroupElement(cr, (PropertyGroup)p); cat.appendChild(prop); } else if (p instanceof PropertySetting) { Element prop = createPropertyElement (cr, (PropertySetting)p); cat.appendChild(prop); } } } return settings; } /** * */ protected static Element createPropertyGroupElement( ElementCreator cr, PropertyGroup pg) { Element e = cr.create(pg.getName()); List<Property> list = pg.getProperties(); for (Property p: list) { Element pe = createPropertyElement(cr, (PropertySetting)p); e.appendChild(pe); } return e; } /** * */ protected static Element createPropertyElement( ElementCreator cr, PropertySetting p) { Element e = cr.create(p.getName()); if(p instanceof BooleanProperty) { cr.addAttr(e, "type", "boolean", false); } else if(p instanceof DoubleProperty) { cr.addAttr(e, "type", "double", false); } else if(p instanceof IntegerProperty) { cr.addAttr(e, "type", "integer", false); } else if(p instanceof StringProperty) { cr.addAttr(e, "type", "string", false); } e.setTextContent(p.getValue().toString()); cr.addAttr(e, "display", p.getAttribute("display"), false); return e; } /** * Take the DESCRIBE document of the Collections describe() * operation and extracts the information about the collection itself and * the collection items. * * @param description The DESCRIBE document of the Collections describe() * operation. * * @return a Collection with CollectionItems. */ public static Collection parseCollection(Document description) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.parseCollection"); if (description == null) { logger.warn("The DESCRIBE of the Collection is null!"); return null; } String uuid = XMLUtils.xpathString( description, "art:artifact-collection/@art:uuid", ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE); String ttlStr = XMLUtils.xpathString( description, "art:artifact-collection/@art:ttl", ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE); String name = XMLUtils.xpathString( description, "art:artifact-collection/@art:name", ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE); if (uuid.length() == 0) { logger.warn("Found an invalid (zero length uuid) Collection!"); return null; } if (ttlStr.length() == 0) { logger.warn("Found an invalid Collection (zero length ttl)!"); return null; } long ttl = -1; try { ttl = Long.valueOf(ttlStr); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { // do nothing } List<Recommendation> recommended = parseRecommendations(description); Map<String, CollectionItem> collectionItems = new HashMap<String, CollectionItem>(); name = (name != null && name.length() > 0) ? name : uuid; Collection c = new DefaultCollection(uuid, ttl, name, recommended); NodeList items = (NodeList) XMLUtils.xpath( description, "art:artifact-collection/art:artifacts/art:artifact", XPathConstants.NODESET, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE); if (items == null || items.getLength() == 0) { logger.debug("No collection item found for this collection."); return c; } int size = items.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { CollectionItem item = parseCollectionItem( (Element)items.item(i), i == 0); if (item != null) { c.addItem(item); collectionItems.put(item.identifier() ,item); } } Map<String, ThemeList> themeLists = parseThemeLists(description, collectionItems); c.setThemeLists(themeLists); Map<String, Settings> outSettings = parseSettings(description); c.setSettings(outSettings); logger.debug( "Found " + c.getItemLength() + " collection items " + "for the Collection '" + c.identifier() + "'."); return c; } /** * @param collectionItems map to look up collection item mapping a themes * (artifact) uuid. */ protected static Map<String, ThemeList> parseThemeLists( Document desc, Map<String, CollectionItem> collectionItems ) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.parseThemeLists"); NodeList lists = (NodeList) XMLUtils.xpath( desc, "/art:artifact-collection/art:attribute/art:outputs/art:output", XPathConstants.NODESET, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE); int num = lists != null ? lists.getLength() : 0; Map<String, ThemeList> themeList = new HashMap<String, ThemeList>(num); String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Element node = (Element)lists.item(i); String outName = node.getAttribute("name"); if (outName.length() > 0) { ThemeList list = parseThemeList(node, collectionItems); if (list.getThemeCount() > 0) { themeList.put(outName, list); } } } return themeList; } /** * @param collectionItems map to look up collection item mapping a themes * (artifact) uuid. */ protected static ThemeList parseThemeList( Element node, Map<String, CollectionItem> collectionItems ) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.parseThemeList"); NodeList themes = node.getElementsByTagNameNS( ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI, "facet"); int num = themes != null ? themes.getLength() : 0; List<Theme> themeList = new ArrayList<Theme>(num); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Theme theme = parseTheme((Element)themes.item(i)); theme.setCollectionItem(collectionItems.get(theme.getArtifact())); if (theme != null) { themeList.add(theme); } } return new ThemeList(themeList); } protected static Theme parseTheme(Element ele) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.parseTheme"); String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI; NamedNodeMap attrMap = ele.getAttributes(); int attrNum = attrMap != null ? attrMap.getLength() : 0; AttributedTheme t = new AttributedTheme(); for (int i = 0; i < attrNum; i++) { Node attr = attrMap.item(i); String prefix = attr.getPrefix(); String name = attr.getNodeName().replace(prefix + ":", ""); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); t.addAttr(name, value); } return t; } /** * Parse Settings elements. * * @param description The collection description. * * @return Map containing the settings. */ protected static Map<String, Settings> parseSettings(Document description) {"parseSettings"); NodeList lists = (NodeList) XMLUtils.xpath( description, "/art:artifact-collection/art:attribute/art:outputs/art:output", XPathConstants.NODESET, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE); int num = lists != null ? lists.getLength() : 0; Map<String, Settings> list = new HashMap<String, Settings>(num); String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Element node = (Element)lists.item(i); String outName = node.getAttribute("name"); Settings s = parseSettings(outName, node); list.put(outName, s); } return list; } /** * From a document, parse the settings for an output and create an * OutputSettings object. */ protected static Settings parseSettings(String outName, Element node) { OutputSettings set = new OutputSettings(outName); NodeList elements = node.getElementsByTagName("settings"); if (elements.getLength() == 0 || elements.getLength() > 1) { return set; } Element settings = (Element)elements.item(0); // Get the categories NodeList catNodes = settings.getChildNodes(); for (int i = 0; i < catNodes.getLength(); i++) { Element catNode = (Element)catNodes.item(i); // The category name String category = catNode.getTagName(); // list of properties or groups (groups have child nodes). NodeList list = catNode.getChildNodes(); // iterate through all properties or groups. List<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property> (); for (int j = 0; j < list.getLength(); j++) { Property p; Element e = (Element)list.item(j); if (e.hasChildNodes() && e.getFirstChild().getNodeType() != Node.TEXT_NODE) { p = parseSettingsGroup(e); } else { p = parseSetting(e); } props.add(p); } set.setSettings(category, props); } return set; } /** * */ protected static Property parseSettingsGroup(Element group) { PropertyGroup p = new PropertyGroup(); p.setName(group.getTagName()); NodeList list = group.getChildNodes(); ArrayList<Property> props = new ArrayList<Property>(); for (int i = 0; i < list.getLength(); i++) { props.add(parseSetting((Element)list.item(i))); } p.setProperties(props); return p; } /** * From a property element create a Property object. */ protected static Property parseSetting(Element property){ NamedNodeMap attrMap = property.getAttributes(); int attrNum = attrMap != null ? attrMap.getLength() : 0; Node type = attrMap.getNamedItem("type"); String t = type.getNodeValue(); PropertySetting ps = new PropertySetting(); if(t.equals("string")) { ps = new StringProperty(); } else if (t.equals("integer")) { ps = new IntegerProperty(); } else if (t.equals("double")) { ps = new DoubleProperty(); } else if (t.equals("boolean")) { ps = new BooleanProperty(); } ps.setName(property.getTagName()); ps.setValue(property.getTextContent()); for (int i = 0; i < attrNum; i++) { Node attr = attrMap.item(i); String name = attr.getNodeName(); String value = attr.getNodeValue(); if(name.equals("type")) { continue; } ps.setAttribute(name, value); } return ps; } /** * This method extracts the CollectionItem from <i>node</i> with its output * modes. The output modes are parsed using the parseOutputModes() method. * * @param node A node that contains information about a CollectionItem. * * @return a CollectionItem. */ protected static CollectionItem parseCollectionItem( Element node, boolean outs ) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.parseCollectionItem"); if (node == null) { logger.debug("The node for parsing CollectionItem is null!"); return null; } String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI; String uuid = node.getAttributeNS(uri, "uuid"); String hash = node.getAttributeNS(uri, "hash"); if (uuid == null || uuid.length() == 0) { logger.warn("Found an invalid CollectionItem!"); return null; } List<OutputMode> modes = new ArrayList<OutputMode>(); if (outs) { NodeList outputmodes = node.getElementsByTagNameNS( uri, "outputmodes"); if (outputmodes.getLength() < 1) { return null; } Element om = (Element)outputmodes.item(0); modes = parseOutputModes(om); } HashMap<String, String> dataItems = new HashMap<String, String>(); NodeList dataItemNodes = node.getElementsByTagNameNS( uri, "data-items"); Element di = (Element)dataItemNodes.item(0); dataItems = parseDataItems(di); return new DefaultCollectionItem(uuid, hash, modes, dataItems); } /** * This method extracts the OutputModes available for a specific * CollectionItem and returns them as list. * * @param node The root node of the outputmodes list. * * @return a list of OutputModes. */ protected static List<OutputMode> parseOutputModes(Element node) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.parseOutputModes"); if (node == null) { logger.debug("The node for parsing OutputModes is null!"); return null; } String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI; NodeList list = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(uri, "output"); int size = list.getLength(); if (size == 0) { logger.debug("No outputmode nodes found!"); return null; } List<OutputMode> modes = new ArrayList<OutputMode>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Element tmp = (Element)list.item(i); String name = tmp.getAttributeNS(uri, "name"); String desc = tmp.getAttributeNS(uri, "description"); String mime = tmp.getAttributeNS(uri, "mime-type"); String type = tmp.getAttributeNS(uri, "type"); if (name.length() == 0) { logger.warn("Found an invalid output mode."); continue; } OutputMode outmode = null; List<Facet> fs = extractFacets(tmp); if (type.equals("export")) { outmode = new ExportMode(name, desc, mime, fs); } else if (type.equals("report")) { outmode = new ReportMode(name, desc, mime, fs); } else if (type.equals("chart")){ outmode = new ChartMode(name, desc, mime, fs, type); } else if (type.equals("map")){ outmode = new MapMode(name, desc, mime, fs); } else if (type.equals("overview")) { outmode = new OverviewMode(name, desc, mime, fs, type); } else { logger.warn("Broken Output mode without type found."); continue; } modes.add(outmode); } return modes; } /** * Create a Key/Value map for data nodes of artifact/collectionitem. */ protected static HashMap<String, String> parseDataItems(Element node) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.parseDataItems"); if (node == null) { logger.debug("The node for parsing DataItems is null!"); return null; } String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI; NodeList list = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(uri, "data"); int size = list.getLength(); if (size == 0) { logger.debug("No static data-item nodes found!"); } HashMap<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(size*2); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Element tmp = (Element)list.item(i); String key = tmp.getAttributeNS(uri, "name"); if (key.length() == 0) { logger.warn("Found an invalid data item mode."); continue; } // XXX We are restricted on 1/1 key/values in the data map here. NodeList valueNodes = tmp.getElementsByTagName("art:item"); Element item = (Element) valueNodes.item(0); String value = item.getAttributeNS(uri, "value"); logger.debug("Found a data item " + key + " : " + value); data.put(key, value); } // Dynamic data. list = node.getElementsByTagNameNS(uri, "select"); size = list.getLength(); if (size == 0) { logger.debug("No dynamic data-item nodes found!"); } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { Element tmp = (Element)list.item(i); String key = tmp.getAttributeNS(uri, "name"); if (key.length() == 0) { logger.warn("Found an invalid data item node (missing key)."); continue; } String value = tmp.getAttributeNS(uri, "defaultValue"); if (value.length() == 0) { logger.warn("Found an invalid data item node (missing value)."); continue; } logger.debug("Found a (dyn) data item " + key + " : " + value); data.put(key, value); } return data; } protected static List<Facet> extractFacets(Element outmode) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper - extractFacets()"); NodeList facetList = (NodeList) XMLUtils.xpath( outmode, XPATH_FACETS, XPathConstants.NODESET, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE); int num = facetList != null ? facetList.getLength() : 0; List<Facet> facets = new ArrayList<Facet>(num); String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Element facetEl = (Element) facetList.item(i); String name = facetEl.getAttributeNS(uri, "name"); String desc = facetEl.getAttributeNS(uri, "description"); String index = facetEl.getAttributeNS(uri, "index"); if (name != null && name.length() > 0 && index != null) { facets.add(new DefaultFacet(name, Integer.valueOf(index),desc)); } } return facets; } public static List<Recommendation> parseRecommendations(Document doc) { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.parseRecommendations"); NodeList list = (NodeList) XMLUtils.xpath( doc, XPATH_LOADED_RECOMMENDATIONS, XPathConstants.NODESET, ArtifactNamespaceContext.INSTANCE); int num = list != null ? list.getLength() : 0; List<Recommendation> recs = new ArrayList<Recommendation>(num); String uri = ArtifactNamespaceContext.NAMESPACE_URI; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Element rec = (Element) list.item(i); String factory = rec.getAttributeNS(uri, "factory"); String dbids = rec.getAttributeNS(uri, "ids"); if (factory != null && factory.length() > 0) { recs.add(new Recommendation(factory, dbids)); } } return recs; } /** * Add an artifact to a collection. * @param collection Collection to add artifact to. * @param artifact Artifact to add to collection */ public static Collection addArtifact( Collection collection, Artifact artifact, String url, String locale) throws ServerException { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.addArtifact"); if (collection == null) { logger.warn("The given Collection is null!"); return null; } Document add = ClientProtocolUtils.newAddArtifactDocument( artifact.getUuid(), null); HttpClient client = new HttpClientImpl(url, locale); try { logger.debug("Do HTTP request now."); Document response = (Document) client.doCollectionAction( add, collection.identifier(), new DocumentResponseHandler()); logger.debug( "Finished HTTP request successfully. Parse Collection now."); Collection c = CollectionHelper.parseCollection(response); if (c == null) { throw new ServerException(ERROR_ADD_ARTIFACT); } return c; } catch (ConnectionException ce) { logger.error(ce, ce); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); } throw new ServerException(ERROR_ADD_ARTIFACT); } /** * Remove an artifact from a collection. * @param collection Collection to remove artifact to. * @param artifact Artifact to add to collection */ public static Collection removeArtifact( Collection collection, String artifactId, String url, String locale) throws ServerException { logger.debug("CollectionHelper.removeArtifact"); if (collection == null) { logger.warn("The given Collection is null!"); return null; } Document remove = ClientProtocolUtils.newRemoveArtifactDocument( artifactId); HttpClient client = new HttpClientImpl(url, locale); try { logger.debug("Do HTTP request now."); Document response = (Document) client.doCollectionAction( remove, collection.identifier(), new DocumentResponseHandler()); logger.debug( "Finished HTTP request successfully. Parse Collection now."); logger.debug(XMLUtils.toString(response)); Collection c = CollectionHelper.parseCollection(response); if (c == null) { throw new ServerException(ERROR_REMOVE_ARTIFACT); } return c; } catch (ConnectionException ce) { logger.error(ce, ce); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e, e); } throw new ServerException(ERROR_REMOVE_ARTIFACT); } } // vim:set ts=4 sw=4 si et sta sts=4 fenc=utf8 :