view docker/httpd-wiki.conf @ 9790:75dc4ea60938 3.2.x

Drop using explicit container names Compose will generate names for the containers and containers can connect each other on the network via the service names. This avoids the unnecessary extra "name space" and prepares the application for usage with different project names.
author Tom Gottfried <>
date Thu, 20 Jul 2023 10:25:59 +0200
parents 0834c2591e14
line wrap: on
line source
ErrorLog /dev/stderr
CustomLog /dev/stdout combined

# GWT client
RedirectMatch "^/$" "/d4e-river"
ProxyPass "/d4e-river" "ajp://client:8009/d4e-river"
ProxyPassReverse "/d4e-river" "ajp://client:8009/d4e-river"

# MapServer
ProxyPass "/cgi-bin" "http://mapserv/cgi-bin"
ProxyPassReverse "/cgi-bin" "http://mapserv/cgi-bin"

# Wiki
WSGIScriptAlias /wiki /opt/wiki/moin-1.9.9/wiki/server/moin.wsgi
WSGIDaemonProcess moin user=wiki group=wiki \
    python-path=/opt/wiki/moin-1.9.9 \
    processes=5 threads=10 maximum-requests=1000 umask=0007
WSGIProcessGroup moin
<Directory /opt/wiki/moin-1.9.9/wiki/server>
    Require all granted