view flys-client/src/main/java/de/intevation/flys/client/client/services/ @ 4214:e39ac9767a69

Implement UserService method to remove current user from session For being able to logout a user UserService must provide a method the remove the current user object from the session. Part of flys/issue916 (Logout: "Abmelden" Knopf mit Funktion belegen)
author Björn Ricks <>
date Tue, 23 Oct 2012 09:57:42 +0200
parents e8706fec0ee9
line wrap: on
line source

import java.util.List;


import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Artifact;
import de.intevation.flys.client.shared.model.Data;

 * This interface provides artifact specific operation FEED.
public interface FeedServiceAsync {

     * Inserts new data into an existing artifact.
     * @param locale The locale used for the request.
     * @param artifact The artifact.
     * @param data The data that should be inserted.
    public void feed(
        String                  locale,
        Artifact                artifact,
        Data[]                  data,
        AsyncCallback<Artifact> callback);

     * Inserts (the same) new data into existing artifacts.
     * @param locale The locale used for the request.
     * @param artifact The artifact.
     * @param data The data that should be inserted.
    public void feedMany(
        String                  locale,
        List<Artifact>          artifacts,
        Data[]                  data,
        AsyncCallback<List<Artifact>> callback);
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