view .hgignore @ 8975:a0a0a7f912ab

Added new columns bed_height.comment and sounding_width_info; extended the bed height parser for the new meta data and the min/max_height columns
author mschaefer
date Tue, 03 Apr 2018 10:40:57 +0200
parents 9459d15d5c96
line wrap: on
line source
syntax: regexp
artifacts/target      # maven output
artifacts/\.classpath # eclipse
artifacts/\.project   # eclipse
artifacts/\.settings  # eclipse
artifacts/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
backend/target      # maven output
backend/\.classpath # eclipse
backend/\.project   # eclipse
backend/\.settings  # eclipse
backend/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
gwt-client/target      # maven output
gwt-client/\.classpath # eclipse
gwt-client/\.project   # eclipse
gwt-client/\.settings  # eclipse
gwt-client/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output
etl/target      # maven output
etl/\.classpath # eclipse
etl/\.project   # eclipse
etl/\.settings  # eclipse
etl/test-output # eclipse junit/testng plugin output