view docker/Dockerfile.gwt-client @ 9759:a83029cc7e6a 3.2.x

Do not require identical values when searching for a main value E.g. a value obtained using WQ.getRawValue() is not necessarily numerically identical, but nevertheless to be considered equal, to a matching Q main value. Fixes wrong descriptions in the result of a water level calculation, where not finding a matching main value led to the value being used as description instead of the name of the matching main value.
author Tom Gottfried <>
date Thu, 10 Nov 2022 15:39:07 +0100 (2022-11-10)
parents cd07130ded8d
children e5b86f024141
line wrap: on
line source
# Docker file for D4E River GWT client

FROM centos:7

# Necessary to run further yum-installs inside Docker container,
# if not already part of the base image:
RUN yum -q -y install yum-plugin-ovl && rpm --rebuilddb

# Install prerequisites
RUN yum -q -y install maven mercurial tomcat gnu-free-sans-fonts curl

WORKDIR /opt/d4e
RUN hg clone -b $BRANCH $REPO_URL/framework
RUN hg clone -b $BRANCH $REPO_URL/http-client

RUN mvn -q -f framework/pom.xml install
RUN mvn -q -f http-client/pom.xml install

RUN curl -sLO ""

# Use latest patch release and fake version=4.1-p20141119 to work around
# the actual version (which is known to work properly)
# is not publicly available
RUN curl -sLO
RUN mvn -q install:install-file -Dfile=smartgwt.jar -Dversion=4.1-p20141119 \
    -DartifactId=smartgwt-lgpl -DgroupId=com.isomorphic.smartgwt.lgpl \

ADD . river

RUN tar -C river/gwt-client/src/main/webapp \
        --exclude=OpenLayers-2.11/doc --exclude=OpenLayers-2.11/tests \
        --exclude=OpenLayers-2.11/examples -xf OpenLayers-2.11.tar.gz
RUN rm OpenLayers-2.11.tar.gz
RUN mvn -q -f river/gwt-client/pom.xml package && \
    mv river/gwt-client/target/gwt-client-*.war \

# Configure tomcat
RUN sed -i '/Connector port="8080"/a \URIEncoding="UTF-8"' /etc/tomcat/server.xml
RUN ln -sf /opt/d4e/river/gwt-client/config/context.xml /etc/tomcat
VOLUME /opt/d4e/river/gwt-client/config

USER tomcat
ADD docker/flys_user_file /usr/share/tomcat/

CMD ["/usr/libexec/tomcat/server", "start"]