view flys-artifacts/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/exports/ @ 4573:b87073a05f9d

flys-client: Patch to render combobox options as clickable links. The way of passing data arguments to the links and further to the Artifact feeding service is somewhat hacked and should be refactored (later...).
author Christian Lins <>
date Tue, 27 Nov 2012 12:50:10 +0100
parents 5b8919ef601d
children 05eeedc5b156
line wrap: on
line source
package de.intevation.flys.exports;

import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform;
import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D;

import java.util.Date;

import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;

import org.jfree.chart.ChartRenderingInfo;
import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.DateAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.NumberAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis;
import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot;

import de.intevation.artifacts.common.ArtifactNamespaceContext;
import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils;
import de.intevation.artifacts.common.utils.XMLUtils.ElementCreator;

import de.intevation.flys.jfree.Bounds;

 * This class helps generating chart info documents.
 * @author <a href="">Ingo Weinzierl</a>
public class InfoGeneratorHelper {

    private static final Logger logger =

    protected ChartGenerator generator;

    public InfoGeneratorHelper(ChartGenerator generator) {
        this.generator = generator;

     * Triggers the creation of the chart info document.
     * @param chart The JFreeChart chart.
     * @param info An info object that has been created while chart creation.
     * @return the info document.
    public Document createInfoDocument(
        JFreeChart         chart,
        ChartRenderingInfo info)

        Document doc = XMLUtils.newDocument();

        ElementCreator cr = new ElementCreator(

        Element chartinfo = cr.create("chartinfo");

        chartinfo.appendChild(createAxesElements(cr, chart));
        chartinfo.appendChild(createTransformationElements(cr, chart, info));


        return doc;

     * This method create a axes element that contains all domain and range
     * axes of the given chart.
     * @param cr The ElementCreator.
     * @param chart The chart that provides range information of its axes.
     * @return an element with axes information.
    protected Element createAxesElements(
        ElementCreator     cr,
        JFreeChart         chart)

        Element axes = cr.create("axes");

        XYPlot plot = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot();

        int dAxisCount = plot.getDomainAxisCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < dAxisCount; i++) {
            ValueAxis axis = plot.getDomainAxis(i);
            XYDataset data = plot.getDataset(i);

            if (axis != null) {
                Element e = createAxisElement(cr, axis, data, "domain", i);

        int rAxisCount = plot.getRangeAxisCount();
        for (int i = 0; i < rAxisCount; i++) {
            ValueAxis axis = plot.getRangeAxis(i);
            XYDataset data = plot.getDataset(i);

            if (axis == null || data == null) {
                logger.warn("Axis or dataset is empty at pos: " + i);

            Element e = createAxisElement(cr, axis, data, "range", i);

        return axes;

     * This method create a axis element for a given <i>axis</i> and
     * <i>type</i>. Type can be one of 'domain' or 'range'.
     * @param cr The ElementCreator
     * @param axis The axis that provides range information.
     * @param dataset The dataset for min/max determination.
     * @param type The axis type ('domain' or 'range').
     * @param pos The position in the chart.
     * @return An element that contains range information of a given axis.
    protected Element createAxisElement(
        ElementCreator cr,
        ValueAxis      axis,
        XYDataset      dataset,
        String         type,
        int            pos)
        logger.debug("createAxisElement " + pos);
        logger.debug("Axis is from type: " + axis.getClass());

        Element e = cr.create(type);
        cr.addAttr(e, "pos",  String.valueOf(pos), true);

        if (axis instanceof DateAxis) {
                e, cr, (DateAxis) axis, dataset, type, pos);
        else {
                e, cr, (NumberAxis) axis, dataset, type, pos);

        return e;

    protected Element prepareNumberAxisElement(
        Element        e,
        ElementCreator cr,
        NumberAxis     axis,
        XYDataset      dataset,
        String         type,
        int            pos
    ) {
        Range range = axis.getRange();

        cr.addAttr(e, "from", String.valueOf(range.getLowerBound()), true);
        cr.addAttr(e, "to",   String.valueOf(range.getUpperBound()), true);
        cr.addAttr(e, "axistype", "number", true);

        Range[] rs = generator.getRangesForAxis(pos);
        Range   r  = null;

        if (type.equals("range")) {
            r = rs[1];
        else {
            r = rs[0];

        cr.addAttr(e, "min", String.valueOf(r.getLowerBound()), true);
        cr.addAttr(e, "max", String.valueOf(r.getUpperBound()), true);

        return e;

    protected Element prepareDateAxisElement(
        Element        e,
        ElementCreator cr,
        DateAxis       axis,
        XYDataset      dataset,
        String         type,
        int            pos
    ) {
        Date from = axis.getMinimumDate();
        Date to   = axis.getMaximumDate();

        Bounds bounds = null;
        if (type.equals("range")) {
            bounds = generator.getYBounds(pos);
        else {
            bounds = generator.getXBounds(pos);

        cr.addAttr(e, "axistype", "date", true);
        cr.addAttr(e, "from", String.valueOf(from.getTime()), true);
        cr.addAttr(e, "to", String.valueOf(to.getTime()), true);

        cr.addAttr(e, "min", bounds.getLower().toString(), true);
        cr.addAttr(e, "max", bounds.getUpper().toString(), true);

        return e;

     * This method appends the values of a transformation matrix to transform
     * image pixel coordinates into chart coordinates.
     * @param cr The ElementCreator.
     * @param chart The chart object.
     * @param info The ChartRenderingInfo that is filled while chart creation.
     * @return an element that contains one or more transformation matrix.
    protected Element createTransformationElements(
        ElementCreator     cr,
        JFreeChart         chart,
        ChartRenderingInfo info)

        Element tf = cr.create("transformation-matrix");

        Rectangle2D dataArea = info.getPlotInfo().getDataArea();

        XYPlot    plot  = (XYPlot) chart.getPlot();
        ValueAxis xAxis = plot.getDomainAxis();

        if (xAxis == null) {
            logger.error("There is no x axis in the chart!");
            return null;

        for (int i  = 0, num = plot.getRangeAxisCount(); i < num; i++) {
            ValueAxis yAxis = plot.getRangeAxis(i);

            if (yAxis == null) {
                logger.warn("No y axis at pos " + i + " existing.");

            Element matrix = createTransformationElement(
                cr, xAxis, yAxis, dataArea, i);


        return tf;

     * Creates an element that contains values used to transform coordinates
     * of a coordinate system A into a coordinate system B.
     * @param cr The ElementCreator.
     * @param xAxis The x axis of the target coordinate system.
     * @param yAxis The y axis of the target coordinate system.
     * @param dataArea The pixel coordinates of the chart image.
     * @param pos The dataset position.
     * @return an element that contains transformation matrix values.
    protected Element createTransformationElement(
        ElementCreator cr,
        ValueAxis      xAxis,
        ValueAxis      yAxis,
        Rectangle2D    dataArea,
        int            pos)
        double[] tm = createTransformationMatrix(dataArea, xAxis, yAxis);

        Element matrix = cr.create("matrix");

        cr.addAttr(matrix, "pos", String.valueOf(pos), true);
        cr.addAttr(matrix, "sx", String.valueOf(tm[0]), true);
        cr.addAttr(matrix, "sy", String.valueOf(tm[1]), true);
        cr.addAttr(matrix, "tx", String.valueOf(tm[2]), true);
        cr.addAttr(matrix, "ty", String.valueOf(tm[3]), true);

        if (xAxis instanceof DateAxis) {
            cr.addAttr(matrix, "xtype", "date", true);
        else {
            cr.addAttr(matrix, "xtype", "number", true);

        if (yAxis instanceof DateAxis) {
            cr.addAttr(matrix, "ytype", "date", true);
        else {
            cr.addAttr(matrix, "ytype", "number", true);

        return matrix;

     * This method determines a transformation matrix to transform pixel
     * coordinates of the chart image into chart coordinates.
     * @param dataArea The rectangle that contains the data points of the chart.
     * @param xAxis The x axis.
     * @param yAxis The y axis.
     * @return a double array as follows: [sx, sy, tx, ty].
    protected static double[] createTransformationMatrix(
        Rectangle2D dataArea,
        ValueAxis   xAxis,
        ValueAxis   yAxis)

        double offsetX = dataArea.getX();
        double width   = dataArea.getWidth();
        double offsetY = dataArea.getY();
        double height  = dataArea.getHeight();

        Range xRange = getRangeFromAxis(xAxis);
        Range yRange = getRangeFromAxis(yAxis);

        double lowerX  = xRange.getLowerBound();
        double upperX  = xRange.getUpperBound();
        double lowerY  = yRange.getLowerBound();
        double upperY  = yRange.getUpperBound();

        if (xAxis.isInverted()) {
  "X-Axis is inverted!");

            double tmp = upperX;
            upperX = lowerX;
            lowerX = tmp;

        double dMoveX = upperX - lowerX;
        double fMoveX = width * lowerX;
        double dMoveY = lowerY - upperY;
        double fMoveY = height * upperY;

        AffineTransform t1 = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(
                offsetX - ( fMoveX / dMoveX ),
                offsetY - ( fMoveY / dMoveY ) );

        AffineTransform t2 = AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(
                width / (upperX - lowerX),
                height / (lowerY - upperY));


        try {

            double[] c = new double[6];

            return new double[] { c[0], c[3], c[4], c[5] };
        catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) {
            // do nothing
            logger.warn("Matrix is not invertible.");

        return new double[] { 1d, 1d, 0d, 0d };

    protected static Range getRangeFromAxis(ValueAxis axis) {
        if  (axis instanceof DateAxis) {
            DateAxis dAxis = (DateAxis) axis;
            Date     min   = dAxis.getMinimumDate();
            Date     max   = dAxis.getMaximumDate();

            return new Range(min.getTime(), max.getTime());
        else {
            return axis.getRange();
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