view flys-client/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/client/server/ @ 5396:aaf810d4ec82

Use new state 'outlier mehtod selection' in SQ-relation. The outlier method is no more configurable in conf.xml. The user can now select the method in SQ-relation parameters.
author Raimund Renkert <>
date Mon, 25 Mar 2013 12:40:26 +0100
parents d0a9acddbea2
line wrap: on
line source
package de.intevation.flys.client.server;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;


import de.intevation.artifacts.common.ArtifactNamespaceContext;
import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.ClientProtocolUtils;
import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils;

import de.intevation.artifacts.httpclient.exceptions.ConnectionException;
import de.intevation.artifacts.httpclient.http.HttpClient;
import de.intevation.artifacts.httpclient.http.HttpClientImpl;
import de.intevation.artifacts.httpclient.http.response.DocumentResponseHandler;

import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.exceptions.ServerException;
import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Artifact;
import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Data;
import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.DataItem;

 * This interface provides a method that bundles the artifact specific
 * operation FEED.
public class FeedServiceImpl
extends      RemoteServiceServlet
implements   FeedService
    private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FeedServiceImpl.class);

    /** XPath that points to the result type of a feed or advance operation.*/
    public static final String XPATH_RESULT = "/art:result/@art:type";

    /** XPath that points to the result type of a feed or advance operation.*/
    public static final String XPATH_RESULT_MSG = "/art:result/text()";

    /** A constant that marks errors.*/
    public static final String OPERATION_FAILURE = "FAILURE";

    /** The error message key that is thrown if an error occured while feeding
     * new data.*/
    public static final String ERROR_FEED_DATA = "error_feed_data";

     * This method triggers the FEED operation.
     * @param artifact The artifact that needs to be fed.
     * @param data An array of Data objects that contain the information that
     * are used for the FEED operation.
     * @return a new artifact parsed from the description of FEED.
    public Artifact feed(
        String   locale,
        Artifact artifact,
        Data[]   data)
    throws    ServerException

        String url  = getServletContext().getInitParameter("server-url");

        Document feed = ClientProtocolUtils.newFeedDocument(

        HttpClient client = new HttpClientImpl(url, locale);

        try {
            Document description = (Document) client.feed(
                new de.intevation.artifacts.httpclient.objects.Artifact(
                new DocumentResponseHandler());

            if (description == null) {
                logger.warn("StepForwardService.feed() - FAILED");
                throw new ServerException(ERROR_FEED_DATA);

            String result = XMLUtils.xpathString(

            if (result == null || !result.equals(OPERATION_FAILURE)) {
                logger.debug("StepForwardService.feed() - SUCCESS");
                return (Artifact) new FLYSArtifactCreator().create(description);
            else if (result != null && result.equals(OPERATION_FAILURE)) {
                String msg = XMLUtils.xpathString(
                throw new ServerException(msg);
        catch (ConnectionException ce) {
            logger.error(ce, ce);

        logger.warn("StepForwardService.feed() - FAILED");
        throw new ServerException(ERROR_FEED_DATA);

     * Triggers FEED operation, many artifacts, same data item(s).
     * @param artifacts Artifacts that shall be fed.
     * @param data An array of Data objects that contain the information that
     * are used for the FEED operation.
     * @return a new artifact parsed from the description of FEED.
    public List<Artifact> feedMany(
        String         locale,
        List<Artifact> artifacts,
        Data[]         data)
    throws    ServerException

        String url = getServletContext().getInitParameter("server-url");

        List<Artifact> resultArtifacts = new ArrayList<Artifact>();

        for (Artifact artifact: artifacts) {
  "feedMany: Relay to StepForwardServiceImpl.feed");
            Artifact fedArtifact = feed(locale, artifact, data);

        return resultArtifacts;

     * This method creates an array of key/value pairs from an array of Data
     * objects. The string array is used as parameter for the feed() operation.
     * @param data The data that should be transformed into the string array.
     * @return a string array that contains key/value pairs.
    protected String[][] createKVP(Data[] data) {
        String[][] kvp = new String[data.length][];

        int i = 0;

        for (Data d: data) {
            DataItem[] items = d.getItems();
            String key       = d.getLabel();
            String value     = d.getStringValue();

            kvp[i++] = new String[] { key, value };

        return kvp;
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