view backend/contrib/shpimporter/ @ 8443:df65f24af5bc

(issue1762) Use getValue to obtain dateRange values The getToValue was always the initial value regardless of what has been entered in the form. According to the documentation both getToValue and getFromValue should return the "initial value" of the form field. But wether this means the value before validation corrections or the value the field is initialized with (which is also not true in both cases as the field is set only after creation) It returned the real value for the from date but not for the to date. With an explicit getValue we workaround this issue.
author Andre Heinecke <>
date Wed, 22 Oct 2014 17:33:43 +0200
parents 5aa05a7a34b7
line wrap: on
line source
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    from osgeo import ogr
except ImportError:
    import ogr

from importer import Importer


        "sonstige" : 0,
        "brücken"  : 1,
        "wehre"    : 2,
        "pegel"    : 3,

class Building(Importer):
    fieldmap = {
            "^station$"       : "km",
            "^km$"            : "km",
            "^wsv-km$"        : "km",
            "^z$"             : "z",
            "^H[oeö]{0,2}he$" : "z",
            "^m+NHN$"         : "z",
            "^KWNAAM$"        : "description",
            "^Name$"          : "description"

    def getPath(self, base):
        return "%s/%s" % (base, PATH)

    def getTablename(self):
        return TABLE_NAME

    def getName(self):
        return NAME

    def isGeometryValid(self, geomType):
        return geomType == 2

    def isShapeRelevant(self, name, path):
        return "buhnen.shp" not in path.lower()

    def getKind(self, feat, path):
        # First try to resolve it with the filename
        for fname in ["brücke.shp", "bruecke.shp",
                     "brücken.shp", "bruecken.shp"]:
            if path.lower().endswith(fname):
                return BUILDING_KINDS["brücken"]
        for fname in ["wehr.shp", "wehre.shp"]:
            if path.lower().endswith(fname):
                return BUILDING_KINDS["wehre"]
        for fname in ["pegel.shp"]:
            if path.lower().endswith(fname):
                return BUILDING_KINDS["pegel"]

        # Now it gets ugly when we search all attributes
        ret = self.searchValue(feat, "^br[ueü]{0,2}cke[n]{0,1}$")
        if ret:
            return BUILDING_KINDS["brücken"]
        ret = self.searchValue(feat, "^wehr[e]{0,1}$")
        if ret:
            return BUILDING_KINDS["wehre"]

        return BUILDING_KINDS["sonstige"]

    def createNewFeature(self, featureDef, feat, **args):
        newFeat  = ogr.Feature(featureDef)
        geometry = feat.GetGeometryRef()

        self.copyFields(feat, newFeat, self.fieldmap)

        newFeat.SetField("kind_id", self.getKind(feat, args['path']))
        newFeat.SetField("name", args["name"])

        newFeat.SetField("river_id", self.river_id)

        return newFeat