view flys-backend/doc/schema/import-dems.sql @ 4216:a04862abce42

Don't redirect to the login page without query params Don't redirect to the login page without query params for the development mode. Therefore just reload the page after the user object is removed from the session and GGInAFilter will redirect to the correct long URL.
author Björn Ricks <>
date Tue, 23 Oct 2012 10:50:48 +0200
parents 89ada0b9083f
line wrap: on
line source
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_00000_01010', 0.0, 101.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_00000_10110.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_00992_02030', 99.0, 203.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_09920_20300.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_02020_02998', 202.0, 300.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_20200_29980.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_02981_04010', 298.0, 401.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_29810_40100.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_04000_05009', 400.0, 501.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_40000_50090.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Elbe'), 'GRD_05001_05830', 500.0, 583.0, 2003, 2007, 'GK-3', 'DHHN92', 'ESRI-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Elbe/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/m_50010_58330.grd');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00000_00058', 0.0, 6.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00058_00153', 6.0, 15.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00153_00416', 15.0, 42.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00414_01012_O', 41.0, 101.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', 'muss überarbeitet werden', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_00414_01012_W', 41.0, 101.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', 'muss überarbeitet werden', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01012_01488', 101.0, 145.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01488_01666', 145.0, 167.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01666_01960', 167.0, 196.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_01960_02044', 196.0, 204.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/1960-2044.XYZ');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_02044_02184', 204.0, 218.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/2044-2184.XYZ');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Mosel'), 'GRD_02184_02420', 218.0, 242.0, null, null, 'GK-2', 'DHHN85', 'ASCII-Grid', false, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Mosel/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/DGMW-ASCII/525480MO.XYZ');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00000_00079', 0.0, 8.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0000-0079_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00080_00204', 8.0, 20.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0080-0204_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00205_00314', 20.0, 31.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0205-0314_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00315_00541', 31.0, 54.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0315-0541_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00542_00655', 54.0, 65.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0542-0655_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00656_00828', 65.0, 83.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0656-0828_long.txt');
INSERT INTO dem (river_id, name, lower, upper, year_from, year_to,projection, elevation_state, format, border_break, resolution, description, path) VALUES ((SELECT id from rivers WHERE name = 'Saar'), 'GRD_00829_00931', 83.0, 93.0, 1999, 2002, 'GK-2', '', 'ASCII-Grid', true, '2', '', '/vol1/projects/Geospatial/flys-3.0/testdaten/Gewaesser/Saar/Geodaesie/Hoehenmodelle/km0829-0931_erweitert.txt');